baby shower gift and card

Well I made it back from Charleston, SC about an hour ago.  I have a cooking class to go to around noon today, but I wanted to get this posted before I forgot (I need to go to bed lol).  Here is the card and basket I gave to my friend along with the diaper cake.  A lot of stuff you cannot see in the basket so here is a summary lol
7 or 8 outfits
Johnson & Johnson products
hooded towel
wash cloths
leopard stuffed animal (noah's ark is the theme)
stackable toy thing
old fashioned pull along phone on wheels
the link toys, that you can use to attach toys to stuff
$25 gift card to Chili's (date for them before baby comes)
uh and I can't remember what else lol
before anyone asks I got the ribbon and basket from AC Moore


Amy said…
Wow, that is one lucky baby! That yellow towel with the turtle is sooo cute. Very pretty card too and appropriate sentiment.
~amy~ said…
whatta jackpot! SWEET card and check out all those is so much fun shopping for a baby shower!!
Chris said…
very cute! i'm sure she appreciated all that you did! >"<
Patti said…
What a great gift basket set! Your blog is great. I have run across it many times before through the Flourishes site. I love those stamps!
Stacy Morgan said…
Awww... This is such a sweet little gift! Your friend is going to love it Latisha.

Can you tell I am catching up on blogs this morning. LOL

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