Weekend Pics of the Pinewood Derby

Picture of Jacob and I
Pinewood Derby winner 2008

Over the weekend my son Jacob got to compete in the Florida/Alabama Pensacola Bay Pinewood Derby Regional Championship {only the top 3 Tiger cubs in his den got to go} held at the Naval Aviation Museum. There was about 150 or so Tiger cubs with their cars ready to race {Tiger cubs go first since they are the youngest} For those of you who do not know what the Pinewood Derby is, first you get a piece of wood and wheels and you have to carve/paint/decorate the wood to make it into a car. Then is gets weighed {has to be under 5 ounces}, they then put this box thing over it to make sure its not too long. After all of this the races begin. Three at a time the cars go down the track, its double elimination, so if you get third twice you are out {this takes forever}.

Jacob got first about 11 times and second 4 times. This put him in the finals.

Here is a few pictures of his car starting the race & finishing in first place >"<

At the final races, there are 3 cars left and they go down the track three different time each time in a different lane {to make it fair}. They post what place you got in each race {above picture} at the end of all three races they add up the scores & whoever has the lowest score wins. So Jacob won first place out of all the boys there.

It was so cool because we told him the whole time not to be sad if he didn't advance & no matter what place he came in we were going to go get milkshakes afterwords >"<>

It really was a ton of fun & after Jacob being so sick lately is was nice to see him smile and be overjoyed with true happiness that only a child can have.

My husband has my camera, so no cards today. He is landing {helo} on ships & wants to take pictures of it {he will be flying so someone else will be snapping them off lol}


Whimsey said…
WAY TO GO Jacob - you rock!!!
Chris said…
That's freaking awesome, jacob!!!
Alhambra Club said…
He is adorable, oops mean Handsome!. He looks so happy how wonderful for your Jacob - you go!
Marlou McAlees said…
awwww, delighted for your son Latisha!! im sure you are overjoyed, bless him :)
Rochelle W said…
How cool is that!!! congrats Jacob. He looks so happy. I love his trophy. Very cool.
Rochelle SBS10
ScrapMomOf2 said…
Way to go! Oh my goodness, how fantastic! It was the best Saturday of his life, and he fell asleep holding the trophy and the car! How cute is that? What a major thrill in his life! How exciting for him!

Congratulations Jacob!
Michelle said…
This is just the cutest little boy - what a beautiful smile. Well done to Jacob! He sounds like he just the best racer around.
Michelle SBS10

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