Chit Chat

Wow, the weather most of the US is having right now is pretty nuts!
Here in Florida, we will have rain and thunderstorms the next few days.  I will gladly take the rain over snow...anyday.  I do not miss living in the north east states.  It is very beautiful, but just was not for me.  We were able to live in New York (where my son was born) also in Connecticut.  Yes, New England has true four seasons, however winter seemed to last 5 & 6 months.  It was hard for this born and raised California girl to get used to that, my soul requires more sunshine than that.  Plus, we lived on a corner, at the bottom of a hill, and it seemed like the plows would just dump the heavy plowed snow right in front of my drive way.  It was so hard to shovel that stuff!  Every time a Nor-easter would roll on through, 99% of the time, my husband was out to sea.  I did not fancy shoveling snow alone lol.
So my camera battery died, so no crafty project shown today.
Instead I will show you a few things I am obsessed with at the moment.
For those of you who don't know, if I had to choose one store to max out a credit card at, it would 100% be at Anthropologie.  It is a lovely store.  Beautiful clothes, the trendiest accessories, luxurious home sum it up, it is freaking fabulous lol.
I don't go crazy when I shop here.
My purchases are always well thought out & planned.  It is far to dangerous to lose yourself in this store. Nothing is cheap, but not outrageously expensive either.  It is where I like to go to treat myself.
With that said, here is what I am really loving.

How fabulous is this apron?
It makes me smile just looking at it.
I can only imagine how happy I would feel cooking in it.
You know that happy feeling you get when you know you look good?
Yep, that one.
Wouldn't the apron be so cute hung up on these hooks?
But with an "L" or "Y" hook of course.
This Farmers Market bag is flipping fantastical!
They have it in yellow, red & green...all with a different print.
I seriously cannot get over the cuteness factor on this.
I mean look at the handle!
This dress!
Oh my.
It just screams warm spring day to me.
Lastly, is this hat.
I really enjoy hats.
I am a hat wearer...yes I am.
I like them. I like them a lot.

What store are you obsessed with?
I would love to know, so I can go check it out.
I like to be enabled, and find new stores I don't know about.
Have a wonderful day!


Anonymous said…
My friend introduced me to Anthropologie a few months ago & loved its uniqueness too! shop the clearance racks when you can! :)

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