Monday Ramblings and blog candy

So I check my email today and guess what...I won some awesome blog candy from Carrie, check out her blog at she is pretty awesome. Anyhow, I lifted this pictures from her blog to show you what I got. I'm so excited :) When I opened my email I ran outside to tell my husband Jess, I was like "I won blog candy, I can't believe it, come and look" he had no idea what I was talking about. So he came inside and I had to explain to him what blog candy is and why people give it he thinks it is really cool. Thank you Carrie for making my day!!

This weekend my family went to University of West Florida for the kick off for the BEST Robotics competition. To briefly summarize what this is, basically middle and high schools get this kit and they have six weeks to make a robot. This weekend is the only time we get to see the field where the robots compete, its very important to go so you can see what the tasks will be. The robots will have to go up the ramps, pick stuff up, go back down the ramp and put the stuff into a basket. Mind you 4 robots compete at a time. My daughter is on the design team for the tshirts, and is documenting everything the school does as a photographer, plus helping out with the robot. Building the robot is just one part of the competition, for example 8 kids will go into a room and people from NASA interview them about the robot, and the kids have to basically "sell" to them why theirs is the best. Lots and lots more but I'm trying to make this short and sweet. Here are a few pictures from the kickoff.

This is the field where the robots compete against each other.

Here is my cutie pie daughter...I don't think 6th graders like to be called cutie pies, do they?


Unknown said…
oh wow...what blogcandy!! Lucky you!! hmmm...not sure about the cutiepie thing...*LOL*

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