Thank You & a love note

Thank you to everyone who has reached out to me.
It really has made the last few days a little brighter.
I am still in a "wait & see" from my doctors.  I went in and did lab work today, so tomorrow morning I will have more of an idea of what is going on.

When I was sent home from the hospital on Friday, the Doctor told me to relax, and when I started to feel upset or anxious, to go & do something that makes me happy.  

So, as I was sitting on my couch, letting seeds of worry cloud my brain.  I decided to go make a card.

I used things that I love.  
Like my favorite color combination, red & yellow.  As I started to pick out materials to use, I realized that I should really send my husband a card.  He needs some extra love right now too.
Isn't the sentiment perfect?  "My Heart is always with you" That can just make me teary thinking about it.  

I know it seems a little feminine and girly but I think that is okay.  This is a love note to my husband, so it needs to represent me.  I think I will spray it with some of my perfume too.  Just a little reminder of home.

I hope you all are having a wonderful Monday!  Mine started out cold.  I didn't know it was 27 degrees this morning when I walked outside lol...that woke me up for sure!

The paper is from We R Memory Keepers, and I believe the little pocket thing in the front is from Bo Bunny.  The stamps are PTI, and I added some May Arts ribbon & Kaiser Craft bling on the bottom.  Sorry the materials list is a little vague.  I am not in the same room as my supplies right now.


Frogs-n-Butterflies said…
so perfect! love the color combo! ~hugs, cheri
Anita Rex said…
Hi Latisha I don't know if I have ever left you a comment before but I want to today. I am so sorry for what you are going through. Your baby may not have been planned but it sounds like they are so wanted. I pray and hope that your baby will make it through this rough patch and than in a few months will be healthy in your arms. What your going through is so terrifying and having to do it alone makes it so much harder. Please know that even though I don't know you if I could I would come over and sit with you, cry with you, hug you or make you laugh, whatever you need. But since I can't I am sending you a virtual hug. I am glad you made such a beautiful card since it helps take your mind off of things. What else I find helps is blog hopping or doing some fun checking out new to you scrappy companies! Thinking of you! :>
Unknown said…
Hi Latisha. I just read what you are going through. I will pray for you and your baby, I will ask God to give you strength to overcome this and to let you hold your baby in a near future. I am sending you a big hug. Your card is wonderful and I'm sure that your husband will love it.

I will be praying for you my dear. Take care.
daisydilly (vicki) said…
Still praying for you. The dr is right don't let clouds of darkness surround you. Singing happy songs might also help.

Your card is awesome
Jessica Diedrich said…
Your card is beautiful and the sentiment 10x are loved, my friend. <3
Ann said…
It's wonderful...I'm sure he'll love it!
Gerdine said…
Sure he will love it, because it's from you! Wish you all the best and take care!
Anonymous said…
Beautiful card and sentiment Latisha. My heart goes out to both of you. Know your Lives and Happiness are in my prayers always.
Sending you good thoughts and lots of prayers! Follow the doctor's advice and take care of YOU-God is in control, no matter what, and WILL take care of you! Hubby will love the card, too! Great job!
bethann d said…
i think your husband will love to get this. i do love it and don't think it is too femme.
Sally Watkins said…
Try to be as positive as you can in such a dark time. I am a firm believer that our thoughts and what we feel in our hearts sets the tone and opens the door for miracles.
Vera Yates (Ling) said…
Tisha, this is so lovely. I am sur eyour husband will absolutely love it. Keeping you in my prayer and sending you big hugs. xx
Lynnette said…
Latisha, you and your family continue to be in my prayers, I pray for the Lord to sustain you. This card is lovely, so glad you were able to do something to calm you somewhat, and making it for you darling husband makes it all the better. He will LOVE it.
Monika/Buzsy said…
Latisha... just wanted to let you know that you are in my thoughts. Hope you got good news on Monday and you are still pregnant. Just know that whatever happens it happens for a reason! I had 3 miscarriages before we had my first son... then we weren't going to have another one... but 6 years later, we were blessed with another healthy boy. Keep up the faith and stay calm!
Lovely card. Everything is just perfect. :o)
Geny said…
What a beautiful card, I am sure your hubby will love it! Hope the results from the bloodwork are good...thinking of you ♥!

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