Deployment...and our hero

Today, was a day where I dreaded waking up.  From the moment I got up, it was fast and seemed to be moving much faster than I wanted.  As a military spouse, when your husband deploys, there is always a chance he will not come home.  So on our drive to base, I tried to remember everything, and engrain it into my memory.  How my hand fits into his, his voice, his smell, how much he loves our little family.  While he was driving, he would grab my hand and say, "I love you baby."  Those are the little things I will miss while he is gone.  Actually, it is those little things which make them everything.  
It can really make me go crazy, thinking about his job, their mission, and where they are going.  I couldn't sleep last night, so I made him a card, and hid it in one of his bags.  
Sometimes, people say to me, "well, you are used to it" or "You chose this life."  Let me clarify a few things.  No matter how long someone has been in the service, it is never easier for loved ones to say goodbye.  In fact, with each deployment he makes, it is harder.  I chose Jess, long before he ever joined the military.  Being a military spouse, isn't for the weak, it can be downright brutal at times.  With that said, I love that my husband loves his country, loves his job, and is willing to serve to keep America safe.  
Service members are the less than 1% that the news should talk about more often.
Don't let the news fool you, deployments still happen, and the world is still very unstable right now.  If you are the praying kind, take a few minutes to pray for all of those deployed.  That the Lord keeps his hand on them, and they get to come home, safe to their families.

Here are a few pictures of our morning & goodbye.

I couldn't make this all sappy.  It just isn't me.
With every deployment, there will always be a homecoming.  That is what my focus is right now.  The countdown, until Jess is back home.
There is a new book called Party Ensembles by Paper Crafts.  Have you seen it?  I could not wait for my complimentary copy to come in the mail, so I actually went and bought a copy lol.  This book, is all about the different kinds of Party Ensembles you can create by paper crafting!!  How awesome is that?  My brain is mush right now, but I believe there are around 200 different ensembles in this book.  From birthdays, to poker nights, Mother's Day to Military has you covered.
Here is a little sneak of one of the ensembles I made.  
A Military Homecoming Ensemble.
Here is the banner.  You can see the complete ensemble in the book. Found here.  I think Amazon is offering free shipping on this book, if you cannot find it locally.


Amber Hight said…
Oh honey, I'm choked up right now reading seems like just yesterday that you posted pics of them coming home and now he's off again...I'm so sorry and no one understands like a fellow military spouse:) I know you have a support network there of other spouses, but please give me a holler if you ever want to chat. I'm thinking of you guys today and praying for you. The first day is always so hard, my heart is constricted just thinking of it as I know my own military man will be heading out before I know it. Chin up, be the strong woman you are, and know that you have friends who will do everything we can to make the time zip by <3
daisydilly (vicki) said…
Sending some hugs your way and prayers for your husbands safe return
Penny said…
He is a true hero! Sending prayers your way for his safe return and that his absence flies by quickly!
Unknown said…
I will keep all of you in my prayers. May God be with Jess every step of the way and keep you in peace while you wait for his return. I can't imagine someone who would think this could get easier, I really admire you girl.

Unknown said…
I will keep all of you in my prayers. May God be with Jess every step of the way and keep you in peace while you wait for his return. I can't imagine someone who would think this could get easier, I really admire you girl.

Kelley Eubanks said…
Praying for you all! The pic of Jess and your son... made me choke up and fight back tears. Such a different photo than the ones of when his daddy comes home! :( Love you!!
Jamie said…
It does take a strong woman to be a military spouse. I am wishing your husband a safe return:)
Sandy from Ukiah said…
i will be praying for his safe return home... yes, we should all be praying for the men that are willing to serve out country...
Savannah O'Gwynn said…
OH! I'm so sorry this day has already come! I'm praying for your husband and his safe return! HUGS!!!! Thinking of you and your family!!!!
Jen M said…
Praying for your family and for your husbands safe return! It must be very hard. :(
I don't know much about the military life, but I do know that I would never disrespect them by saying things such as "You chose this life". That is just awful! I have nothing but respect for you and your family. I will pray that your Husband comes home safe and that the time passes by quickly. :)
Hope and Chances said…
I'm tearful reading this Latisha, I think you and your children are heroes too, for every serviceman there is a family left behind at home. Thinking of you all x
Me said…
<3 It'll go fast, I know it. Luff you ;o)
Margie Higuchi said…
Tears form as I read your touching post, Latisha...I just want to reach over and give you the biggest HUG~!

Prayers for Jess that he and the others come home SAFE!! xo
Hey Latisha, I know I left you a comment about this yesterday, but your comment about people who say "You chose this life" or "You're used to it." That's so insensitive. Try to remember that they more than likely don't know any better. My husband and I were both in the Navy, and now he still has to travel for work for weeks at a time. I completely understand where you are right now. Don't let other people's comments get to you. It is never easy to say goodbye, no matter how long or short the deployment is.
If there is one thing I have learned about you, it is that you are a strong woman, a wonderful mother, friend, and wife. You have lots of people who love and care about you, and who will be here to support you.
Keep your head up! xoxoxo {{hugs}}

And I love that Hero ensemble!! :-)
~amy~ said…
Hey Latisha, just wanted to let you know that I'm thinking about you guys...
Bumblebee said…
sending hugs, it must be terrible every time you have to say goodbye. much love and respect to you and your family.
slbt17 said…
God bless you and your family.
I do say a prayer, every day for the military staff and their families.
May the all come home safe.
Sheri said…
A big thank-you to your whole family for serving our country so faithfully. Those left behind are just as important as those on the front lines. I am very thankful for my freedom, get teary singing our national anthem.
Anonymous said…
hang in there Tisha, many prayers are coming your way. Thanks for sharing.
Tami B. said…
Thank you to your husband and your family and to all our military personnel & families for your service and sacrifice for all of us. You will be in my prayers.
Laurel Beard said…
I LOVE THIS POST! Love every single thing you said! It is all so true and things I have thought and said before. Until you are a military spouse, you never truly can understand how hard it is... And how rewarding all at the same time.... My husband is doing is pre-deployment work ups now.... The one of Jess with your son? OH MY GOSH! TEARS in my eyes looking at that because it touched my heart because that will be Lucas with Christian soon enough. And then the photo of the helos flying off in the distance. Sigh. I was right there with you. You captured those memories perfectly!!
Naomi said…
I don't know you personally or even know anyone in the service but, reading your post and seeing these photos has reduced me to tears....I cannot imagine how difficult it must be even leading up to his deployment, let alone on the day of, or seeing how it effects your children and having to be the strong one holding down the fort while he is away...
I definitely think that it is something one has to experience first-hand to understand fully but, having compassion and empathy, I really do feel for is sad that these days most people lack those qualities...
My heart really goes out to you and your family. I wish you strength while he is away and for him to return home safely. You are in my thoughts...

txexperiment said…
I just wanted you to know how much my family and I appreciate the sacrifice you and your family are making for our country. All of God's blessings to you that He will keep your husband and family in His tender care.

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