I hope all of you had a great Mother's Day. I went to the San Diego Zoo with my kids and husband. It was overcast which worked in our benefit, because there were not very many tourists there. There was not a wait for the Panda's, totally awesome because that line can get long!! For those of you wondering why there is a picture of a wallet...it's my new Vera Bradley wallet which matches my new purse...I'm wearing it in the picture below. Carol, Marlou & Alex that's for you >"< The panda is Gao Gao{male} he was going to town on some bamboo.
Today is my husband's birthday so no cards today. For a Mother's Day slash bday present we bought a MacBook, so I have a laptop now yay me lol. I got Photoshop Elements 6.0 so once I figure it out I can make all of us professional looking watermarks, like all of the famous card makers have >"< I hope all of you are having a great Monday!! I so didn't want to get up this morning, I would say its just Monday's but its all mornings lol

Have a great day!
Love the wallet too, and great shot of the panda! Happy Birthday to your hubby!
Take care
Michelle SBS10