We made it

We made it to Jacksonville, FL
we found a really nice condo 3 bedrooms plus a study until we find a house to buy
I'm really really really sick, I'm actually going to the emergency room here in a minute.
Most of you know I have Crohn's Disease and when I get a simple cold it can turn bad really fast.  So I have had a cold for 2 weeks now, I really think its bronchitis now, and then my neck started hurting a few days ago.  One night I only slept for 20 minutes it hurt so bad.  
So off to the Dr, to get checked out.
Panera Bread has free wifi, so maybe I can come back tomorrow (if I'm not too bad) and have a new creation to post.
Our internet doesn't get hooked up until Friday.
see you all soon


~amy~ said…
I'm glad that you guys made it to Florida...take it easy...one of my best friends has crohn's...take care of yourself!!!
wendy said…
I hope you start feeling better soon!
Heather said…
Yipes, that's not fun at all!
Feel better soon, we'll wait for you. :)
Anonymous said…
Yay! glad you made!
Sorry to hear you still aren't well...chicken noodle soup (and pepperoni pizza) is what DH says cures all..LOL.
ScrapMomOf2 said…
Oh no! Feel better! I'm glad you made it safely, and I'm glad you found a place to live! Take care Latisha!!
Unknown said…
II hope the hospital fixed you all up and that you didn't have to spend the whole day there.
ronee said…
where are you?? let me know if you have time to hang out and catch up! glad you found some place..sorry to hear you are sick!
Stacy Morgan said…
Glad you made it Latisha. I really hope its not bronchitis! Keep well Hugs...
Anonymous said…
Yeah!! You found a condo! But I'm so sorry you are so sick. Hope that you are on the mend.
ScrapMomOf2 said…
I hope you're feeling better! I gave you an award on my blog!! Take care Latisha!!
ronee said…
I hope you aren't in the hospital! please call me if you need anything.
Alex said…
Oh girl, I am soooo glad you guys made it safe - I just hate that drive!! So sorry you are not feeling well, I was wondering how you would handle this trip!!! Hang in there, my friend!!

Hey, my house is for sale - in a gated community, 4b3b with pool!!


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