Some of our OP-Love session proofs

Can I show you a few pictures really fast?
I have been receiving the proofs over the last few days.  I can't wait to see all of them!
They are from our OP-Love photo shoot.
(photo shoot right before a deployment)
Thank you so much to Mady Joe Photography for capturing these photos for my family!  If you click on the link it will take you to her blog, scroll down and there are more sneaks over there!!
My emotions are all over the place right now, so looking at these photos puts a big smile on my face.  Seeing my family complete.  If you are wondering what my husband is wearing in the first photo, it is his flight suit (Navy Helo Pilot).


~amy~ said…
FAB pics...thanks for sharing...hang in there..
Melanie said…
you are rockin that outfit, great pics!!
Anonymous said…
Cute tags - cute family!
Luv 2 Create said…
Gorgeous tags Latisha. Love the stick pins you are using and that gorgeous rock. Beautifully done. Great Kit to work with. Come on Thursday.
--Marcy said…
Excellent Fog look! TFS the fam pics too! 2011 looks like a great year!
Brandi said…
Your picks are adorable! I love the one of the kids standing off to the side while you and the hubby are sitting on the bench!
Thanks for sharing,
Cathy P in AZ said…
Such a beautiful family! I LOVE the pic of all of you on the bench! So happy and sweet! TFS!
The Archiving Angel said…
Latisha~ I was first struck by the beautiful tags you made showcasing Gina K's stamps. Then as I scrolled down & read with further interest I could not help but notice we had more common ground. My husband is deploying this weekend, he too is a pilot although with the Air Force. I did not know about the op-love photo sessions so thanks for sharing that. You have a lovely family. May God's love give you the strength & support you need while your husband is away. I for one am very appreciative of his service and stand with you in solidarity as a military wife.
All the best & happy new year,
P.S. Your blog is beautiful as is your family!
Linda said…
Guest Designer - lots of pressure. You are doing some wonderful things. Keep it up
Gorgeous tags and pics. So lovely.
Thank you also for the instructios.

Elizabeth said…
What beautiful pictures!

Unknown said…
Gorgeous photos! Love the style! Thanks for sharing and may God bless your family while you are apart.
Sara Paschal said…
Prayers are with you and your family Latisha I know this gets hard for you. You can do it and inspire others along the way;)

Love these pics, so beautiful. You are rockn' the heals girl. My back would break in half in two minutes;)

Hugs and lots of good thoughts.
Vicki and Don said…
Just wanted to say "thank you". Thank you first to your husband for serving our great country. It is the men and women who sacrifice so much to make this the great country that it is. Second, I want to thank you and your family. Not only is your husband sacrificing, but the families of these brave men and women give so much themselves! Thank you seems like so little to say to all of you! My blessings and thanks of gratitude!! the pictures! They are great!
barbwire802 said…
You are a beautiful family. I loved all the pictures that you shared with us. I hope you do not have to pick just one! You also do beautiful cards too. Your blog is definately one I am going to visit often.

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