This was a really surreal day, the kids were unbelievably lucky.  While we are in line to enter the park, we get word that the Jonas Brothers were going to be taping the Christmas special for ABC.  So we get to the castle and low and behold they are going to be there.  We wait for about 15 minutes and then, the Jo Bros come out for a sound check and then for reals for the tv & cameras.  This would have been the highlight of our trip, getting to watch them perform, I mean my kids seriously love the Jonas Brothers.
About 2 hours later, we are in line to the Haunted Mansion and guess who is a few people ahead of us... Jeanette McCurdy, she is an actress on Nickelodeon called I-Carly.  The kids were star struck, but Jacob chatted with her a few times.  He stood next to her in the elevator and was telling her that he really liked her show & she was telling him about things coming up and the movie that was on tv.  
At this point we all are on cloud 9 & can't believe how cool of a day we are having.  We go on a few rides and then we are kind of in a hurry to get to Splash Mountain, we fast passed it and needed to make it for our time.  We stopped to get a soda, when this lady comes up to Kendall and tells her what beautiful hair she has.  Come to find out these people that came up to her are call the Dream Squad.  They asked if the kids could be part of the flag ceremony at sunset.  Only 2 kids get asked everyday, what are the chances!!!  So the kids helped the Disney Color Guard and led a band around the circle on Main St.  They presented the kids with pins that you get for doing this.  They are mickey ears that look like the flag, the lady said these pins are really special because no one can buy them.  After the flags were folded and pictures were taken, a Dream Squad guy led us to any ride we wanted and walked us directly to the front of the line.  
I know I can't even believe it, it almost doesn't seem real lol.  Jacob said this was his best birthday ever.
Dream Squad guy with the kids
the kids also got a special year of a Million Dreams pin they are the huge ones they are wearing
Jeanette McCurdy with the kids
Kevin & Joe Jonas
Nick Jonas
Can I just say I love {{{{Disneyland}}}}


~amy~ said…
Sounds like you all are having a ball!!!!
Blonski fam said…
Thats too cool!! Thats awesome. I happy you had the perfect day... miss you guys!
Chris said…
what a great day!! glad it was special for you all!!
crazy4mycrafts said…
That is so cool!!! Glad you are having fun... those memories will last forever!
Melinda said…
Congrats Kendall and Jacob... I bet you will be on cloud nine for awhile These pictures will be great for scrapbooking....
Whimsey said…
Holy stinkin' cow; glad my girls aren't standing here reading this!

What a great, great trip; congrats!!

~Michele, SBS10
Laura (scrapnextras) said…
What a fab day! I can't even share this post with my dd who loves the Jonas Bro too! She'd want to trade moms LOL! Of all the music she listens to, I'd have to admit that the Jonas Bros rank highest in my books. Lucky you!
Alex said…
Holy Cow!!!! What a fantabulous day you all had - my daughter would LOVE to have seen and done what yours got to do - what a great birthday present!!! It IS the Happiest Place on Earth, isn't it??!! *STAMPIN HUGS* Alex
Unknown said…
Sound great, have a brill time all of you :D
ScrapMomOf2 said…
HOLY MOLY!! Did you guys just have the BEST DAY EVER?? Wow! How fantastic!! Yeah!!
Unknown said…
Super cool birthday!! I'm glad you had a wonderful time.
Anonymous said…
How cool is that? I'm sure Jacob will never forget this.
AJ said…
omg- my kids LOVE i carly!! they would have been in heaven to meet Sam!!!
best place on earth!
Robbie said…
What a wonderful day this must have been ... and to have been on your birthday! WOW! Happy Belated Birthday
Unknown said…
Great photos my Girls are jealous I had to show them the Jonas Brothers.

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