I'm Back

This last week or so have been nuts, between the kids activities, Jesse's work schedule being crazy, & turning 31 I have felt the urge to drink an adult beverage, I have refrained. Then to top everythink off, I flew to CA, from New Orleans ( I live in florida 3 1/2 hours away) on Tuesday, went to dinner with family, dropped off xmas presents (all in Sacramento) went back to the hotel went to sleep aroun 11pm because I was jabbing it up with my inlaws. Got to the Sacramento airport around 6am, find a Starbucks get my latte and then found a seat. Check in was a breeze! So I finally get into New Orleans, my family meets me there and my husband surprises me by saying we should go to Emerils. It was pure heaven, I will need to have a full day to blog to describe the food that I ate all that comes to my mind is AMAZING!! So we stay the night (wed) get up and just tool around waiting for my dad to arrive. His flight wasn't delayed so I was so thankful for that!! On our drive home to Florida we stopped and ate at a Cracker Barrel which is always yummy my Dad thought it was great, but he also is from N. CA where there is no cracker barrell. I ended up buying more ornaments, but in my defense they were 50% off. I am now home, however I am getting up early to go to my son's school for thier holiday party. This is going to be a special Christmas because someone (my dad) has come to visit. When your married to the military to seem to move alot and never close to home, so I am very thankful this year to have him hear with us. I hope you all have a great weekend getting those must have last minute gifts.


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