Just Thinking

Let me just say, Cosmo Cricket rub ons are most excellent when you are in a hotel room and want to craft.  I brought my Slice along (its really small and doesn't need to be plugged in) and thats how I was able to get that shape.  Both papers are from the Cosmo Cricket Little Boys paper line and the rub on is from the CC Get Happy rub-a-dub-dub pack.
"Just Thinking"
I'm just thinking this is a long car ride to Florida...

**Edited, we made it to Demming, New Mexico, its about 600 miles from SD, there wasn't too much traffic on the roads so that was nice.  We ate at Cracker Barrel, I have missed that place!  We are around 100 miles or so from El Paso, so I'm thinking that we will make it somewhere in between San Antonio and Houston tonight.  No crafting tonight, we made it to our hotel too late.  But if our hotel tonight has wifi I will have a post for tomorrow.  I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!


~amy~ said…
Look @ you...craftin' in a hotel room! Sweet card...you guys are making great progress on your road trip!
Tracey said…
Love this card!!!

Save travels to you!!
Unknown said…
600 miles away and you could not make the little Jaunt, shame ;) I am glad your travels have been safe and you can get in some creative time.
Marlou McAlees said…
loooove this card and the papers are fab Latisha!! :) happy new year if I forgot to say :) x
Laura (scrapnextras) said…
Wonderful card Latisha! I hope your journey is safe and "uneventful"...in a good way! Happy New Year!
Betty Wright said…
Beautiful, Latisha!!!! Are you stamping in your car while riding? Keeping you and family in my prayers!!!!
ScrapMomOf2 said…
Wow, I totally remember LONG road trips from IL to AZ when the girls were little! We would be in the van for 12 hours or more. Anyway, stay safe! Very nice! CUTE card!
Anonymous said…
It's so awesome that you are able to craft on the road!
Hope the rest of your trip is smooth sailing.
Chris said…
cute card!! i don't think the rest of us would be crafting in a hotel room...you are such a junkie!! >"<
Anonymous said…
How cool is this!! Even on the road you make wonderful creative cards! Awesome!

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