re-do & rambling

OK, so I made a card last night and I'm not digging it, so I'm going to do make a new card to show a little later.  Jess is gone this week, so my crafting time gets cut a bit.  The kids have around 10 days left of school (we home schooled this year)...can I get an AMEN?!?!!  I have really enjoyed teaching them this year, I have learned a lot about myself and my children, but I am so ready for a break!  Its really tough when Jess is gone, I never get a break.  So come May 1st, the kids and I are going to party like rock style.


Sandy from Ukiah said…
I'll give you an AMEN.. I have homeschooled Alex for 10 years. Do I get an AMEN here? LOL He is a senior and gradutaing from hs in May... Party on friend
ronee said…
AMEN..Tyra is so close to being done..i wish she would just knock it all out this week..oh well..have fun..being done with school!
Stacy Morgan said…
Very cool! You enjoy that time. ANd you have more patience that I do to home school. Good for you!

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