I have been hanging out the last couple of days, and have nothing to show {sorry}. So I thought I would share a picture. This is my husband Jess and I in front of the Golden Gate Bridge. I had my daughter Kendall take this picture of us, on our last trip home. We are from N. California, so I got to see the GG bridge my whole life. It will be nice to frame this picture, to look at when I am missing "home".
On a side note, we went and saw Dark Knight {Batman}...it was really really good! We bought tickets last night for the early show today, 10:50 am. The movie theater was packed, and when we left there was a line 1/4 mile long!
Anyhow, I hope everyone has a great weekend. I have lots of swaps and projects to do, so maybe I will have something tomorrow. >"<
Our local news station's entertainment guy is CRAZY about The Dark Knight. He said Heath Ledger is absolutely amazing in the movie. It's definitely on my list of movies to see!
Have a great weekend!