Seasons Giving Blog Hop Year 7!

Hello friends!
Welcome to the 2019 Seasons Givings Blog Hop!
Can you believe this is the 7th year we are doing this?!

Thank you so much to all of the loyal blog readers who support me, as well as the companies that I work for. I love the card making/paper craft community. We all love to make cards, that will make someones day. There truly is no selfless act like sending handmade happiness in the mail to someone.

I cannot believe that 2018 is already over. I felt every single minute of my age this year. I saw more wrinkles, more grey hair, more weight...but with all of those negative things in the back of my mind. I have never been happier in my life, my marriage, being a mother and a friend. With age comes wisdom, and I truly never realized that until this year. I do not sweat the small things anymore, I am prayerfully grateful for my health, my family and friends. There is a lot that I keep private from readers and on social media. I think keeping good deeds close to my heart and not sharing them, keeps me humble. One of the most soul fulfilling things I do, is help people. I help strangers and friends/family because its a calling. This year I had a lot of heart to heart talks with God. What I want to leave you with is this. If you feel pulled to do something for someone, but you keep talking yourself out of it. Stop. Do the good deed. It will make your cup overflow. With that said, I hope 2019 brings you so much happiness that you feel like you are magic. Love you all!

Today I am giving away...

Gift Certificate to Lawn Fawn
gift certificate to Ellen Hutson
gift certificate to Starbucks

and a box full of stamps/dies from the amazing Susan Opel

1 person will get the gift certificate and 1 person will get the box of stamps and dies. 
Leave a comment telling me your favorite memory of 2018
this giveaway will end on Jan 5, 2019 winners will be announced on January 6, 2019

Every single blog listed below, is having a giveaway/s. 

Lawn Fawn
Scrapbook and Cards Today Magazine


Anna Rodgers said…
This is my first time ever following along in the Season’s Givings Blog Hop! I’m excited to meet some new crafty friends and maybe learn something new in 2019! Thanks so much for sharing your heart! My favorite memory of 2018? That’s a tough one as I have so many great ones. I guess the best one is hearing my sweet grandchildren squeal “Nana” every time they see me or hear my voice on their mommy’s phone!
Janet said…
Morning and a Happy New Year. My favorite memory has to be seeing my daughter for the first time in many months when I visited her at varsity. I miss her so much my heart aches.
Marsha said…
Thank you for your beautiful post and words from your heart. One of my favorite memories for 2018 was the weekend that all my children,their spouses, and all my grandchildren were with us to celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary.

Billie A said…
Happy New Year.. I am so grateful for 2018 and my favorite memory is getting to see my grandchildren since they live out of state. Being able to visit my daughter and just being with family.. I know 2019 will be a blessed year and hope yours is too.
Ccarlene said…
Happy 2019! I have so much to be thankful and happy about in 2018. One of the highlights was turning 50 and surrounded by the love of family and friends. I look forward to the next 50 with enthusiasm and I hope to make a positive difference in the life of others
SusieScrapper said…
Happy New Year! My favorite memory from 2018 would probably be when we went to visit our grandsons in Michigan. We only get to see them once a year, so it’s very special. We all did a lot of fishing and went out with the in-laws on their pontoon boat. Just spending time with them is special. I’m also a California girl, lived in Northern California most of my life.
HeatherB said…
Thank you for organizing the hop! My favorite 2018 memory was this past summer. We bought our first travel trailer and seeing the looks on my kids faces as we enjoy the outdoors together as a family. I can't wait to start planning this summer's adventures!
Autumn Crain said…
Love blog hops!! My favorite memory of 2018 was when I found my brother (he’s blind & mentally challenged) who was missing for about 20yrs!! Long story short, my dad took him to get away from our mom. My dad got deathly sick & brother was put in a care home. My dad left my sister has his last of kin, which then led us right to our brother. It’s been about 8-9 months now!! 😊
Georgiana said…
My favorite 2018 memory is when my son bought his first home all on his own and moved in. That did give me a craft room, but him being independent and successful were a much greater reward. Thank you for organizing this hop so many years ago and continuing the tradition. Happy New Year.
Hanne xo said…
Happy New Year. The best memory of 2018 was the birth of my grandsons. They are twins and I am so gratefull that they are healthy.
Paula Ganyard said…
My favorite memory from 2018 was celebrating a milestone birthday in Cabo San Lucas and having Happy Birthday sculpted in the sand in front of our condo. Everyone in the resort knew it was my bday after that! I then turned three shells from that trip into a snowman Christmas card to send to the person that arranged that surprise for me.
Nancy Bogart said…
My favorite memory of 2018 was spending my birthday (biggie) in Europe with my family!
lmiceli05 said…
So generous of you...and you're right about this card making/paper crafting community. We enjoy what we so but it makes someone's day to receive a handmade card. I don't have one single memory that stands out....just being able to spend time with my 90 year old father is priceless to me.
~amy~ said…
Latisha, thanks for all your work behind the hop. I super appreciate your time + patience. I'm such a fan of your work and style.

Favorite memory of 2018? I have many but getting married in August was the best.
Teresa Doyle said…
Happy New Year Latisha.
My fave memories are whenever our children are here at the same time so we are all together. I cannot think of a specific memory that can top that for me!
Lana said…
THank you for a chance to win! My favorite memory of 2018 would have to be of this past Christmas with my family all together. My daughters both live in different states now so just having us all together warms my heart! Happy New Year!
Denise Mills said…
Happy New Year. My favorite memory of 2018 is when my family got together for Easter
pajaropr said…
Happy New Year, My favorite memory of 2018 was two different trips one to Georgia and another one to Georgetown Washington DC.
Lisa Byers said…
Thank you so much for organizing this hop!! Hops are so much fun!! I think my favorite memory is Easter. I had my sons and their families here. We always have a big egg hunt in our yard. My grandson and granddaughter are both 5 and it is hilarious watching those two running around searching for those colorful eggs!! One could be right in front of them and they look all around it and we are all yelling "look down" and they will look up every time!! They get so excited!! Then we blow bubbles and it is always a little breezy and those two will run after them. We all sit outside and just be together as a family.
Karen Ondes said…
First time visiting your site, beautiful. Our favorite memories are family camping!
Karen said…
My favorite memory of 2018 is riding with husband. There is nothing better then being on a back road on the motorcycles.
Marliese said…
A happy and crafty new year to all and many greetings from Germany:-)
I had a few favorite memories last!
year, e.g.the visits from our son, who lives normally in Shanghai. This memories are the best and when I had funny moments with my husband of course.
Nandini said…
This is my third year following the Season's Givings blog hop. I have enjoyed every year, always getting inspired and discovering new crafters and stamp companies. So a big Thank You for putting it together! 2018 has been a rather rough year. But my favourite memory is opening my email and reading the mail from Altenew informing me that I have cleared Level 2 of Altenew Educator Certification Program. I have been doing the necessary classes and challenges over the last year and it feels great to have reached this level. I am looking forward to completing this program in 2019!
lynda said…
I loved reading your heartfelt post today, Latisha. I agree that it's the little things we do for others that brings us the most blessings. The things that no one sees or knows, but in our hearts we feel that special warmth that sharing our gifts and talents, time, and resources brings. God bless you for sharing, and may you some day hear "Well done, good and faithful servant."
Susie Sonnier said…
Time with my daughter!!! Happy New Year and cheers to a new year of crafting!!
Lisa said…
Happy new year! My favorite memory is a recent fancy tea party I went to with my mom, sister and niece. Amazing food, tea, and 3 generations of women together.
Laurie said…
Happy New Year! My favorite memory of 2018 was watching Hello, Dolly on Broadway with my mom, sister, and friend-sister when we spent 5 days in NYC.
Happy New Year to you and thank you for all our hard work organizing this hop and for a chance to win such great prizes!
I live on a small farm and keep chickens. My favourite memory from 2018 was having one of my hens hatch out some chicks. One of them was attacked by the other hens and I ended up hand rearing her in the house. I became her mommy and although she is now an adult bird the bond is still there. Cheers.
Anonymous said…
My favorite memory from 2018 is the visitors we had this summer...our daughter and her family and my niece and her son arrived at our home for back to back visits. Crazy but FUN tines
SmilynStef said…
I got to take my sister on her first ever trip to Chicago ... we spoiled ourselves at The Langham and experienced everything on her wish list including taking a run around Navy Pier ... her laughter and smiles still light-up my days.
Thanks for a great year of inspiration! My favorite memory of 2018 was going to Orlando with my husband and my sister! We had SO much fun and felt like kids again! Can't wait to do it all again!
Happy New year Hugs!
Bunny said…
My favorite memory of 2018 was finally being able to craft again after some medical issues. It may not be perfect but I can at least pull off and put on the cap of a Copic marker.
Elaine R said…
Hmm... my favourite memory of 2018... that’s tough, because I’m thankful to be able to say I had a lot of wonderful memories. Maybe because this one just happened, we opted to forgo the winter Classic hockey game to spend time with my mom (who is battling cancer) and my dad who is battling aging. We took them for dinner and to the casino, and my mom called me after we dropped them off and said “thank you, we wouldn’t have done anything if you hadn’t taken us out” I could hear the happiness in her voice! Plus, even though the rest of us lost :( she won so it was worth it!!!!
kReN said…
Favorite memory of 2018? Our trip to the Galapagos Islands. What an amazing adventure! I love that you have this blog hop and I cannot begin to imagine what a job it is to organize and administer! Thanks for the inspiration! Love your work! Thanks for sharing your creativity with all of us! Follow me at
jan metcalf said…
2018 was a good year for our family, and I am grateful. My heart was was pulled by the weather tragedies at home and across the US. As individuals we can really make a difference. Thank you Latisha for being an annual inspiration, crafting is always a happy place to share with friends!
Macimbalo said…
Fav memory of 2018 was going to Alaska - it was amazing and I'll never forget all the beauty I saw! Thanks for the chance to win!
sharon g said…
We had our first granddaughter. THAT was a great moment, and memory.
Joanie said…
Favorite memory is a first ever family trip (with my brother and his family) to TN. We rented a cabin and did lots of fun things. Kids grow up too fast, so this was a trip I will cherish.
emeraldmaz said…
My favorite memory of 2018 was reconnecting with old friends when they contacted me about taking care of their ailing father. I love that family and I'm so blessed to have them back in my life after a couple decades.
Kathy W said…
My favorite memory of 2018 was the moment I found out that my 3 month old grandson made it out of heart surgery with no complications. His heart defect was found when his mom was pregnant, and now, a 11 months after surgery, he is healthy and happy. We sure counted our blessings that day.
Eva Perkins said…
My favorite memory of 2018 was spending time with my elderly parents. I try to spend a much time as I can with them and, as I moved closer to them, I'm now able to spend most days with them.
Unknown said…
2018 favorite memory is having camp fires with the grandkids also winning a prize on a blog hop for the first time, my husband thought we won the lottery I was so excited,
Elaine said…
Happy New Year. My favorite memories of 2018 is when our entire family gets together.
Cynthia Cole said…
My favorite memory of 2018 is finally welcoming home my son who was away overseas in the military for the past 10 years. That moment he came into my view was priceless!!!!! Thanks for sharing your beautiful cards!
D.Ann C said…
Seven years? Amazing! I know I've participated in at least the last 4. Thank you so much for all the work behind the scenes in organizing this fun event! 2018 was a rough one... first fav memory was in March when my 3 month migraine finally broke! What a relief!! Gave me MUCH more sympathy for a friend who's had chronic daily migraines her whole life. First favorite crafting memory was at the family reunion... I was able to put together a make-n-take for the first time and they loved it! Seeing the joy on their faces as they created, some for the first time, was a treat! Have a wonderful and crafty year!!
Happy happy new year! My favorite memory for 2018 is when I finally packed my home and moved closer to my daughters and grandkids and we all came together once again!!!
Thanks so much for starting this amazing blog hop! I love it. My favorite memory from 2018 is a little crazy because I was actually pretty sick with a cold but I got offered free tickets to a University of Nebraska football game (which NEVER happens!) and my brother and I went and had the most fun I've ever had at a game! It was FREEZING but we were super bundled up, our team won and it started was just magical! I am so glad I went and just had such a fun time!
snappy scrappy said…
My FAV memory this year is my son getting a full time job as an RN at our local hospital...I'm so proud of him! Happy New Year!!!
Nancy said…
My favorite memory is spending time with loved ones.
Jackie S said…
Thanks for organizing the hop. I saw all the same things as you: wrinkles, gray hair, and weight gain. But over all it was a pretty good year. Not one favorite memory, but lots of wonderful milestones for me and my family.
Jingle said…
Happy New Year, Latisha! I am so glad you are still running this. I know it is a ton of work and you always make it awesome. This year... it is lifting my spirits quite a lot and I just wanted to thank you for that! My favorite memory from 2018 was a drive home from a very important appointment that just so happened to coincide with an important game in the World Series. That day, double rainbows fell over Boston and it was absolutely GORGEOUS. It fit our mood and our important appointment perfectly AND then the Red Sox went on to not only win that game, but also the Series. It was a perfect day.
A.Rose said…
My favorite memory is from Christmas watching my 38 year old son with Down Syndrome sing the “Finger Family” song to my 3 year old granddaughter and watch her laugh and enjoy her Uncle.
Cathy said…
hello new friend, this is my first hop in a long time, so much inspirations, my favorite memory of 2018 was not just one memory, it was all the times my children and grandchildren came to visit! Happy New Year
Basteltinchen said…
My favorite memory is that my son finished college.
Unknown said…
Being able to go away on our first real family vacation to celebrate our 20th anniversary. We took a bus trip out to see the Creation Museum & the Ark encounter!
Pandora said…
Thank you for the chance to win such generous prizes. My favorite memory from 2018 was the love and support I received from my family and friends after my mothers passing. I am forever grateful to each and every one of them.
Arianna Barbara said…
Happy New Year to everyone!!! Thanks for hosting for the 7th year this amazing blog hop! My favorite memory of 2018 was the beautiful summer spent on Elba Island, in Italy. Lost those days!
Sophie n Me said…
How fun, I can not believe it's been 7 years! My favorite memories of 2018 was celebrating my daughter's birthday in Hawaii. All she wanted to do was find a bookstore, which we found and she was in her happy place. Here's to 2019!
JanR said…
I always look forward to the Season's Of Giving blog hop, thanks for all the work you do for it! My favourite memories were made on the family trip we took to PEI, so much laughter and togetherness! Thanks for the chance to win!
Angie A. said…
My favorite 2018 memories are the ones we make when we are camping with family! I love it.
PamC said…
Happy New Year! Thank you for your efforts in coordinating this blog hop. Our 12yo lab became very ill this year. My favorite memory is hearing her bark and seeing her tail wag after her heart treatments. Hope she has many more happy days in 2019!
irishgalkelly said…
Latisha, I love your perspective on life! I'm almost there too, at an older age with a few gray hairs and wisdom knowing the important things now. It's a blessing to be in this stage of life! My favorite memory of 2018 is the memorial service held for my husband's grandmother who passed at age 96. She was a remarkable person and a beautiful artist that watercolored and taught classes until age 93! Wow, I hope to be more like her when I retire. ; )
Fikreta said…
Happy New Year!
This is awesome giveaway!
thank you for the chance!
Oh its hard to remeber any happy memories in last year,was not so good to me...
I did found cute little kitty,and was living with us for a while.
Then I got her new forever home.
Mary-Anne V said…
I agree doing things for others is really a two way blessing! My favourite memory of 2018 way spending some quality family time on our trip to FL on November. Happy New Year!
Kelly said…

My favorite moment was turning 50 and my coworkers making a "50" out of post it notes. Each post0it note had a sweet or funny memory that person and I had shared. I teach middle school with the BEST people!
Debbie said…
My favorite memory is the birth of our second grandson in February.
Margaret said…
Latisha, thank you for your sweet post sharing your heart and for hosting this awesome Season Givings blog Hop. I know this is a lot of work and you always have such fabulous participants! I have so many favorite memories because I try to cherish and be thankful each and every day. One of my favorites was watching my oldest grandson graduate from high school and to see the awesome young man he is becoming.
KT Fit Kitty said…
I have not done this hop before but I decided to take some time today to get inspired! And I'm definitely getting lots of inspiration! Thank you for your awesome giveaway! My favorite memory of 2018 is that my husband survived a stroke. It is a blessing he is still alive! It will take time to heal, but I'm so grateful he's still around! Happy 2019 to you!
Unknown said…
So happy to find your blog! My favorite memory of 2018 is our family trip to visit my sister in law in Michigan. It was our first trip with our daughter (who is 2) and was just so much fun!
Jeanne Beam said…
My favorite memories are sharing time with my grandkids.
Thanks for sharing and Happy New Year!
lchalou said…
Favorite memory was being able to spend Christmas with my mother who is 82 and her knowing who I was. It has been a really rough year.
Betty said…
my favorite memory of 2018 was going to England to see my two granddaughters play in the England Naltional Volleyball championships and WIN!!
Yvette said…
My favorite memory of 2018 was visiting my son, who is in the National Guard, in Washington DC and then welcoming his unit home in November.
Marcie Bolt said…
I think my favorite 2018 memory is decorating the tree at Christmas. My boys came home from college and we get to reminisce about all the handmade ornaments they made over the years in school. And see all the photos of them as they are growing up
Rhonda said…
My favorite memory for 2018 was learning how to use my cricut machine and new card techniques. Looking forward to learning more in 2019.
Lisa said…
I don't have one specific memory, but I'd have to say my favorite part of 2018 was when we had the whole family together for a few days... our kids are gypsies it! They move around a lot for various reasons... all good... and we are so proud of them, but those moments when we can all be together are my favorite. Our Thanksgiving weekend was full of thanks and giving. Thanks for this wonderful and fun hop and for the chances to win!
Unknown said…
My favorite memories of 2018 is any time I shared with my grandsons. They are teenagers now and it gets harder to spend time with them as they seem to get busier with school and sports. I cherish any time with them
D Q said…
To be honest I have a pretty mundane life but I am happiest when I am paper crafting so my favorite memories are when I accomplish some fun paper crafts.
Drena Putz said…
Thank you for the giveaway and Happy New Year! My favorite memory of 2018 is going, for the first time, to a stamp and scrapbook convention and getting ducked into the world of paper crafting! I'm thankful for finding a creative outlet to help me relax and have fun!
K Clark said…
ohhh my most memorable thing for 2018 was the birth of my beautiful granddaughter.

Kristina B. said…
Happy New Year Latisha, Thanks for all the inspiration all year. My favorite memory this last year was watching my little nephew grow up.
Natasha said…
My favorite memory was taking the going on the gondola ride in Banff with my husband. I hadn't been on it since I was about 3 or so, and it was really special to experience it as an adult with the one I love!
Lisa said…
Oh my goodness what generous giveaways!!! I have three favorite memories of 2018 (one for each of my children) 1) Finding out I was going to be a grandmother, 2) My son joining the fire department and 3) my youngest getting into the nursing program early! What a wonderful year!
Barb said…
Oh My--What a generous prize package!

My best crafting memory was in January of 2018 was meeting a stamping friend from Florida who flew to Wisconsin to join me at a local stamping event--thanks Kelly!
Melissa said…
Last week Christmas Day when we had a lavish breakfast at home all together. My two adult children with their spouses, one came from Portland, and have my elderly mother here too. Enjoying each other. Relaxing. So grateful to have this time.
Cindi said…
My parents have been snowbirds for a couple of years as I live in Arizona and they live in New York. This year they finally sold their house and moved here full time. I loved having my grandmother so close when I was growing up and now my daughter has her grandmother right down the street as well.
Steffani said…
Lovely New Year's message! Thank you! My best memory of 2018 is he birth of my 4th grandson, Ben!
Szokol Anita said…
Happy New Year! Thank you for organizing the hop, I love it. My best crafting memory was in August of 2018, I joined a Craft group with super talented "girls". We spend together the last Sunday of every month with crafting, laughing.
richardbreaks said…
My best memory of 2018 is the day we found out that our trip to Italy in September is going to happen! Watching my husband dance around with delight was so funny and heartwarming...
Thanks so much for your generosity and inspiration!
Unknown said…
Favorite memory of 2018 has to be the amazing opportunity to be a part of a design team (a long time dream of mine). So grateful and blessed in meeting and becoming friends with such amazing and kind people on IG too!
B. Poteraj said…
Memory: going to England was amazing. So amazing that we are going to go back
BarbS said…
First of all, thank you so much for being the wonderful creator of this blog hop. What a terrific way to end the year and start the new one!
My wonderful memory of this year is seeing and holding my first grandchild. He was born in September and brings light to the world. 😍
Happy 2019 to you and your family!
Rachelle A. said…
Happy New Year and God Bless! I am so inspired by this blog hop - what a wondrous thing to do for your readers.
Nox said…
Oh my - one favourite memory??? So hard to pick one! Maybe one of my favourites was a cold frosty walk with the dog, when visiting my parents, in the last new year. It was the first time I spent some significant time with my nephew's new bride, and she, my sister, myself, my dog, and my nephew all went for a walk. It was cold, but beautiful, and it was a lovely, thoughtful conversation. It made me happy to know she and my nephew are so good together. Also, that she loves dogs.
DGolly said…
My favorite moment was watching my daughter graduate. She worked so hard and I was so proud of her.
Mary Holshouser said…
Happy New Year
At 78 I appreciate each year
that I can live happy and
healthy. That makes me
feel blessed and I hope
for the same for 2019.
thanks for sharing
Sue McRae said…
My most fave memory was taking a trip out east with my husband to celebrate our 30th Anniversary! We saw so much beauty and had a fabulous time!
Anne B said…
Thanks for the chance to win! My favourite memory from 2018 was hearing all about my niece starting at school and sharing her excitement in her big day.
Mirella said…
Such an amazing blog hop! My favourite memory of 2018 goes all the way back to January 14th - that's when my second daughter was born. Hard to beat that! ;-)
My favorite memory of 2018 was dropping off my daughter in college to start her college experience.
Karen Sanville said…
my most memorable moment of 2018 was when my son proposed to his girlfriend. They were surrounded by family and friends. his girlfriend thought is was a birthday party for him.
Kyle4143 said…
My favorite memory was taking my sister niece and nephew to Circus de Soleil this summer! We had a wonderful time!
SLMPetersen said…
I don't really have a favorite memory from 2018. It was a hard year with a lot of stress and struggle and loss. Great giveaway.
pattyk said…
my Great Grand daughter (age 4) learned to yodel.We don't know how she learned--she says her friends on TV showed her?I just love listening to her.
Neva Cole said…
Thanks for once again hosting this amazing blog hop! My favorite memory is the graduation of my step-daughter from ASU, graduation of my son from HS, and my husband receiving a prestigious award for his outstanding engineering work in the world of aviation design.
Lynne said…
Best time this year was the graduation of my grand daughter from high school. We are so proud of her accomplishments. 2nd best was turning 3/4 of a century and still being healthy. After all, 75 is just a number.
Anonymous said…
Wishing you a very Happy New Year!!
This might be your 7th year - really?? - but it's the first time for me hehe. My favourite memory of 2018 is making it out of my surgeries - not keen on any repetiton in the coming year!
Just in case this giveaway is not open internationally - good luck to everyone and have a crafty and healthy 2019!!
Alice T said…
Thank you for sharing your year end thoughts.
My favorite memory from 2018 was meeting brave women and girls in 4 cities in India who are learning leadership skills, work skills while not forgetting to give back to their community. Very inspiring!
PraireStork said…
Thank you for sharing your takents and inspirations - so beautiful & creative. My favorite 2018 memory is the celebration of my first daughters graduation. Family and friends from far and near gathered to share the festivities. Memories for a lifetime!
Happy New Year! ������
tndj said…
My favorite memory was Thanksgiving. Both of my children, 5 grandchildren and 9 great-grandchildren were all able to make it to my son's house to celebrate Thanksgiving. With children and grandchildren living in different cities and state - it is hard for all to get together what with school, school events, work etc. It was nice that they could all make it. It was nice to travel to my son's and have them all there. Love it. Great memories were made.
Kathy Barrett said…
My favorite memory is visiting my family in a Florida & meeting my new great nephew! Also my daughter graduating from college with her Bachelors Degree!
Pam Sparks said…
So many milestones every year with our grandchildren. Just thinking about them makes me smile! They're so cute and say the funniest things! I'm so thankful they all live close so we make a lot of memories...birthday parties and they come make cards with me a lot too. Bummer I can't narrow it down though! Cuz I want to win! lol Thanks for the chance and wow, organizing this big a hop has to be a big deal and time consuming! TY!
Alma Dirpaul said…
My favorite memory is my son’s convocation
Happy Dance said…
This is such a wonderful hop; thank you so much for doing this! My favorite memory is from August. Our two youngest sons came home with their seven little children, and we spent a long weekend doing our own version of "The Great British Baking Show." Our daughter and her family, plus the adults here were the judges, and the kids were marvelous!! Flour and sugar, frosting and dough painted the kitchen, and it was delightful and delicious. We plan to do it again this year. Perhaps tied for this memory as favorite, is getting to spend a week with three other cardmaking friends at a Lake House. Life is good. Blessings to you and your family in 2019. Bev
Thanks for a fun giveaway!

I got to see my 4 year old niece spend time with my 102 year old grandma, that was pretty amazing!
Nancy Thomas said…
Thank you for the blog hop, the amazing prize and your beautiful words. And it is so true that with age comes wisdom. I now know what is truly important in life, not the silly little things I sweated over as a younger version of myself. My favorite memory of 2018 is the fact that I was baptized (I'm a late bloomer). Happy New Year.
Melissa said…
Thank you for this fun giveaway!
My most memorable and hardest thing to do was taking my girl to college. God is good and it has been a rewarding experience for us both
Madelyn said…
Standing in the ocean with my husband on Clearwater Beach, watching the gorgeous sunset. Knowing that whatever bad medical news was waiting for us back home, we had each other to get thru each day.
Tami B. said…
2018 was a very hard year for my family so just having family & friends close by was the bright spot for me. Thank you for this hop. Happy New Year.
Plano Stamper said…
This blog hop has been wonderful to go thru. Lots of hard work has been done for the blog. THank you to everyone who participated. My favorite memory this year had to be when my youngest daughter got married and announced later that they were expecting their first child. Looking to 2019 for the upcoming baby.
Cynthia L said…
Favorite memory this year was a grand reunion with my family. It had been 11 years since we were all together at the same place at the same time. Where does the time go? It gave us all great memories, and a great set of pages in my scrapbook!
Cathy Lillie said…
It's hard to believe that a year has passed since I came across this blog hop for the first time. I've been paper crafting for over a year and a half now and have learned about and from so many different bloggers and companies. Thank you for all you do and the encouraging words for the new year! My favorite memory of 2018 was seeing my daughter in August. It had been almost a year because we live so far apart! There's nothing better for me than seeing my baby (she's 28)! Thanks for organizing this hop and for the generous giveaway. Have a fabulous 2019!
My favorite memory is of the day our little grandson Jack got released from the Neo-Natal ward and was able to go home with his family.
Toni L said…
Thank you for participating in this awesome hop.
My favourite memory of 2018 was a trip to Newfoundland ( an eastern island province in Canada) It is breathtakingly beautiful, the people are generous and take proud of their places and the fish is wonderful. This is a place for everyone's bucket list!
Sandy M said…
My favorite moment of 2018 is hearing the doctors successfully removed one golf ball sized polyp and another hiding behind it from my husbands stomach. Then they told us it wasn't cancerous. We discovered it when he hemoraged almost half of the blood in his body. Best day ever.
Andrea Hastilow said…
Happy New Year! Thank you for being the organiser of this hop which is how I first met you this time last year. I've had an aweful unhealthy 2018 & have been very ill unfortunately so I'm with you on not sweating the little things anymore. My favourite memory from the past year must be meeting the gorgeous prem daughter of my nephew after she wowed Drs by pulling through. To cuddle her was a miracle, she's our miracle. Thank you for putting together another year's hop.
Laurie2cats said…
My favorite 2018 memory is teaching my 4 year old granddaughter to swim. She was so proud of herself, it was wonderful being a part of that milestone for her.
My goodness, my favorite 2018 memory would probably be the day we received the keys to our "forever home." After 37+ years as a military family. It was great to build and move into our forever home.
Becca Yahrling said…
Happy New Year and I hope 2019 is an amazing year for you and everyone!! My favorite memory of 2018 was going to Seattle, Alaska (9 day cruise) & British Columbia! It was amazing and beautiful and fun! It was our first real vacation in over 12 years. Thanks for the awesome giveaway and for this AWEmazing hop every year.
Bethany Ellen said…
Happy New Year!! My favorite memory is getting engaged this summer! I also have found new avenues to be creative that have given me great joy! Thank you for inspiring creativity. I am looking forward to a year of growth and inspiration!
Patti S said…
I was present for the birth of my second grandchild. Best part was doing it while watching my first!
Lieve said…
Thank you and congratulations for organizing this amazing Blog Hop again !!
My warmest memory : thanks to selling christmas (and other) cards and other (mostly handmade) products on a local christmas-market we were able to donate a beautiful sum of money for the research on Alzheimer's desease. (My father passed away this summer, he had Alzheimer --- the most painfull/sad memory of this year).
Thanks for your generous give-away, good luck to all of us !
Happy, healthy, creative New Year from Belgium.
Jamie C said…
Happy new year! Wishing you lots of crafty fun this year. My favorite memory is a family trip to Duluth for a long weekend with my 2 little boys. We survived a 6 hour train excursion and didn't scar any other passangers!
Happy New Year, Tisha! My favorite memory from 2018 definitely the time I get to spend with my family in Lisbon. For me, my family is everything and every moment with them is priceless. And, here's to more good deed & kindness in 2019! <3
Neeta Rancourt said…
Great Blog Hop! One of my favorite memories of 2018 happened in early December when going to a concert with friends, kicked off the Christmas season for me. Here's to 2019.
Feebs said…
My favorite memory this year is sitting together playing family games.
Happy New Year! My favorite memory of 2018 is finding out that my son who has autism will be graduating this year. Thank you for the chance to win.
Shelley Beans said…
My favorite memory is a trip I took to Mexico with my honey
Yo Glenn said…
What a wonderful thing you started many years ago and how it has grown. My favorite memories are any time I've spent with my adult sons. Thanks again for starting this tradition.
Dana Joy said…
Thank you for putting all this together for us! My favorite memory was this Christmas spending time with my kids for the holiday. They are my world along with my hubby.
Denise said…
My favorite time this year was going away for my birthday with my sister and a very close friend, we had such a great time!
Sharon said…
Thank you for this wonderful holiday blog - I look forward to it each year! And thanks to all for the generous prizes. Crafters are the best people.
My favorite memories for this year and fun times at the pool with my great-nephews - guaranteed to make every day fun!
Colleen said…
Happy New Year! My favorite memory from 2018 was opening my Etsy shop! A big step for me with my crafting.
Jan Elmore said…
Best memories are the delight at gifting someone handmade/homemade cards and goodies and having it appreciated!
Mindy said…
My favorite memory from 2018 would be the birth of our grandson Theo in August. Also LOVE watching his big brother (2 years old) learn and discover new things. So much fun to be part of his world!
flip said…
Great cards! My favorite memory was a road trip with my daughter. I can't wait to create a mini album about it!
Tammy Nyenhuis said…
My favorite memory of 2018 was the relaxing week of vacation I got to spend with my mom.
Kirsty Vittetoe said…
Oh wow, you are very generous! My favorite memory of 2018 is a trip to Hawaii!!!!
Krissy said…
This year we made memories on our family vacation to Washington DC. It was our oldest son's dream vacation and we all had a great time! Wishing you many blessings in 2019! Thanks for the chance to win!
Doreen said…
My favorite memories of 2018 are the precious moments I get to spend with any of my 9 grandchildren!
JenR81 said…
Thank you for this blog hop. It’s my first time and I am discovering tons of new artists I want to follow for inspiration! My favorite memory from 2018 is family movie nights where all three of my daughters pile onto the bed with my husband and I and we snuggle and watch a movie together. I love those peaceful, love-filled moments.
MadeByMeghanK said…
Thank you for your generous prize! My favorite memory is my 97 year old grandma telling me she loves me at Christmas (she has never done that)
Miriam Prantner said…
This is such a fun hop every year! My favorite memory from 2018 was our family vacation to Sweden/Norway. We had a great time!
Joy F said…
My favorite memory is spending Christmas with my family. I am thankful each additional year we all have together!
Kit said…

Happy New Year!!! My favorite memory from 2018 was taking a trip with my College friends and their families. It has become a new annual tradition for us and it's really more about making time for each other and showing how much we care even as we all lead busy and stressful lives. This has also lead to sharing more handmade happiness the past holiday season.
Unknown said…
My favourite memory was making Christmas cards with a friend. I love your designs! Thanks for the giveaway.
Cari said…
Happy New Year! My favorite memory is watching mt grandchildren (3 & 5) ride the log flume at Busch Garden. They live in England and this was the first time they went to Busch Gartens.
Unknown said…
Happy new year to you! I hope it's a wonderful year ahead. My fave memory from 2018 was when we could step back and enjoy our bathroom reno! LOL We were living in a mess for a bit there so it was nice to be able to see it through to the end. It was in desperate need for an update. We literally had red duct tape covering the cracks in the mustard yellow shower walls. LOL Bring on 2019! :)
littlesavedgirl said…
This is such a generous blog hop , I’m filled with excitement ! Happy New Year by the way !!!

My favorite memory of 2018 was the purchase of our new FARM 😂 !
see mary stamp said…
This is my first time learning about this hop. Great idea. Aside from time with my grandkids and a driving trip around Lake Michigan with my hubby, my favorite crafty memory this year was starting to follow more blogs and You Tube tutorials from amazing papercrafters!
Michelle Lupton said…
All of my favourite memories of 2018 are times spent with my nieces and nephew :)
lindaplus3 said…
hHello, Thank you very much for the chance to win a great prize. My favorite moment of 2018 was the birth of my new granddaughter, Mavis. My only son's first child. Happy New Year to you !!!
Baking Christmas cookies with my Dad who is 86.
Leslie said…
My favorite memory was when my best friend learned that her cancer had responded beautifully to the tough chemo she had endured.
Well I have 3 of them, I loved throwing a 60th birthday supper for my mom and decoding her desk at work, I loved my son compete in a Taekwondo competition and watching my son be “ ring security” aka ring bearer at our good friends wedding and my husband was part of the wedding party too!
Thanks for organizing this blog hop, I have found so many new companies/individuals to inspire me. My favorite memories from 2018 are all the holidays I got to spend with my family. Feel so grateful that they are all fairly close and we can spend time together.
Michelle Nicholas said…
This is so fun! Thanks so much for organizing this blog hop. What a fun way to start the new year and get lots of new crafty ideas! My favorite memory from 2018 is taking a family vacation to Wyoming and South Dakota with my family and my in laws. Got to see lots of cool new places and spend some great family time together.
Anonymous said…
This is my first time seeing this hop and giveaways - how amazing! My best memories from 2018 are pretty simple - time spent with my sons, laughing and telling stories. They're in their 20's now, so time spent bonding isn't as frequent as when they were younger. I cherish every moment!
Dana said…
Happy New Year! Way to many great memories to just pick one!!
Sophie E said…
Oh wow I have loved following along your blog this past year! I just absolutely love all of your Lawn Fawn projects! My favorite memory of 2018 was the birth of my niece! <3 Cheers to a wonderful 2019!!!
What a great hop and giveaway! My fav memory of this past year is the pride and excitement my son had when he received his early acceptance at his college of choice.
Concepcion Diaz said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Concepcion Diaz said…
My favorite memory of 2018 was taking a family trip to the big island of Hawaii, loving the beautiful landscape and relaxation. Happy New Year!
My favorite memory from 2018 was taking my grand daughter to Disneyland for the very first time!!!!!
connie said…
My favorite memory of 2018 is my first grandchilds high school graduation with honors.. So proud of him.
Isabel Z said…
My favorite memory of 2018 is when our family visited one of my boys in Santa Fe where he is studying.
Kathy JH said…
Thank you for putting this hop together! I am discovering so many new and wonderful people/companies! One of my favorite memories this year was helping people overcome a fear. I am a new scuba instructor and have been able to help several people over come fear of being underwater. It is so incredible to see a fear overcome and someone realize that they can do something that they felt was exceptionally hard.
Kim Faucher said…
I just want to thank you. I have followed this blog hop for at least the past 3 years and look so forward to discovering new artists and seeing everyone’s style!
My most memorable moment was being together with family during the summer. Spending moments and making memories
Happy New Years! My favorite memory from 2018 was the trip I took with my family to New York.
My favorite memory of 2018 was my son graduating from college earning his bachelor degree. My husband and I were very proud!
Christi Conley said…
Latisha, I look forward to this hop every year! I always find a new company or two, plus it is SO fun to check out everyone's creations! Favorite memory from 2018? Hmmmm, hasn't been the best year, so I'll say it was saying GOOD BYE and welcoming 2019!
Tracy said…
My favorite memory of 2018 is celebrating my nephew's wedding with family and friends, it was such a special and wonderful day.
Beverly S. said…
Thank you for your hard work putting this blog hop together. :) 2018 was a kind year to my family. My favorite memory is my youngest daughter graduated from college in May with a 4.0 all four years. At her graduation ceremony, we were treated to a private breakfas with the college president, driven in a special bus to the graduation ceremony and had reserved seats. Wonderful memories and so proud of her! :) Happy New Year!
Lori B said…
Great blog hop-so many talented people! My favorite memory of 2018 was the birth of our new Granddaughter. She is so sweet!
Natalie said…
Thank you for putting together this hop every year. My favourite memory for 2018 is when my family and I did a bicycle tour in the Rocky Mountains!
Christa said…
My favorite memory of 2018 was going on vacation with my husband for some good quality time together. We haven't been on a vacation in it was really welcomed!
Kim said…
Finally being able to go on vacation with my hubby that had NOTHING to do with his hobby of figure eight demolition derbies! We ended up heading to the UP in Michigan and seen, Pictured Rocks, several water falls, and Some amazing White Fish.
Marie Bingaman said…
I don't think I have one particular memory that stands out in 2018, sad to say. I have enjoyed all the weekends my hubby and I got to stay at his brother's place to help renovate his bathrooms in his new house, which happens to be 20 minutes away from Gettysburg. Our favorite place. :)
Happy New Year!!! I think the highlight of 2018 was my brother getting cleared of cancer. He’s a Marine vet, now police officer with 5 kids. Knowing he has more time with us was a blessing and a reminder to celebrate life daily!!!
Joan said…
One of my favorite memories is when 5 of our great grandchildren spent the night with us and we had "movie night". We all piled on the bed and watched the movie and ate many bowls of popcorn.
Karen Hasheck said…
My favorite memory of 2018 was making new friends and getting crafty at the JunkieFest gathering.
Diane z said…
My best moment of the year was celebrating my mother-in-law’s 75th birthday. We got together in the country to celebrate a wonderful lady with a touching family party. We showered her with love, and presented her with a thoughtful frame of the 75 things we love about her. And a beautiful and delicious cake in the shape of a 75 that I baked and garnished with handmade macarons and meringues and fresh blossoms and berries. It took me days, but it was a work of love. She was overwhelmed by happiness.
Jeanne H said…
What wonderful prizes. Thanks for the chance. A favorite memory for me in 2018 is my one and only grandson who got a car and helped me. What a treat.
Barbara said…
I can't decide between my son getting married or when he told me they are expecting a baby in May. This year it will be the birth or another grandson!
Karen said…
One of my favorite memories was getting to stay with my best friend from college and spend a day at her cottage.
Beverly Perdue said…
Happy New Year! Thanks for this blog hop. It is one of my favorites. I'm looking forward to spending more time crafting this year. My favorite memory from this year is the birth of my second granddaughter in September!
Lea Lawson said…
My favorite memory from 2018 was the two weeks we spent back home in Montana. After three very hard & long years, it was nice to be back with my family & friends, even if just for two weeks. Thanks for the chance to win!
Unknown said…
One of my favorite memory was when my 2 year old son randomly gave me a hug and said, i love momma. Such a precious moment.
reeree62 said…
My favorite was my surprise 60th birthday party ON my birthday...September 1st!!! EVERYONE I LOVE WAS THERE AND IT WAS AWESOME!!!!!
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