Seasons Givings Blog Hop

Hello and welcome to the 8th annual Seasons Givings Blog hop!
Happy New Year!
Every single one of the blogs listed below are hosting a giveaway.

I don't post as often as I should on this blog, but I would love it if you would follow me on instagram!
My IG handle name and link is Latishayoast

I want to take this opportunity to thank all of the blog readers, customers who support stamp companies and who champion the craft industry. Without you there would be nothing. This blog hop is for you. I hope to be more creative this coming year and be able to share more in 2020. I wish all of you nothing but blessings as well.

Also, for a chance to win these prizes, please answer this question.
What is the biggest lesson you learned in 2019?

Here we go!

This first prize package is from Susan Opel, the Editor in Chief of Scrapbook & Cards Today Magazine.  This box will include a few magazines, new and gently used stamps, dies, stencils as well as other delightful surprises. 

This next prize package is from Grace (click on her name to go directly to her IG handle). She is a fellow designer for Lawn Fawn. She is generously sharing this package full of Lawn Fawn goodies. I see stamps, dies, paper and a glitter pen!

I am giving away a $25 gift certificate to Lawn Fawn for one prize, and then a package of goodies.

Please visit each of these blogs! Again, each one is hosting their very own giveaways!

Here are a few of my favorite projects that I made in 2019


Dana M said…
Oh what fun, sweet and beautiful projects - fabulously creative! I learned life is short, embrace each day and those you love and enjoy the journey.
Hello there! You create so lovely cards! I just followed You on IG. My lesson for this Year is that Health is the most important thing and we should all care about it with more attention. As I nearly died in December, it was a teachful lesson and I will keep this in my mind.
Have a Happy New Year!
Karenladd said…
Following you on IG now and always love seeing your beautiful projects. My lesson from 2019 is to enjoy today, because time changes all things.
thank you so much for the generous giveaways, and wishes for a happy 2020
cghundley said…
Wonderful blog hop!
I learned how to lay
tile, build a ramp to
our back door and working
on training our new puppy!
Happy New Year!
Carla from Utah
JennyH said…
Happy New Year, thanks for a great hop and chance to win these lovely goodies : )
Lesson learned from 2019 . . . don't leave things til the last minute.

jennyhurley @
Mirella said…
Happy New Year! Some lovely creations here! :-)
I learned how to be a more patient mum in 2019, although there's still a lot to learn! ;-)
New Creations said…
What fab projects! Thanks for the lovely giveaway!
Happy New Year!
I learned in 2019 Always be positive in every situation! It's graceful to accept that people change and it's better to move on. No point in staying in the past. Just stay in the present. Mistakes happen, but don't let those mistakes make you who you are today.
Fikreta said…
Happy New Year!
oh these are so nice cards!
I learned in 2019 that we must cherish every momenet we have with loved ones.
Dana said…
Happy New Year! I learned to enjoy each moment.
Isabel Z said…
The biggest lesson I learned is to take one day at a time. Happy New Year and may it be a blessed one. Thank you for inspiring me in 2019 and I look forward to 2020.
Debbie said…
I learned that I need to focus on what is most important and savour those moments. Happy New Year!
Carol (HB) said…
Happy New Year Latisha! Thank you for this hop - it's the perfect way to start the new year; reading everyone's positive thoughts for a fresh start and seeing such fabulous creations!
2019 taught me to focus on me and my health vs my job. We'll see how that goes. LOL
Jo Malicoat said…
First off, thanks so much for hosting this blog hop, I did it last year for the first time, and through it was introduced to so many creative people - I just love it! My most important lesson is there is never enough time to do all the things you want to do, so prioritize and let go of what you cannot get to! Stress will ruin your life! Happy New Year to you and yours :-)
Pbonawitz said…
I am new to your site and your cards are lovely! My most important lesson was to not put off until tomorrow what you can do today. I totally procrastinated too much and did not accomplish what I wanted last year.
JulieP said…
Beautiful cards! I'm not much of a blog follower as I too prefer IG. (Following you now...thanks!) The one thing I learned in 2019 is that "you are what you eat." Sounds trite but it is oh so true. I revamped my diet and feel better than I have in years. Happy New Year to you and thank you for introducing me to so many "new to me" crafters!
Mary-Anne V said…
Happy New Year! Love seeing your favourite projects from the last year! One thing I learned this past year is to trust God's plan...that he has great things planned for me and I just have to do my part and He'll take care of the rest.
nstott said…
Happy New Year! Thank you for creating this blog hop. The lesson I learned this year is I am strong. I had a year of medical challenges and have come through them stronger and more positive than I went in.
Esther Asbury said…
Lovely cards, and thank you for the opportunity to win some great prizes! As for a lesson I learned in 2019 it would probably be that there's a time to "let go" of the past and move forward.
Macimbalo said…
Such pretty creations! I learned that it's good to try new things, but to try to incorporate them into your own style instead of someone else's....I'm still working on it! Happy new year!
Melissa Bi. said…
Thank you so much for organizing this hop!
In 2019 I learned to be thankful for my health.
Here's a a happy & healthy new year to everyone.
~amy~ said…
Latisha! Thank you for all your work on this incredible hop!
I love your sweet style.
Biggest Lesson? An appreciation of life, good health, family + friends. It's so easy to take all that for granted. Losing my best friend in 2019 to cancer was a big wake up call.
Judy Inukai said…
Thanks for organizing this hop. It is always fun and inspiring. The biggest lesson I learned this year, when you think something is wrong - GO TO THE DOCTOR AND DON'T PUT IT OFF. I was lucky, but I won't put things like this off any more.
Crafty Cruiser said…
Well done for organising this hop and for the chance to win one of a great selection of prizes. Biggest lesson on 2019? Live for today and get on with your life!
Doreen R
Margaret said…
I was thinking last night that I had missed the Season of Giving Blog Hop and then this morning I started going through my emails and Surprise there are the blog messages from participants in this hop! You have made my day because I love visiting each of the bloggers and being introduced to artists that are new to me as well as ones I am familiar with. Thank you for hosting this each year! The biggest lesson I have learned is to enjoy every moment and not take anything for is too short!
Teresa Doyle said…
Wow what great projects Latisha and a HUGE Thank YOU for putting this hop together each year. It is always nice to be appreciated for the time spent on this hobby that we love whether it’s through sales or commenting (or both!) Also thanks for the chance to win one of the giveaways.
After loosing my beloved MIL in the fall I learned not to take one minute for granted with our loved ones. I have no regrets about the amount of time that I spent with her ( and it was a lot) but it reminded me to not forget the others in my life. Cease the moments whenever you can, don’t put anything off that counts!
Happy New Year
MJ's Kraze said…
What cute projects. I am loving the first card, your coloring is great.
What I learned in 2019 is always take a chance in business requests. I was contacted to make something it has turned out to be a best-seller of mine this year.
Karen Ondes said…
I have learned that life is so very precious. Lost my mom a year ago and still miss her terribly.
Live love and laugh, life always goes on.
Fabiola said…
Quelle magnifique façon de débuter l'année, une magnifique carte et un magnifique prix à gagner. Bonne et heureuse année à tous.
SmilynStef said…
Lesson learned ... and still learning ... health doesn't just happen by accident (at least not for me) ... it takes work.
Deb Selby said…
The biggest lesson I learned in 2019 is to "roll with the punches" because there will always be punches.
Debby2206 said…
Thank you for organizing this whole blog hop. Outstanding job! The thing I learned this year is to be kind with my inner criticism because I want production over perfection.
Janice M said…
Happy New Year! Thank you for all the wonderful Lawn Fawn products and inspiration. My big lesson from 2019.... stress changes you not only emotionally, but also physically. Manage your stress the best way you can and let all those close to you know how wonderful they are. Here's to a better 2020!
Tami said…
Awesome prizes, thank you for the opportunity to win. I think being afraid of failing can keep you from achieving!! So trying and failing you can learn from your mistakes and oh my what if you succeed!!!
Lieve said…
Thank you for organizing this great blog hop ! It's full of inspiration for all of us.
What I learned ? Health is the most important thing !
And don't complain when you are asked to buy/give/... something for charity. It's better that you can contribute, than that something must be organised to help you.
Happy, healty, creative greetings from Belgium.
Lisa Olson said…
Thanks for the chance to win this fun giveaway! Lesson learned: I need to work at breaking some habits that aren't serving me well.
Laura said…
Thank you for sharing your talents. Here’s to 2020!!
Subhashini said…
Great to see your beautiful creations, love them all. Thanks for the awesome opportunity to win
Kirsten said…
Llama tell me I love your projects! Biggest lesson: ask for help. Don't just blindly say "no, I'm fine" when people offer. Let them help!
Chandhini said…
My biggest learning was that key to your happiness is with you. Awesome prizes, thanks for the chance to win.
Lynda Woerner said…
Best wishes for continued success and happiness in the coming year.
Carol McCready said…
Fabulous projects! Loving those Llamas.
Barb said…
Love your cards! Thanks for the opportunity to win this awesome prize!
astarr said…
Happy 2020! In 2019 I learned that no one will take care of you more than you.
Lorraine Gall said…
Learned to trust my instincts more. What a lovely hop you've put together, thanks so much!! It's quite fun!
Valerie S said…
Thank you for sharing your beautiful and inspiring projects. I learned in 2019 that I can't do everything - in other words, I need to say "no" sometimes. Thanks for a chance to win!
Joanie said…
Happy New Year! I learned that I need to trust my instincts and follow them.
Chris said…
Happy New Year to you! Thanks for the chance to win! I learned I can do hard things I moved across the country in 2019.
KGBaird said…
I learned what’s really important in life. When a loved one is really sick, it puts things in perspective, and showed me what really matters (and what really doesn’t!) Thanks for an amazing blog hop! Wishing you a healthy and fruitful New Year!
Gretchen Wilson said…
Always love this day, the great companies and crafters that have been so generous of their time, talent and good and wonderful inspiration! Thanks for being one of the best!💜🤗🎉🥂
Natalie said…
The biggest lesson I learn was to go with my first idea!
Sue McRae said…
What a wonderful mix of projects! I've learned that I can't control everything and that's okay.
Becca Yahrling said…
Happy New Year and thank you for your continued generosity!
Your cards and projects are all so fun. LOVE the party peeps
(even tho they aren't paper crafting! hehe).
SLMPetersen said…
The biggest thing I learned in 2019 is that you can't be supported and encouraged if you never tell anyone about your goals or dreams.
wimom said…
I learned it does not have to be perfect or look like anyone else's. I need to have fun and just do it
bn100 said…
health first
bn100candg at hotmail dot com
Sharon said…
My lesson is to "let go and let God".
Love your designs.
Best wishes for the new year!
Johanna said…
Learned to live in the moment and to treasure it. Thanks for the opportunity to win a prize and you make beautiful cards. Happy New year.
Jeanne Beam said…
Gorgeous cards! I learned to love life and enjoy every moment...
Hope you have a wonderful and blessed New Year!

Mary Holshouser said…
Llama tell you how much I enjoy your
cards. So pretty and fun.
I've learned that I should chill - I'm
my own worst enemy when it comes to
deciding whether a project looks
good or I should junque it. thanks
for sharing this year - I don't do IG
so I miss a lot of the posts.
Happy New Year. txmlhl(at)yahoo(dot)com
Susanm said…
Lovely projects. I learned how to use stencils to create fun back backgrounds for cards. I also learned that I love having a dog. Our 13 yo poodles died in 2018 and we got a Labradoodle puppy in October - she is the best company and we both getting lots of exercise.
Lana said…
In 2019 I learned that I create my own happiness and nobody can take that away from me! That's part of why I stamp! I love to create! Thank you for the chance to win your generous prizes!
Your cards are wonderful and I love the Peeps display. :) I learned that I need to make time for card making and crafting! I love to do it, but at times I was making cards at the last minute. This year I will be more consistent in making the time to be creative. Thanks for the chance to win!
Patti J said…
Thanks for putting this wonderful hop together again this year! Happy New Year! And thanks for the chance to win! Would love to win the box from Susan!
Jean Maxwell said…
Your cards are beautiful
Avra Williams said…
Happy new year, Susan! And thank you for making me smile every time I see your smile on facebook!
Georgann said…
Looking forward to all that’s new in 2020! Love your beautiful cards! Lesson learned: don’t let fear stop anything you want to do.
MadeByMeghanK said…
These are awesome! Love the llamas! Thank you for organizing this! I learned to THINK BIG PICTURE in 2019!
Rhonda Miller said…
Happy New Year. Those creations are wonderful.
Ericka Strange said…
Beautiful cards and thanks for organizing such a fun hop! Happy New Year! My biggest lesson this year was to learn to take care of myself. As a mom and wife, I'm usually busy with everyone else, but I need to remember to make sure my health is good.
Laurie2cats said…
Your projects are all so artistic, thanks for the inspiration. In 2019 I was so lucky to be able to go on a tour of Israel. I learned so much on that trip, it really deepened my understanding of Biblical events.
Beautiful projects. I learned that you need to think before you speak.
Seester2T said…
I learned life is way too short. Only you can make sure the time you have is spent wisely.
I learned that I need to stop procrastinating! I need to make 3 wedding albums!!!
Cathy Lillie said…
Thanks for starting this blog hop. What a fun way to kick off the new year! My biggest lesson from 2019 was to focus on the important things in my life. I've been trying to do too much for too many people. I need to prioritize and focus on what's most important. Have a happy, healthy New Year!
Natalie said…
I've learned that change isn't necessarily a bad thing and it's not to be feared, especially when I trust the Lord to lead me and wait on Him for direction. Happy New Year may 2020 be a blessed year!
What a wonderful hop. Amazing line up. Thanks so much for the fabulous inspiration along the way. So many great companies and designers! My big lesson in 2019, was to stop procrastinating and just 'do it'. Hah, easier said than done, but it has some good results when put into practice. Hugs, Wends xoxo
Tammy said…
What beautiful cards! My biggest lesson in 2019 was to slow down and enjoy the present. I cannot believe another year has gone by! Thanks so much for the chance to win!
Lauri Bacalzo said…
Happy New Year and blessings in 2020.
One of my lessons learned in 2019...don’t buy more things than you have room for or get a bigger room lol
Your cards are just adorable!
Thank you for sharing your talents and inspiration and being part of this wonderful blog hop!
MaryH. said…
The hop has been so much fun and all have been so generous and providing such inspiration and support. My big lesson is Don't waste a minute of your life; give generously and it will be returned ten fold. Have a very Happy and Successful New Year!
Darnell said…
Thank you for sharing your favorites, Latisha! They are all a delight to my eyes! I have all I can do to blog, so I don't IG. Is there some way I can subscribe to your blog so I don't miss your posts? Thank you. And thank you for hosting this generous hop for all of us! The thing I learned last year was that I'm slowing down a tiny bit and I have to be okay with that. Fortunately my bloggie friends are understanding when I visit them less than I used to do! Hugs, Darnell
Mrsfish02 said…
Renewed patience... after years of having grown grandchildren my daughter has remarried and I now have 2 wonderful granddaughters ages 8 and 6. So much energy! They love to craft and we had a ball at Christmas. You are such an amazingly generous person. 8 years of the Seasons of Giving, oh my. We are all blessed to have you in this business. Love your creations . Thank You so much for doing this.
Bunny said…
That you need to refresh your products. Hard to do sometimes. [Bunny]
Kimberly said…
The biggest lesson I learned was to do the things that bring me joy and help me to be a better perso
Beverly Perdue said…
Hi Latisha! Thank you so much for this fun blog hop! Thanks also for the inspiration and your generous prizes. The biggest lesson I learned in 2019 is to not procrastinate! I seemed to be scrambling to get birthday cards made at the last minute. Hope you have a blessed and happy 2020!
christi said…
patience is what I learned in 2019, I learned that I don't have enough of it. thanks for hosting us each year!
Rachelle A. said…
One of the biggest lessons I learned this year was to have more patience. I am still working on it but will get there someday.
Thanks and happy 2020!
Cynthia Clark said…
I learned just when you thought the babies had stopped coming, along comes the great grandbabies! LOL
Beach Girl 115 said…
One thing I learned this year is to let go and let other people do things, even if they don't do them the way I would.
Brand6 Duncan said…
I learned that I need to work on my patience, which I plan on doing this year. Thanks for the generous giveaway.
Jingle said…
I learned that i can, indeed, be a mom! I also learned that my husband is an absolutely AMAZING daddy! Gorgeous cards, Latisha. Wishing you a very happy New Year!
karenajo said…
Lesson learned - don't worry about tomorrow, it will take care of itself- live for today! Love all your wonderful inspiration - thanks for sharing and for a chance to Win !
Anonymous said…
I think one of the biggest lessons that I learned is that sometimes you have to let people know about your inner battles, even when you may be embarrassed or feel weak. I avoid the unpleasant and try to hide behind my smile, but those anxieties will find a way to come out no matter how hard you try to keep them tucked away. Now on a lighter note...thanks SO much for creating this blog hop, it's both inspiring and generous!
This is such a fun way to start a new year! Thanks for participating!
Lesson learned...your kids might surprise you if you give them more responsibility.
Kym Maxwell said…
Thank you so much Latisha!! I know uh are the pere ok n responsible for this fabulous Blog Hop and I am so grateful!! Havent won yet, but this is my 3rd year participating. The card making community is absolutely fabulous so generous. I wish you nothing but success and happiness in the new year!!! Big Hugs
Neva Cole said…
One of the biggest lessons I've learned this year is to trust that God has His hand in plans for our boys. It's been a tough year with both of them (adopted from Russia 10 years ago), knowing that both deal with issues far beyond what consistent parenting and love can help them with. I've also learned that a clean organized craft room is a true joy! I spent some major time reorganizing and have a resolution to keep it neat and organized throughout the year! Thank you for organizing the blog hop yet again! Thank you for the generous giveaway and here's to a prosperous 2020!
Jean said…
Such a wonderful hop filled with inspiration! The lesson i learned is to step back and let my daughter raise her children. The only thing I need to do is love them. Happy New YEar!
The biggest lesson I’ve learned this year is its ok to step out of your comfort zone, some awesome things happened this year when I did that.

Thanks for the chance to win and for always sharing inspiration in life whether it’s recipes, cards, or just life lessons. Happy New Year!
Cynthia Baldwin said…
Happy New Year to you! Thanks for participating/arranging the hop - so many great crafters and companies on this list! Love the projects that you've shared too.
In 2019, since I went back to work (after being a stay-at-home mom/housewife for a dozen years!), I've learned about hourly work shifts, about the type of job that my personality is more suited for...and about what I ultimately want to do once my kids leave the nest. (OK, that's a lot of lessons, but all good stuff to know!)
Anneleise said…
Happy New Year to all my crafty friends. In 2019 I learned to step back and leave work at work and not bring it home. Home is for my family. And they deserve my all. Not what I have left over after a hard day at work. What great prizes you have.
Dear Latisha
A very happy new year to you and your family with blessings of Good health and happiness is my sincere wish.
Thank you for organising this mammoth project for all of us.
Love your creations so much.
The lesson i learnt in 2019 is the value of prayer and patience. If noit for these i would have died. God is amazing and he holds my hand at all times giving me patience and loving me for who iam.
with loads of love and gratitude
I learned in 2019 to try new crafty things, to be a better kinder me, and that only I make my own happiness. Thank you for all you do. This hop is amazing and so filled with inspiration! Happy New Year!
Wendi J said…
I think my big lesson learned this year is "just do it!" Don't let others keep you from doing something that you know is right for you because they want to you to doing something they think it better for you. No one knows you better than you.
Chark said…
Happy to see the annual hop again this year! I learned a lot, including that I'm actually one of those people--people who don't immediately ink up a new stamp. Going to change that asap!
Cheriese said…
loving all the inspiration! 2019 was all about learning to go with the flow!
AnnetteH said…
Thank you for the giveaways. I love Lawn Fawn and you have some wonderful designs. I learned personally how god still performs miracles. My friend just lost her mother after Thanksgiving last year. This spring, her husband had a hemorrhaging stroke. She was told that night that he probably wouldn't survive and if he did he wouldn't be a musician or the man she knew again. (He taught guitar lessons and did music gigs for a living and was supporting the family with that while his wife home schooled their 3 children. Their children are teenagers.) My sister and I went to the hospital on Sunday to be with her and the children and to pray for her husband. Well, you know what, the doctor's were wrong on all counts. They had to do surgery, but he survived and was playing his guitar less than a week later and slowly started being able to speak. He's still re-learning speech and reading since that was the largest part that was effected. But he has been doing music gigs for awhile now. We keep talking about how God is still working his miracle in their family.
Aga Hol said…
My most important lesson from this year is: every time you help others, you have great chance to meet fantastic people and make them your friends.
Visionlady said…
Such a great way to start the new year. Think the best lesson I’ve learned is not to so critical of myself and projects.enjoy the process and k kw that mistakes can be fixed. Happy new year
Boryana said…
Happy New Year! I learned to be braver :)
Arlene A said…
Dont give in to fear. You can accomplish anything.
Jessica Toulmin said…
Nothing remains constant except change itself!
Happy New Year and thanks for the opportunity to win!
Leanne said…
Happy New Year!! I've learnt that a grateful heart is a happy heart.
Megan said…
Happy New Year! I’ve learned so many things in 2019... the most important is a combination of things, time is so short, work toward the person / parent you want to be today!!
Gail Davidson said…
Thank you for organising this fabulous hop each year Latisha, and thank you for your inspiration. The most important thing I learned in 2019 is that the power of love can heal almost anything. Happy New Year!
Wendy Lambert said…
Can't wait to hop along and see everyone's creations. My biggest lesson of 2019 is to be grateful for what I have. I always see people that have these huge craft rooms and I am so jealous but 2019 showed me all the blessings that I have.
Ginny K. said…
Happy New Year!The lesson I learned in 2019 is that you do not need to buy new things to create and be happy. I am retired and therefore basically on a spending freeze, i am trying to use what I have in my craft stash as much as possible. Thank you so much for sharing your talents. How wonderful to start the new year off with a great give away. thanks for the chance to win.

~Ginny K.~
NatQuebec said…
Such beautiful cards and projects.
Linnea S said…
thank you for another year of this blog hop! 2019 taught me that it's ok to not have control over the inevitable... que sera!
Keiren Dunfee said…
What I learned in 2019 is to be true to yourself. Thanks for a wonderful giveaway and happy 2020!
Thank you for this incredible hop...I participate every year!! I work all year on completing tasks. I had so many unfinished things, that it became a bit overwhelming. So now, I (still) practice HNY to you and yours!
Teri S. said…
Lathisha, what an amazing project to undertake setting up this blog hop! Absolutely Pawsome of you.
Your cards are adorable & your prizes are generous. I was asked to sing a solo at church last year & I've never ever done something like that & could not, in my own strength, feature doing it. I learned that through prayer & wanting to do it for Gods glory & to bless people, He gave me the strength & grace when I needed it most. He can be trusted in all things. Wishing you a Joy filled 2020!
Hattie Hatcheck said…
The biggest lesson I learned this year is to stay out of the family chaos, and keep my opinions to myself. It was a hard lesson. But I'm stronger for it and happier too!
Debbie Seyer said…
The bigggest leasson I learned in 2020 is that it's super quiet in my house now that no child lives here. I am hoping to learn just who I am and where I am going this 2020 year. It took me a few months to actually acknowledge that things have changed. So I guess I also learned to face the reality head-on.
Julie O'Neil said…
Thanks for the giveaway! I learned to have more patience in 2019!
I learned to prep dinner early in the day for better success!
Karthikha said…
Happy New Year :) Thank you for the generous giveaways, I would love to win Lawn Fawn products! One lesson from 2019 is to be patient, take life the way it comes in and enjoy every moment :)
Nancy said…
My biggest lesson I am trying to learn is acceptance. Create for me and not for anyone else, and don't compare myself to other card makers. Thanks for the chance to win! Happy New Year!
Andrea Murdock said…
thank you so much for doing this year after year. I look forward to it so much. I have been a big fan of your creations for a long time. My lesson this past year is to learn how to move through challenges and be there for myself while also being there for others. I tend to let me down and I felt the effects of that hard this year.
Julie said…
Its been a tough year for me on all fronts. I'd have to say my biggest lesson learned is to stop doing things that do not make me happy-- I mean things I do because I think I have some duty to do them. Here's hoping for more happiness (and less drama) in 2020!
Isabelle said…
Happy New Year and thank you for the very generous giveaway !
Last year, I've learned that I should be more confident with my crafting skills. I rarely shared my cards on my Instagram account. So for 2020 I fixed myself a minimum of 52 cards to be shares....🥴🤞🤞🤞
Happy New Year! Your cards are beautiful. Thank you for the chance to win.
Barb said…
What is the biggest lesson you learned in 2019? I need to purge stuff and become more simple
Happy New Year Latisha! I have been inspired by your great designs all year and am so happy you came up with this great Seasons Givings Blog Hop! In 2019, I got a new job with an organization that helps kids, and I have learned SO MUCH! But the biggest lesson is to always tell people the truth about how you feel, and tell them often! Don't assume that anyone "just knows" that you care - tell them, and tell them often! It makes a HUGE difference! Have a great 2020!
Crafty Hugs!
Michele K. Henderson
Denise said…
Happy New Year! Thank you for your kind, giving heart! I’ve learned in 2019 that life is short and that I need to love more. I love all your projects!❤️
Jen said…
Thank you for organizing this hop, and happy new year!
This last year taught me that sometimes the best step forward can first be a few steps back. Deep, eh?
Donna Sue said…
Your cards are so nice...the llamas are adorable. Thanks for your giveaway!
I love all of your designs! I learned to not take anything for granted and to appreciate each and every day.
Rachelle Oltean said…
Happy New Year and thanks so much for creating this wonderful blog hop and for all of your great inspiration on the Lawn Fawn Blog! I have learned to value the time spent with family as being the most important thing!
This year I learned how fleeting life can be and to be grateful for each day.
Debbie said…
I’m new to card making but the most important thing I’ve learned this year is no matter your level you can still end up with a nice card. Most mistakes can be corrected or hidden. Go for it.
maxibim said…
I learned that I have a whole lot more to learn!
Karen said…
I learned how important it is to take the time to show your love and affection; don't assume someone knows!
Brenda in IN said…
Thank you for this hop. I get to "meet" people and places that I didn't know about. I've learned how important exercise is for good health and to not skip it.
Beverly S. said…
Love all your crafty creations. :) In 2019, I learned not to take things for granted. My husband was in an accident in November and we were so lucky he was not hurt worse than he was. Christmas was truly blessed for us this year being together with our family. :) Happy New Year!
Sue D said…
Beautiful cards... lots of inspiration... thanks for all you do! Lesson from 2019: Less is often more, in so many areas of life, including crafting. I hope to put this into action more in 2020.
coolcowsmoo said…
You do you and I'll do me. We will all be happier that way!
I love all your projects! I've learned to slow down and enjoy and appreciate every moment of every day.
Kimmers said…
Happy New Year! I love your rainbow cards! I learned life is short and unpredictable.
Anonymous said…
Marisela Delgado said: I learned perseverance in times of testing.
Susan Richter said…
Hi Latisha - what a wonderful idea you created here - and so much generosity! Thank you. I think the biggest lesson from 2019 is to take the time to do what you want when you want to. Seize the day!
Marie Bingaman said…
I learned that nothing is guaranteed, especially not tomorrow! I lost a friend to a sudden heart attack, and she was only 5 years older than I am. It was a real eye-opener for me!

Thanks for coming up with this wonderful blog hop idea, and for keeping it going for 8 years ! :)
Ceal said…
Thanks fo much for all your hard work each year with this hop. t makes my heart happy and I look forward to it every year!
SHartl said…

Thanks for putting this hop together all those years ago! Craft bloggers are my favorite people and I appreciate all the tutorials and inspiring projects that everyone shares. My lesson for 2020 is to relax and enjoy my children as they grow.
Following on IG too as shartl83
Amy C. said…
The biggest lesson I learned in 2019 is that I need to keep my eyes fixed on Jesus. Circumstances can send you for a loop, but He's got you!
Lori M said…
Thank you for the chance at great prize packages. I’ve learned a spotless kitchen floor and uncluttered counters are highly overrated. Momma doesn’t have time for that endless task.
Happy New Year!!! Thanks for the chance to win some awesome goodies. What I learned this year is to trust myself and that I can accomplish almost anything.
Lisa Byers said…
Thank you for the opportunity to win your great prize package!! What I learned this year is organization is key to a craftroom. I’m not happy unless my room is in order. This year, my room is getting cleaned out and reorganized!!
Kailash said…
I have learnt to do what makes you happy and to focus on the present moment. Life is too short to not enjoy and embrace it!
Laura Pyle said…
I asked both of my kids this question on New Year's Eve and they (independently!) came up with the same answer and I whole-heartedly agree: We can do hard things.
Schmidenkiwi said…
Happy New Year to You! That blog Hop is such a great idea. Thank you. I have learned in 2019 that sometimes you need to ask for help and that there are people who will help you and not just saying it to be polite. Very thankful for them.
Dawn S. said…
What beautiful projects! I love the rainbow background. I learned that I shouldn't procrastinate! Thanks for the chance to win these great prize packs.
BobbisTreasure said…
My biggest lesson of 2019 is that nothing ever goes as planned, so persevere. Thank you for hosting such a great hop!!
Wendy said…
Thank you for organizing this blog hop again. I love visiting all of the blogs, meeting new crafters and learning new techniques and ideas! In 2019, I learned that I’m stronger than I thought I was.
Shar Zar said…
Marvelous designs.
Joan K said…
OH goodness, I love your style! Glad you are in this blog hop cuz I'm happy to start following you :) Thank you for the giveaways and all the inspiration. Happy New Year!!
Subhashini said…
My biggest lesson is that no matter what, you must believe that you can do it, and you will surely come out as a winner.
Thanks for the opportunity to win
Jess K said…
Happy New Year Latisha! Beautiful projects as always. Big lesson of 2019 is that life is a gift, you only live once and to make time count. We lost my grandmother in July and I wish I had more time with her. I hope the best for you in 2020. Thank you for organizing this hop every year and for your beautiful artwork.
MJ's Kraze said…
Lovely work. I am a lover of the packaging in the Christmas photos.
Stacey Kowbel said…
Wonderful projects! Such a great hop! One of my lessons is that life is too short and we need to love our family and support each other.
HeatherB said…
Great blog! My lesson this year is that I have to craft for me. I need to select the projects and commitments that bring me joy, and worry less about what other people may expect. Crafting should be easy!
Oh Latisha, thank you for organizing this special event again this year. I'm SO grateful for your give-away and I am your follower on Instagram. Hope you had a blessed holiday season, and wishing you a great 2020 and beyond.
Karen Letchworth
Laine M said…
Biggest lesson I learned in 2019 is that you have to let your kids make their own mistakes and learn the hard way. You can't do everything for them, as much as you'd like to.
Indy's Designs said…
Thanks for another fabulous hop! As for the biggest lesson learned: Be sure to reach out to those you love and tell them how important they are to you. I didn't get this chance when my brother suddenly passed away in October.
Happy New Year! Love your cards and this fun post! I learned I am really blessed with amazing friends this year. Looking forward to seeing all your creative inspiration in 2020!!
stampingbowd said…
Thank you so much for doing this again this year! It's such an amazing time visiting other blogs. I always end up following someone new! I learned that I could actually achieve a goal! I am old enough that this should not be such a surprise but it's really the first time I have set a very difficult goal and made progress in area that I have always failed at! So woohoo! I am reaching even further in 2020! Happy New year!
Peach said…
VIRTUE: you don't need a reason to help someone.
Thanks for hosting a giveaway!
Happy New Year!
gabriella said…
I have learned to just do it. It doesn’t have to be perfect.
Thank you for hosting this wonderful hop! I've learned that I can balance many roles better than I thought I could.
sarascloset said…
Lesson learned: I can FULLY trust in God. Thank you for your very generous prize opportunities, and good luck to everyone here!
Heike said…
One thing I learned is just to take every day as it comes, don't worry about the next.
I learned quite a bit in 2019. I learned that I have a lot friends and supporters, I have value and worth and I have the courage to stand up for myself! :) Here's to a great 2020!
Kristina B. said…
The biggest lesson of 2019..... Be gentle with your toilet, if the wax ring fails it slowly leaks and rots the floor boards out #askmehowIknow and I also learned Cheesecake isn't so bad.
PrairieChick73 said…
Thanks for the awesome giveaways! The most important lesson I learned in 2019 is that relationship matters.
Meghan said…
I have learned that I can say no sometimes and be okay about that. Happy New Year.
Cynthia Cole said…
Thought I was a follower already but soon realized that was a no. I am now a follower on IG. Such a great giveaway. I've learned sometimes It's OK to not be OK.
Andre M. said…
Happy new year, thanks for your efforts organising this hop! Your projects are always so bright and cheerful, thanks for the inspiration. My biggest lesson of 2019 was to embrace the imperfections - in my crafting and life in general.
Renee VanEpps said…
I always look forward to this blog hop (for prizes, yes!) but mostly for the inspiration which I am seriously lacking this year :( Biggest lesson learned - I need to LISTEN MORE TALK LESS. Especially when dealing with my pre-teen! Thanks Latisha and hope you have a very happy 2020!
Kathleen said…
I loved seeing your favorite cards for 2019, and look forward to all you create in 2020. My biggest lesson I learned in 2019 was to enjoy every minute with family and friends. Life is fleeting and our loved ones are taken from us too soon.
Terri W said…
Lessons learned .. this year and every year .. LOVE THOSE NEAREST AND DEAREST TO YOUR HEART … Life is too short and thinks happen in the blink of an eye Ãœ
Kit said…
Happy New Year! I learned how important practice is. You can't improve without putting in the work and seeing my improvement with practice really drives home that lesson.
NWFlamingo said…
Don't take on more projects than you can handle! Pretty good lesson.
Dee Earnshaw said…
such creative designs and projects - thanks for sharing.
I have learnt to be patient when crafting - I can't remember the number of times I have damaged a card by not waiting long enough for the paint / glue / glitter gel etc to dry - lol
Jen P said…
What a fun way to kick off the New Year! I enjoyed seeing your beautiful projects! A lesson I learned in 2019 would be to slow down. Take a moment to breathe and enjoy the process more.
Sandi said…
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Sandi said…
I learned this year to take time for myself. I love your llama card....I am also a new follower on your IG account. Thank you for the chance to win....these are some awesome prizes.
Ruth Tacoma said…
I love your little Merry & Bright card!! My biggest lesson was that difficult seasons do not define me, they just refine me. Hard lesson to learn, but I am still teachable and willing to grow.
Arianna Barbara said…

Happy New Year!!! 
Thanks for hosting this great blog hop!!! Love all your cards!!!
Thanks for this chance to win!
The biggest lesson I learned in 2019 was that from the sufference you can become stronger and more confident.
Cheryl H said…
I love your work! My lesson is that my health is most important to me to be able to give more of myself to others.
Rhonda said…
I learned that in order to love other's one has to first learn to love themselves.
Your projects are really beautiful!! The one lesson I learned in 2019 is that I cannot control it all and sometimes just have to roll with it taking one day at a time.
Lisa R said…
Thanks for inspiring this blog hop and introducing us to crafters we may not have discovered before. Happy New Year and keep in crafting!
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