Happy Thanksgiving

I hope everyone had a fabulous Thanksgiving! I cooked so much food it would have fed my entire street. There is a ton of turkey left from the 20lb bird I bought. Tomorrow I will make turkey enchiladas and turkey soup & then freeze 1/2 of it.
So I went shopping on black friday...I stayed up, made myself some coffee to charge up and then left my house at 3:15 am! I got to Kohls and the line was wrapped around the store. I wasn't getting hot electronic items, I was there to get some awesome deals on clothes. I spent around $150 but saved almost $400. The only thing that kind of sucked was that I was in line for about 1 hour 45 minutes. I was so tired driving home it was a 30 minute drive and what I really wanted to do once I hit my driveway was to go climb into bed. However I didn't, I took everything out of the bags, wrapped everything and then put the presents under the tree. I just went to take a picture of our Christmas Tree, but my camera batteries are dead. I hope everyone has a great weekend! I am going to create tonight and tomorrow so hopefully tomorrow I will have something to share :)


Chris said…
i think you are crazy, but i still love ya!!!


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