Fancy Pants Designs: Oh Deer! Christmas Cards

Y'all how is tomorrow October 1st?
Normally I have started my Christmas shopping by now, and I have not.  I feel like I am living on the edge, but I'm okay with that lol.
I freaking LOVE i love it so much, I would marry it.  Christmas is my very favorite holiday.  But it kinda stresses me out, not gonna lie.  Every year, I try to get ahead by starting cards early, but time just slips away from me.
But that does not stop me from trying!!

Today, I am sharing a few Christmas cards that I recently created, to get ahead in the game.  Both of them were created using the Fancy Pants Designs, Oh Deer! Collection.

I did a more layered card with lots of fun embellishments, and then a more toned down simple card.  I know everyone one has different styles and tastes.  So I am hoping today serves you all :)

Here is a more simple card using the same collection:

Materials Used:
Scrapbook Adhesives by 3L 3D Foam Squares
Scrapbook Adhesives by 3L Creative Photo Corners krafts
Scrapbook Adhesives by 3L E-Z Dots permanent
kraft cardstock
white cardstock


CalleLillyCafe said…
Love both cards! Yes to the 'yep I didn't start the Xmas shopping yet' either! Yikes!
Shelly said…
Aww...these are so sweet! Love!
cghundley said…
Lovely cards! Love
all the layers on
them and the back
ground papers.
Carla from Utah
Anonymous said…
The deer looks so good in a fancy card or in a fairly plain card.
thanks for sharing some great cards.
Heather said…
very very fun!!! love it! I am getting so ready for Christmas!

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