
I found a new stamp company (well new to me) that I really really like. Its Artistic Outpost, and their images are just so cool. Plus this set has a lot of masculine images (which I need). This truck image and sentiment, really speak to me, and it really reminds me of home. Maybe its because I'm from a really really small town in CA, and there are back country roads everywhere. I learned to drive on a country road when I was 9 or 10, once your feet can touch the pedals, you get to learn how to drive in my family. I can see myself using this stamp set a lot once my hubby leaves on deployment, it really has a nostalgic feel to it.
I hope you all are having a wonderful weekend. My son is not feeling well again, he picked whatever it is at school. Gotta love people who send their kids to school sick (enter sarcastic voice), my son is just one of those kids who pick up everything. Anyhow, today I'm off to a cooking class with a few friends. I'm really excited about it, I will let you all know how it goes.


~amy~ said…
Latisha...this is great...love the mix of kraft, black and red...perfect!
Anonymous said…
I love this card! My FIL would LOVE it too!
cnelson said…
wow!! sooooooooo fabulous!
raindropecho said…
Absolutely love the whole "feel" of this card. What a fantastic color combination!
JazzyH said…
Great card! I love the choice of paper.
Stacy Morgan said…
Very cool guy card! Glad you are getting some guy stamps. How did the cooking class go? SOrry your little one is sick. :(
Chris said…
this is the truck scott wants to remake....great card!

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