Seasons Giving Blog Hop Year 7!

Hello friends!
Welcome to the 2019 Seasons Givings Blog Hop!
Can you believe this is the 7th year we are doing this?!

Thank you so much to all of the loyal blog readers who support me, as well as the companies that I work for. I love the card making/paper craft community. We all love to make cards, that will make someones day. There truly is no selfless act like sending handmade happiness in the mail to someone.

I cannot believe that 2018 is already over. I felt every single minute of my age this year. I saw more wrinkles, more grey hair, more weight...but with all of those negative things in the back of my mind. I have never been happier in my life, my marriage, being a mother and a friend. With age comes wisdom, and I truly never realized that until this year. I do not sweat the small things anymore, I am prayerfully grateful for my health, my family and friends. There is a lot that I keep private from readers and on social media. I think keeping good deeds close to my heart and not sharing them, keeps me humble. One of the most soul fulfilling things I do, is help people. I help strangers and friends/family because its a calling. This year I had a lot of heart to heart talks with God. What I want to leave you with is this. If you feel pulled to do something for someone, but you keep talking yourself out of it. Stop. Do the good deed. It will make your cup overflow. With that said, I hope 2019 brings you so much happiness that you feel like you are magic. Love you all!

Today I am giving away...

Gift Certificate to Lawn Fawn
gift certificate to Ellen Hutson
gift certificate to Starbucks

and a box full of stamps/dies from the amazing Susan Opel

1 person will get the gift certificate and 1 person will get the box of stamps and dies. 
Leave a comment telling me your favorite memory of 2018
this giveaway will end on Jan 5, 2019 winners will be announced on January 6, 2019

Every single blog listed below, is having a giveaway/s. 

Lawn Fawn
Scrapbook and Cards Today Magazine


Cyn Doll said…
My favorite memory is when I showed my mother my first embroidery project and she told me how proud she was of me.
Bri Kay said…
My favorite memory was when I saw photos of my niece after she was born.
Alycia said…
My favorite memory was when I finished reroofing the house.
Cheriese said…
Happy 2019!
I think seeing Ed Sheeran in concert last year was a big highlight!
Sherry W. said…
What a fun blog hop! Can I have two favorite memories? One is seeing Van Gogh’s Starry Night in NYC. The other is getting the news that I am going to be a grandma.
Karen said…
It's got to be Thanksgiving when my husband's family gets to make awkward small talk with my family :)
Kipp said…
One of my favorite memories was when I got a puppy.
Donna Carter said…
one of my favourite memories is watching my granddaughter dance with the Royal Winnipeg Ballet version of the Nutcracker during the Christmas season.
Cy said…
My favorite memory... so many to choose from but one was when I realized that whatever I had done that day was enough. I suddenly had a realization that I can say, “it is time for me” and not feel guilty about it.
Stef Perry said…
I'm with you Latisha, the older I've become, the less I worry about inconsequential things. That truly is a blessing! My favorite memory of 2018 was to reunite with dear friends after one had moved out of state. They are a joy and so loving, we always treasure our time together!
Unknown said…
My favourite memory was the road trip I took with my sister and cousins. It was so much fun
Unknown said…
Road trip with my sister and cousins. So much fun.
christi said…
my fav memory of 2018 is when we got our newest fur baby. he's 20 mon. old now. we got him at 18 mon. he's a beautiful Siberian husky. we have been working on his training and he's such a quick learner and witty too.
BrunieQ said…
So many to choose from! Two favorite memories - going to DisneyWorld with my 3 young grandchildren and celebrating a milestone birthday with friends and family!
Unknown said…
Because I tend to have a relatively bad memory, my "favorite" memory is from last week. Ran into an acquaintance from church at Target and chatted a bit. I asked if she was a grandma yet and she said no, disappointedly. We chatted a bit more and then said our goodbyes. Later that evening I got a message from her on FB, asking if I might be interested in meeting her son -- who is 20 years my junior. I replied with a chuckle and said that she might want to ask her son if HE wants to meet an old woman. She came back with "Oh no! I had no idea you were that age. You wear your age really well!" Obviously, that made my year. LOL
Dean H. said…
Happy New Year everyone!
My favorite memory from 2018 was taking a trip with my wife to California. Although it wasn’t for very long, we had a great time together.
Congratulations on your 7th year! A d thank you for the blog hop. I'm being introduced to so many new bloggers. My favorite memory of 2018 was traveling to 9 different countries.
Deb Selby said…
My favorite memory is of my grandson giving me a warm big hug.
Jeni said…
My favorite memory was my son coming home to a newly built room just for him.
Denise Bryant said…
Year 7... that's amazing!
My favorite memory was a trip to Disneyland in November! I love seeing the park all decked out for the holidays!
I want to wish everyone a happy and healthy new year, filled with much creativity!
Indy's Designs said…
Thank you again for this amazing blog hop! My favorite 2018 memory is the day I gave my husband his dream car--a 1989 red Corvette!
Amy C. said…
My favorite memory of 2018 was celebrating 20 years of marriage with my hubby. I'm proud of us and thankful for God's blessings on our marriage and family. Happy New Year and thanks for organizing this fabulous hop! (
Amy C. said…
My favorite memory of 2018 was celebrating 20 years of marriage with my hubby. I'm proud of us and thankful for God's blessings on our marriage and family. Happy New Year and thanks for organizing this fabulous hop! (
Amy C. said…
My favorite memory of 2018 was celebrating 20 years of marriage with my hubby. I'm proud of us and thankful for God's blessings on our marriage and family. Happy New Year and thanks for organizing this fabulous hop! (
Adrienne said…
My favorite memory for 2018 was that my entire family was at my house the weekend before Christmas to celebrate together. It has been 12 years since we've all been together.
Natalie said…
My best memory for 2018 is my oldest daughter's engagement. She just turned 41 and has been waiting patiently for her Mr Right and FINALLY it has happened and we are thrilled for her.
Stacy said…
What a wonderful story of inspiration you left for us. Every small deed leads to more small deeds which makes the world a better place. My special moments are when my grandkids are here and we do breakfast together. Creating those memories now to create a life time of happy thoughts. When my grand daughter ask to pray and she always remembers the homeless and ask that the devil get a lil love I his heart. Those are my priceless 2018 memories.
Laura L said…
One of my favorite memories of the year is a trip to Bend, OR at Thanksgiving. We got to experience a little snow, and gorgeous mountains in the high desert. Such a gorgeous place to visit.
Margery C said…
My favorite memory of 2018 hiking up to the top of Rainbow Mountain with my husband. We thought we could not do it since its 17,000 feet up but we waited for the snow to stop then huffed and puffed our way up. AMAZING view from the top.
New Creations said…
Thanks for Hosting this wonderful hop! My favorite memory is just recently in December when our family find a perfect match for my daughter, such a precious moment!
AnnEsling3r said…
Thanks for putting this blog hop together. SO many great ideas.
My favorite memory from 2018 is probably Christmas day. I LOVE Christmas, and I love having my wonderful family around me. It's just a whole lot of fun.
Karenladd said…
My favorite memory from 2018 was being present at the birth of my grandson, in December. I was present at the births of both of my granddaughters, but this one was special in that I actually assisted. What a great way to end the year! Thanks for the chance to win a prize, and Happy 2019!
Melissa said…
The last few years have been tough ones. My best memories have to do with family. My Mom has Lewy Body Dementia and my Sister and I are caring for her. The best days with her are those days when we can talk about good memories and laugh some. We're praying for a cure for all who deal with dementia. Maybe this will be the year!
Shazallo52 said…
Happy New Year 2019! Hope it its a year of health & happiness & lots of crafting! Many favourite memories for 2018 but most memorable is my eldest son getting married, with my other son as his Bestman and that son's two daughters as flower girls. A beautiful day with family & friends !
audiesews said…
Happy New Year. The memory that I keep coming back to is of my great nephew’s’ wedding on a mountaintop in Colorado. When the officiant said he could kiss the bride he gave her a big kiss then kissed her again and again and again. It was very cute and very joyful.
Wendy Lambert said…
My favorite memory for 2018 was when my two grandsons and my mom came to spend a week with me this summer. My youngest grandson who is 5 has always been standoffish with me as I don't get to see him often so he doesn't know me. But after the first day of their stay he was like glue to my side and just constantly wanted to cuddle with me. He would wake up and just crawl into my lap to watch cartoons with me. I loved it!
Susan King said…
My favorite memory of 2018 was reconnecting with my sisters after 6 years of no contact. Our mother passed away 6 years ago and it was very difficult on everyone. God is so faithful that he works all out! Both of my sisters are now clean and free of drugs! Praise God!
Michele Smith said…
Hi Latisha! Thanks so much for keeping this blog hop going. I really enjoy revisiting companies I haven't seen in a while. When I read your post, I felt as though you were speaking directly to me. I am a photographer and have had the idea (for over a year) of taking photos of senior citizens in the nursing homes or at home so families have current pictures to share with future generations. Thank you for inspiring me to push forward and make it happen. We don't know how many days we have left on this earth and need to live them to the fullest. May 2019 bring you happiness and an abundance of blessings :-)
Tracey Magner said…
Hi, Love your blog, My favorite moment of 2018 was just hanging out with my husband and my bulldog, the 2 most important people in my life :) Thanks
My favorite memory of 2018 is my visit to Ohio and Indiana Amish country. Riding the Pumpkinvine Trail, attending an auction, seeing an Amish wedding, meeting and visiting with incredibly kind and humble people... It's an experience I will never forget :) (Cori, who is no longer in West Texas)
Jules said…
Love your work! My favorite memory is my granddaughter who is 2telling others I am her grandmother. Happy New Year!
Alicia said…
My favorite memory is of a family trip to Disney World.
Judie said…
Woo what an amazing blog hop!!! My favourite memory of 2018 was definitely getting married to the love of my life :D :D
Jeannette said…
My favorite memory of 2018 is meeting my boyfriend. We actually knew eachother but I had never thought we would be a couple.
Lauren said…
What a great blog hop. Everyone is so generous. My favorite memory of 2018 has got to be visiting my elderly parents who live 2000+ miles from me. I am very aware that there will come a day when that is no longer possible so I cherish the times when we can be together.
DJ said…
My favorite memory of 2018 is good and bad. I survived a nearly-fatal heart attack because I was in the right place at the right time. I want to remember just how blessed I am and this was just the reminder I needed. Thanks for the chance to win!
Rachelle A. said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Siobhan Burtlow said…
My favorite memory of 2018 would have to be seeing my older brother. He lives in another state and we don't get to see him often but this year he made the trip and I got to see him several times. So lucky that my brothers and I are close. Thank you for this chance!
Rachelle A. said…
Latisha I want to thank you for the opportunity to win some great prizes - thank you so much!
I look forward to getting some more crafting on this year and to use the literally hundreds of Lawn Fawn lovelies that I have stamped, Copic coloured and cut out onto actual greeting cards! My favourite memory is receiving all the Lawn Fawn new sets to play with from my hubby for Christmas.
Thanks and God Bless!
Sheryl L said…
my favorite memory of 2018 is finishing my craft room remodel and getting everything organized.
Caren B said…
One of my favorite memories is going to Stamping Away in Kansas and joining my first design team!!
Debbie Rumpza said…
My favorite memory of 2018 is holding my new grand daughter for the first time! She was born in September 5 weeks early!
craftymom205 said…
Favorite memory of 2018 is my niece turning one.
I think one of my favorite memories is watching my extremely shy 4 year old get up in front of our whole church and give her part flawlessly in the children's program. I was floored, and wanted to cheer for her. She was SO brave! We've had a lot of growing up and bravery in our home. Those moments make a momma so proud!
A great accomplishment in 2018 was completing my set of Distress Oxide Inks! I have been playing with them a lot hope to learn more techniques and uses for them in 2019!
I have several favorites from 2018. A huge one is finishing my craft room so Ican get back to playing with ink and paper. Thank you for this incredbly inspirational hop. Happy 2019 to you!
Cori in WA
Kris in Alaska said…
2018 flew by in a flurry of a new job but being in Hawaii for the first time and with family made many sweet memories!
Unknown said…
My favourite memory was when I watched some of the students I had the most impact walk across the stage and graduate. It was bitter sweet but I couldn’t have been prouder.
Subhashini said…
My favorite memory from 2018 would be making crafty friend and enjoying trip with college friends to a hill station.
jennifer mitten said…
Gos, how can we pick a favorite memory? It would definitely have to be my birthday and spending time with my husband and stepson who both mean the world to me. I have wonderful friends and family so it is hard to select a favorite memory:-) Have w wonderful new year and I love that you have taken this project on year after year!
Wendy said…
I can't believe that I've missed out on the other 6 Seasons Giving Blog Hops! There is so much inspiration! Thank you for the chance to win!

My favorite 2018 memory is when we took our girls on their first Disney cruise. When you first board the ship, tons of cruise employees applaud while you walk through the main galley. Their expressions were priceless!
Sabrina said…
My favorite memory is all the time that I got to spend with my dad before he past in April 2018.
LittleSher said…
My favorite memory of 2018 was a more recent one: Christmas in Kauai with all three of my kids (and my husband,too!)
Jessica Lee said…
My most favourite memory of 2018 is of when my 6 year old son started writing notes to me telling me he loves me.
Jean Maxwell said…
My favorite memory of 2018 has nothing to do w/ stamping. I follow the Volvo Ocean sailboat races. In May of 2018 I was able to volunteer at the Newport Rhode Island stop over. It was awesome. Actually got to meet some of the sailors I follow & tour the inside of a 65 ft sail boat.
Gosh we made lots of great memories this past year... From our first trip to Michigan, a getaway to Amish country with my husband, to my first day back to work with the kids at their school after being a stay at home mom for ten years!
Becky Reeder said…
My favorite memory of 2018 was New years eve when my boyfriend told me he asked my parents for my hand in marriage.
2018 was a great year for my card making. I sold my cards at the largest craft show in my city, which has been my dream for the past 10 years! It gave me such a boost in confidence and exposed my brand.
Jo Malicoat said…
My husband finally retired this year, so my favorite memory was taking a steamboat cruise with him on the Mississippi River for an entire week. This was the first real vacation we have had together in 15 years. It was wonderful!
Christine J said…
My favorite memory from 2018 is getting to go on the Reset Girl cruise with my best friend. Not only did we get to go on a cruise together, but we got to connect with other crafters and connect with God in our Anchored in Him altered books. I would also so every day with my family is another of my favorite memories.
Unknown said…
2 faves... one nephew got married and his brother got his Master's degree.
Andrea Murdock said…
My favourite memory I think would be Father's Day. We travelled out of town to see my eldest daughter and we all went out for lunch. We had a fabulous time and remembered to grab a group shot. It was just the perfect day xo. Thank you so much for doing this year after year.
Connie said…
Thank you so much for putting this together! My favorite memory this last year was watching my oldest son graduate high school! Just goes to show how fast things go by!
Unknown said…
One of my favorite 2018 memories is celebrating my son's birthday. It was organized by the staff of the group home that supports him. They invited his housemates, friends & family. He beamed with joy the entire time.
Nikil65 said…
My favorite memory of 2018 would have to be watching my daughter graduate high school with honors! Seems like just yesterday she was this little girl who never stopped talking and now she's in college kicking butt! Anyway, thanks for the giveaway and I hope you have a great 2019!
Keiren Dunfee said…
My favorite memory of 2018 is going on a family vacation with every member of our extended clan! Soo much fun! Thanks for the lovely give away.
bluemoon said…
Happy New Year & thanks for this huge blog hop! Such fun! By far, the only memory that matters to me from 2018, was going up north in August to visit my Mom (who is in a nursing home for 6 yrs.), but to have her be awake and responding and talking for 2 hours was unexpected, and the best gift I have had all year! She has been quiet ever since.
JPScraps said…
Happy New Year! My favorite memory from 2018 has to be from Christmas Eve. For the first time in a long time most of my family got together.
Oliev said…
Happy 2019 and thanks for the chance to win!
My favorite memory goes to hiking in woods with my boyfriend and our dog.
Barb P. said…
My favourite memory was having our only grandchild move back home after university. Even though she will be leaving again to start her career and journey, it is wonderful having her with us again.
DonnaSue said…
Thank you for your fantastic giveaway. My favorite memory is

Of my Dad who passed away this year. He was a terrific father.
Brenda in IN said…
Yours was such a heartfelt post. You gave me the incentive to invite my friend for dinner since she was in such a funk. It helped her and made me so happy. Thank you for saying go ahead and do a good deed. My favorite memory is our family vacation at a lovely cabin with my whole family. Crafting has opened a whole new world for me and I'm so grateful.
Dee Earnshaw said…
fav memory of 2018 was our family cruise:)
Kandice J said…
My favorite memory is remembering my love for crafts. And with that I dove right in!! Thanks for sharing!
Breina Burgin said…
My favorite memory this year was when my 4 year old said 'I love you' for the very first time when she was 51 months old!
Lisa Petrella said…
Latisha, thank you so much for all of the time and energy you put into organizing this hop! I have lots of great memories from 2018, but one of my most favorites is snowshoeing to the Broome Hut with my husband and our lab, Pepper, in early December :)
Auntie Em said…
Thank you for sharing the great prize!

Lets memory of 2018. I guess it would probably be bringing my husband home after his heart attack and surgery and being able to celebrate Christmas together with our family. One never realizes how small the small problems are until something happens to put it all in perspective.
All the best to you and yours for 2019. Cheers!
karalschuknecht said…
Thanks for the great inspiration and for a chance to win. My best memory of 2018 is graduating from nursing school and becoming an LPN .
Lisa Norstrom said…
Happy New Year and thanks for organizing this AMAZING blog hop!!! 2018 is the year that the big 50 crept in on me... it is very true about wisdom coming with age and not sweating the small stuff. My favorite memories of 2018 include my family, but the most favorite of all is the week we spent traveling to the mountains and staying in a cabin there for my birthday. I thought I felt closest to God at the Ocean, but those mountains and His Majesty!!! Thanks again and have a great 2019!!
Linnea S said…
one of my favorite 2018 memories was going out on Christmas Eve Day and doing a handful of random acts of kindness. what a blessing I received!
Lee said…
Happy New Year and what a lovely post! One of my favorite memories of 2018 was my daughter graduating w/ her masters degree and getting the job she wanted!
Cheryl P said…
I am doing this blog hop for the first time and it is so much fun! My favorite memory of 2018 was attending my youngest grandson's high school graduation! So proud of him!
Traci M said…
Hi! I’m loving this hop...and agree with listening to God and doing the deed to bless others! One favorite memory if this past year was celebrating my 60th birthday in Santa Barbara. We were on a small boat in the bay and didn’t think we were going to make it out the little harbor...but just as the sun began to sink below the water we were treated to a family of dolphins swimming alongside the boat!!
Sharon Edwards said…
I don't really have one specific memory for 2018, but many wonderful moments spent with my husband of 21 years. We were married two days after Christmas and it makes the season extra special.
Helen Gullett said…
Happy New Year!!! One of my favorite memories in 2018 is our 10th Anniversary.
Thank you for your generous giveaway!
Unknown said…
My favorite memory of 2018 was taking my nephews to seattle on a road trip we had such an amazing time.
Dana said…
My favorite memory of 2018, do I have to pick just one? While in the midst of an "I love you more war", my 4 year old grandaughter (who would eat Taco Bell every single meal) exclaimed to her mama, "well.....I love you more than Taco Bell"! Laughed til we cried!!! And.....that settled that I love you more war!
Amy Marshall said…
Happy New Year! Thanks for the chance to win. I guess my favorite memory would be going with my mother and her cousin to the Scrapbook Expo. We had a blast.
oh that's easy: my favorite memory of 2018 was seeing my two sons together again for the first time in 10 years. With their wives and one baby (MY GRANDDAUGHTER!!!) all laughing and having a great time, visiting together on my back porch, while i did dishes and just listened. Children really are a blessing at every single age.
Helen said…
First, thanks for this blog hop! So many wonderful memories from 2018 but my favorite is a first-ever whole family gathering at Disney World, Orlando. Thanks for asking!
Becca Neeley said…
My favorite memory of this year was meeting my boyfriend! We made so many great memories in our first 6 months including traveling, Disney, and being creative together.
Jacqueline said…
One of my favorite memories was a Scrapbook Retreat with my girlfriends right before Halloween; we dressed up and added beautiful pages to our scrapbook albums.
mindy1414 said…
My favorite memory of 2018 is the day I discovered the wonderful world of cardmaking/papercrafting. I came across a video on YouTube of a mixed media project and decided to watch it for fun.... that lead to a new way of life lol and I've never looked back. I'm still a newbie at cardmaking but the companies and people in this industry are some of the best I have ever come across. The kindness and generosity to share ideas, projects, giveaways, the wonderful products my head still spins sometimes but I love it all! Through this blog hop I am finding so many new blogs to follow and a few new companies so thank you Latisha for putting it all together and for your beautiful thoughts at the beginning of this post. Here's to a wonderful, amazing, creative, blessed 2019 for us all!
Emagine said…
What a wonderful blog an inspirational post. Myfavorite memory from 2018 is being with my daughter and my husband on the beach together for vacation. She’s getting ready to go to college soon so I cherish our family time together. Happy new year and thanks for offering those wonderful prices.
MJ's Kraze said…
Happy New Year. I favorite crafty related memory was the first time being published for a layout.
gltinnola said…
My favorite memory of 2018 was the first time we entered our new home after the closing in April. I thought I might never own my own home but God has truly blessed me with a wonderful husband and a beautiful new home, both of which I absolutely LOVE!!!
Kelly said…
Wow! Thank you for the generosity -- sharing your talents and these wonderful prizes.
Penny L. said…
First timer to this blog hop and, oh my goodness, it's amazing! Best/favorite memory of 2018? Road trip for my hubbie & I driving our college daughter all the way from Nebraska to Los Angeles this summer, and settling her in there for her education!
Thank you so much for pulling these hops together, Latisha. What a wonderful way to thank this fabulous crafting community! My favorite memory from 2018 was going to Mom's Weekend at my daughter's college. I got to meet her friends and it was so fun to hang out together!
Valerija said…
The best memory of 2018 was the first stap of my little son.
SHartl said…
Thanks for putting this blog hop together and for inspiring me to create. My favorite memory of 2018 is the birth of my son, who was born at the end of December. Can't wait to watch him grow!
BethW said…
Getting my son from Alaska! Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine a boy from Valdosta GA would end up a whale boat tour captain. So visits are infrequent-and dearly treasured.
Flo said…
Lovely sentiments. I wish you joy in 2019. My favorite memory of 2018 is our Friday date night of bowling. Thanks.
Kym Maxwell said…
My favorite memory from 2018 was when we took our family vacation to Chattanooga. I have never seen my kids smile so much and they just kept hugging us and saying thank you. It's the memories that mean the most to me. It's not even about where we went or what we did, but the memory of those smiles and hugs will be imprinted on my heart forever.
Nana said…

Favorite memory is the big smile on my granddaughters face when she took a photo with Santa for the first time.
Evy said…
Lovely post. You give me courage my favorite memory of 2018 was when my son and daughter in law reunited after a 3 month separation. Things are still rocky but they are trying and I’m praying hard for them both. Blessings to you in the New Year.
Karen Gerek said…
My favorite memory from 2018: the love of my kids. They are all adults and are my heart. They share their lives; the good, the sad, accomplishments and sorrows. Each one is a blessing to me as well as their spouses/significant others. I'd be lost without them.
Gab said…
Thank you for putting together this amazing hop. My favourite memory from 2018 was also my worst memory - I lost my mum which was awful but what was lovely was the funeral and all the people who came to remember her
Dianne said…
Happy New Year! My favourite memory of 2018 is time spent with family and friends and of course my 2 senior Labs Maya and Lindor.
Margie H said…
My favorite memory of 2018: my daughter's 1st day of full-day kindergarten - she was so excited to be joining her big sister in all day school and eating lunch in the cafeteria - she couldn't stop smiling for weeks ahead of time. :)
Jenny said…
I am a real home bird, happy crafting or spending time with hubby at home so I really enjoy my getaways with my sister, and friends, and hubby. This year was Yorkshire Dales in the UK for our summer holidays, a weekend in London with my sister and a crafty weekend away with family and friends. Happy New Year to all!
Unknown said…
Good morning and Happy New Year. My favorite memory this year was during our travels to Ireland. A specific moment of peace that I felt at the Rock of Cashel was magnificent.

Robin R said…
Happy New Year Latish and thanks for putting this hop together. One of my favorite memories of 2018 was seeing my mom be able to walk again :)
Lorna Day said…
My favorite memory from 2019 was a trip to the east coast. I went in the fall, so the colors were gorgeous.
Kay D said…
Firstly, let me say a huge "thank you" for your generosity! The memory that comes to mind for 2018- my daughter is an avid, perhaps obsessive fan of Harry Potter, so we took her to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Orlando. the Look on her face....priceless. Honestly, it brings a tear to my eye recalling it. Thank you again.
Boryana Yankova said…
My favourite memory from 2018 is our first family summer vacation. Usually we never happen to have days off at the same time with my husband so this time was a win.
Seester2T said…
Happy New Year! I'm not sure I can pick one! Maybe being able to watch and photograph some unexpected wildlife (bear and bald eagle). It is something I love to do, it is peaceful and re-energizing at the same time!
Judi Jenkins said…
Doodling and pencil sketching has always been a great past time . this year i have taken it to the next level by through brush lettering and creating art on cards and verses that apply to my family. Have even had the courage to share with my group. Expect to take further art courses for acrylics in 2019.
Cheryl I said…
I look forward to this hop every year. Thank you so much for the time and effort you have put into blessing people! My favorite memory this year is of family time with my adult children during a short Memorial day vacation and time together at Christmas. Thank you again for the give away opportunity, and your kindness as well.
Wow 7 years! Amazing! One of my favorite memories this year was visiting colleges with my high school son. It was a fabulous road trip and exciting to see the wonderful schools and opportunities out there for him. Happy 2019 and thanks for the fun!
Kerry said…
Thanks for organizing the blog hop and for the reminder to keep doing good and helping others.
My favorite memory of 2018 was a road trip with my cousin, to meet my sister in Georgia for the Scrapbook Expo for a girls crafty weekend. We learned so much, took classes, shopped, and had so much fun. It was priceless. Thanks for the inspiration! Happy New Year!
My favorite memory is a collection of memories from travels throughout 9 countries in Europe.
Kandice J said…
My favorite memory is remembering how much I love crafting. In 2018 I dove in and haven’t turned back! Happy New Year and thanks for sharing!
Lisa Moline said…
Happy new year! One of my favorite memories of this past year was a week with family and friends in Breckenridge Colorado this summer! Thanks for this chance to win!
Julia said…
My favorite 2018 memory is spending time with new and old crafty friends each month and at classes and at JunkieFest!
Marty said…
My favorite moment in 2018 was standing in the Coliseum in Rome, Italy and being overwhelmed with the history surrounding me. Words still fail to describe my emotions at that time!
jeri said…
My favorite memory of 2018 was when I hosted my twins surprise birthday party. So much fun. thank you for a chance to win!
Chark said…
Christmas with my husband's family here at our house was 24 strong and full of laughter and talking!
Kelsey Thomas said…
My favorite memory of 2018 is finally graduating from chiropractic college! :)
Carla Rae said…
I'm so glad my friend Jingle posed about this Blog Hop. I was just thinking that I should get back on my Blog (took some time away) but I need a community Here I am. Thanks for the opportunity.
Stacey Kowbel said…
One of my favourite hops of the year! I have been introduced to some amazing companies and bloggers through this hop. One of my favourite memories isn't really a specific one, but just playing with my nephew. I live across the country from him, so it's always special when I get to visit. Another memory would be of my trip to Italy with my husband, brother, and sister-in-law - such a great time with family.
Heather said…
Wow, what a fabulous giveaway!! I can barely remember yesterday, let alone a favorite memory from the entire year! Let's see . . . It might be when my husband decided he was finally going to become healthier and lose some weight. He is up to 50 pounds lost in 5 months and I'm so proud!!! Also, not so concerned about him and his health.
Debbie A Smith said…
I favorite memory is was the sharing at my Uncle's memorial service learning how he touched the lives a two young men.
marilynwillauer said…
My very favorite memory was on Christmas eve celebrating my husbands 70th birthday, I had the BEST birthday present, he had no clue what my boys and I got him, and he was speechless!
Happy New Year!
Karrie L said…
My favorite memory of 2018 is moving from Maui to Utah to be with my kids and grandbabies!! There is nothing like the excitement and love of grandbabies!!
SaraWright said…
My favorite moment of 2018 was seeing it go. I'm looking forward to the fresh start a new year brings. I'm insainly excited for change and growth this year. So grateful that God is the God of second and 500th chances... 🙃
Annalisa said…
My favorite memory of 2018 was being able to visit my brother, sister-in-law, and two nieces for several weeks. That was absolutely a highlight for me. Thanks for putting this all together; you are incredibly sweet to do this year after year.
solovjud said…
Found you here after watching Kelly L's beautiful coffee cups & being impressed at the idea of this blog hop - usually fall away from watching, you know, but curious about your concept of thanking us when really I am so thankful for the world of wonder you crafty YouTube folk have given to me.
Deepti Aggarwal said…
My favourite memory for 2018 was when I got mail from Winnie and walter where they asked me if I can be their leading lady for the month of April 2018.
Vivian Foo said…
My favorite memory is having everyone traveling together for year end vacation.
Larissa Heskett said…
My FAVORITE memory from 2018 was hearing the results from my 2 year Cancer Remission Test were ALL Clear!! SO HAPPY to be in remission and to ENJOY LIVING my life to the FULLEST!! THANKS for the chance to WIN and have a FABULOUS WEEK!!
I cannot say that any one memory pops out above all others this year as it had been a pretty good year all around. I always spend as much quality time with my loved ones as I can and I am so thankful that there have been no losses and everyone is healthy.

Thank you for the chance to win some awesome prizes. Happy Holidays!
My favorite memory from 2018 is meeting my new baby nephew for the first time. He is adorable, and I wish we lived closer so I could see him more often. Thank goodness for technology, as I can see new photos and videos of him every day! Thank you for the chance to win these awesome prizes!
2018 was a big year for my family as my son graduated from high school. Seeing the joy on his face at graduation was wonderful. Happy New Year
Ericka Strange said…
I'm loving this blog hop again this year! Great job! What an awesome prize package thanks for the chance to win. So many good memories this past year but I think my favorite was our family Alaskan cruise. So much fun and such a beautiful place!
Carrie Rhoades said…
One of my favorite memories of this last year was making gingerbread houses with my girls. It may be one of the last times we all do it as my oldest is now a teenager.
Debbie Seyer said…
Latisha! Thank you so much for organizing this wonderful blog hop! It's always a great start to my year! One of my favorite memory of 2018 was watching my daughter, Caitlyn, graduate with her BSNursing and getting her dream job in the form of a fellowship in Labor & Delivery at a local hospital. This was a year of ups and downs, just like life always is. God has blessed me and my family with many wonderful things. My God bless you and your family in this new year!
Unknown said…
My favorite memories are from our trip to Mexico with our kids.
Denise Terry said…
I think my favorite memory of 2018 was finding out that one of my best friends had a successful liver transplant surgery and that she was moving back close to me. It's been wonderful having her home again! And hopefully she will be healthy for years to come!
Ruth G said…
Thanks so much for your positive energy and for being the person who gets this going every year! It's so much fun to get to know bloggers and companies that are new to me and to see others who feel like old friends!

My favorite moment from the last year was helping my sister and brother in law and my friends find solutions to landscape problems in their yards. I'm so glad to have been able to help them get good quality plants at a good price!
Annheidel said…
The best memory is pretty recent. It was holding my brand new grandson in my arms for the first time on Dec 20th. Brand new stage of life and I am loving it!
Anonymous said…
I found your hop via All the sparkle. This looks like quite the hop. My favorite memory of 2018 would have to be or trip to Phoenix, AZ to visit our son and grandson. He's 2 and cute as a button. I fell in love with the mountains and dessert scenery and really enjoyed the time we spent with Ollie.
sammi said…
Happy 2019, girlie! Hope your new year is even more fabulous and prosperous than 2018! My favorite memory of 2018 is the mini vacation I took to Florida with a friend and her granddaughter, It was a much needed rest and relaxation trip - Plus, it was awesome to see the look on the little one's face, seeing the waves for the first time! Hoping for an amazing 2019! Thank you for the generous giveaways for this hop and for all of your hard work putting this hope together - I look forward to this hop, every year!
Sue D said…
Thanks for hosting this and for your generosity. Favorite memory from 2018 was having my grandchildren visit over the holidays.
slrdowney at hotmail dot com
Patti J said…
My favorite memory of 2018 was that of our sons retirement from the United States Air Force in July! What a wonderful day that was. We are so proud of him! Latisha, thank you So much for allowing me to be a part of this fabulous hop. Can't wait for #8!!! Hugs to you!
Andre M. said…
Thank you for organising this amazing event and for sharing your talent with us over the last year. Some of my fave memories of the year involve my daughter who turned 13 in February 2018. It's been a true joy to see her transition into a more responsible and self confident young lady.
Cary Ann said…
Favorite memory was taking my 6 year old daughter to Disney for the first time and having my little chatter box stunned silent meeting all of the princesses.
Barbara said…
My favorite memory is a composite of the times I get to spend with my grandsons. It reminds me of all the blessings in my life.
One of my best memories is seeing when we moved in to our new house.this is my first year following this hop and I am amazed by all the generosity, creativity and live everyone is sharing. Thank you!
Deanne H said…
One of my most favorite memories was when I received my first pet.
Unknown said…
Thank you for organizing this incredible Bloghop. My favorite memory from this year is finding an old friend on Facebook and then finding out that they live in the same town I do !! we both moved here without knowing it over 10 years ago!!
Angel said…
One of my fave memories was watching my middle son sign his commitment papers to RSU to play baseball!
Kathy Mc said…
2018 was full of great memories, including my grandniece graduating high school 3rd in her class; awesome vacation to NYC with relatives & friends; trip to Boston with girlfriends; a new bridge on our property; and a wonderful 10 days at Christmastime with some of my DH's relatives. What a fabulous hop and thanks for the chance to win your generous gift!
Linda said…
My favorite memory this year was when our son/family moved into their new home on our farm. They built on 10 acres. The deck has a fireplace is stone with red weathered barn wood from his Grandpa’s barn. That mantel and the one inside we’re made from the beams in the barn. Beautiful!
What a lovely post. Thank you for hosting this blog hop! My favorite memory from 2018 was going to Red Rocks Amphitheater to watch my nephew’s high school graduation. :)
Sheri Lekan said…
Hands down my best moment of 2018 was seeing the northern lights in Iceland!! Beyond awesome!
Sheri Lekan said…
Hands down best moment of 2018 was seeing the northern lights in Iceland! Beyond awesome!
Debroh said…
My favorite memory is of my seven year old granddaughter curling up next to me on the couch to watch "my little pony" ... While dressed up in her spiderman costume. lol I love that she is so confident in who she is already.
Allene said…
My favorite memory of 2018 was my daughter’s High School graduation. It brought together family to celebrate her milestone. My mom travelled from VA to KY for the first time in the 14 years.
Taunya Butler said…
My favorite memory from this year is the special treatments I was able to receive for Depression. It has helped me so much and vastly improved my life!
Thanks for this blog hop and the generosity of your spirit!
SmokieBlueRose said…
My favorite memory of 2018 is the celebration of my Grandmother's 100 birthday. She is my hero. Thank you for the chance to win.
AndreaH said…
One of my best memories of 2018 was finally being told the operation I need can in fact go ahead as I'm well enough for the surgery. Whoop whoop. I'm so happy about that. My new years resolution this year is to make a card, tag or do colouring Everyday of 2019 (not counting the days I'm either I'll or in hospital) so I can't think of any reason I can't keep my goal for 2019 lol.
FAB blog hop. Thankyou for being part of it. Xxx Happy New year to you all xxxx
Diane Rizak said…
My favorite memory is my trip to North Carolina to visit family that I haven't seen in several years. It was the best trip ever!!!
Vikki H said…
First time to find your special hop and prizes! My highlight of the year was traveling from St Petersburg to Moscow by river cruise. Amazing history, beautiful buildings and landscapes and warm people made our trip wonderful.
V. K. said…
Happy New Year and thank you for this blog hop. Very generous prizes indeed. My favorite memory from 2018 was my brother telling me how much I have helped him in his business. I truely felt my chest puff up!
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