
Happiness (n) state of well being characterized by emotions ranging from contentment to intense, emotions experienced when in a state of well being.

Since I spent most of the last few days in bed, I don't have anything crafty to share today, just some words.  Have you ever thought about what makes you happy?   If you strip away the mother, wife, paper crafter title, who are you and what makes you happy?  For me its the very simple and basic things in life that define me and make me happy.  

what makes me happy
sitting on my children's bed and watching them sleep even though they are not babies anymore
a good cup of tea
sitting on the beach
seeing Mickey Mouse
documenting my families life
chatting with old friends
being authentic and real
watching elderly couples have date night
sleeping in
long showers
sonic ice
Gallo salami
being creative
watching my children smile
hugs from my husband/children
road trips
choosing to be positive
riding my bike
having a Mac

I think I will stop there
I'm not feeling well at all, so when I'm having days like this, I try to be positive instead of wallowing in self pity.  Any little disturbance in my life can send me into a flare up, so positive thinking and finding the blessing of having Crohn's Disease instead of the curse helps the day go by.

I love Florida, but I'm having a little bout of home-sickness, I really miss my friends and family lately.  

I hope you have a wonderful day full of happiness 


~amy~ said…
Hey Latisha...hang in there my dear!!! One of my bestest friends has been living with Crohn's Disease too...
~Lori Roop said…
I'm sry you're not feeling well Latisha!! You're not alone! Sometimes, I feel like I have more than my share! lol
But when I'm weak.....my faith makes me strong! I'll keep you in my prayers today!!

I don't have Crohn's but I'm sure it's not a picnic! Take care of yourself!! Rest, rest, rest!! :D
Stacy Morgan said…
Oh Latisha I hope you are feeling better soon. Home sick doesn't help either.... Big hugs and trying to stay positive is the best thing you can do. Said a prayer for you! Hugs..
slbt17 said…
Hang in there - keep thinking those positive thoughts!
Amy said…
Sending well wishes your way! Good job making lemonade out of lemons. You rock!
Dana Joy said…
Hey babes. Hold on to your positive thoughts and you will pull through this.Your words of encouragement helped me to heal and I hope my words will help you right now. I pray that you have a positive day and you feel better soon. Hugs!!
Sharli Schaitberger said…
You have a wonderful attitude. Thank you for reminding me that life is about the important things, not the immediate things. Hope you're feeling better soon - well, more than hope, I know you will be.
Anonymous said…
Nice to see this really amazing blog..

Thank you..
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Ann said…
SO glad you wrote this...I've been sick and wallowing in self-pity the last few days. Makes me want to go write my own list now...

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