My hero

Just a quick little post to say hello, and hope you all are having a wonderful holiday season with your families.  We enjoyed a nice Christmas yesterday.  It consisted of, sleeping in, eating, going to the movies and eating some more.  It was perfect.
While we were together as a family, there are many military members who were away from theirs.  So, I thank them for their service.  If you have a minute during this festive time of year, say a little prayer for those deployed.  Being away from the ones you love the most at Christmastime, is unbearably sad.
Here is a little card dedicated to all of the heroes out there.
Have a great day!!
materials used:
kraft cardstock
My Minds Eye pattern paper
foam tape
red buttons
mini clothes pin


Redanne said…
What a beautiful card and good of you to remind us to say a prayer for our heros abroad, thank you. Hope you have a Happy New Year.
Diane said…
I really like this card. It has lovely details but is still nice for either gender. I've had your blog in my RSS reader for ages, and it is one of the first ones I go to. You always come up with something so creative.

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