All Smiles

Is anyone else having problems with blogger?  I set this to post this morning...but it didn't.  Anyhow, here is a layout of the kids, the pictures are a few years old and some of my favorites, they are of a day trip to Cypress Gardens, SC.  I can't believe how fast children grow up, I love the people my children are becoming, however watching them grow up pulls at my heart strings, I just wish time could slow down sometimes.  Do you feel that way too?
Onto the layout lol, the white base is textured paper from American Crafts and the designer paper and stickers are also American Crafts from the Backyard collection...oh the Thickers are American Crafts too.  You can find all of this yummy stuff at Embellish-Online (and they have the new Early Bird stuff too).  The sketch layout I used is not my original design, it was created by Christine.
"all smiles"


Amy said…
What beautiful children you have! Love the design of your page and the colors. I am going to have to try those Thickers!
Chris said…
this is adorable! love the photos of your kids...such cuties! >"<
ellen s. said…
i love the bright colors! beautiful and i dig the journaling over the to papers!

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