Paper Smooches

Happy Friday!
My day started off great.  I took my children to school, came home grabbed a few items then was off to meet a few girlfriends at our local scrapbook store.  Asela brought the cutest stamp sets from Paper Smooches.  It is a new stamp company owned by none other that Kim Hughes.  I am so happy she is illustrating again.  She has a very distinct style, and I love her font, which happens to be her hand writing.  I hear she will be releases a few stamp sets every month (how cool!).  Paper Smooches has a blog too, her design team is pretty much amazing, so be sure to check them out.  The stamps are made from photopolymer, so they are a very high quality clear stamp.

Just a simple card to show you today.  As Asela was about to leave the store, I asked to use the stamps really fast, and created this card.  It really only took a few minutes.  I now have a super fun birthday card just waiting to give away.

While I was at the scrapbook store, my son's school called me and let me know he was running a fever and was not feeling well.  I left, and went and picked him up, then headed to the drug store.  I picked up some medicine for him.  We were not home 1/2 hour before he started to puke (super fun times).  I am hoping a little medicine was absorbed into his body.  He is finally asleep right now.  I am hoping it is just a 24 hour bug and not the flu or strep.
Anyhow, so that is my Friday in a nutshell lol.
Have a great weekend!

supplies used:
white textured card stock
copic markers
3 bugs in a rug pattern paper
making memories ribbon
kaiser craft pearls
memento ink
paper smooches stamps


Pretty Paper Junkie said…
You used my favorite colors! I just love a simple design. Your card made me want to shop. (Oh! No!) Very pretty. I hope your son gets over whatever he's got and doesn't spread anything. Take care.
Christiana said…
This card is super adorable! I love the color palette, and that bird and font are too cute. I'll definitely check that line out.

There must be something going around today -- because it was my day off and I had all these plans and then my son's school nurse called around 9:30 and told me he was sick and needed picked up. Crazy how that happened to both of us today. But I guess that's all just part of being a Mama. ;o)

Hope your son starts feeling better soon!
Laurel Beard said…
Latisha, so cute! I love it.. I am glad you left well enough alone and came to your senses! Fun crafting with you this morning. Hope to see you there next week (I can't do Friday after all as I am meeting with my surgeon for my post op appointment. Let me know if another day works for u!)
asela said…
Hope he feels better soon. It was so fun to meet up with you guys. Next time I hope to stay longer. Hugs
Shirl said…
This card is super adorable! Love how you coloured the little birdie :)

Hope your son is better by now! :)

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