You're my cup of tea...welcome 2012!

Wow! Today is January 1, 2012...the first day of the new year. I wish you all a blessed year, filled with love, good health and happy memories. As my children get older, I get really sentimental as each year passes, I kind of wish I could freeze time. I never really knew what people meant, when they would tell me to enjoy my children being little because times goes by so quick. Now that they are older, I totally get it. One thing that I learned in 2011, was how much my girlfriends mean to me. Most, don't even live close to me, but the way they uplift and encourage me, one would think they were sitting right next to me. There were many lessons and experiences that I will take with me from 2011, but I am excited for what 2012 holds. I hope this new year is great for all of us! Before I get way off topic lol...I will share my card with you. The Avocado Arts design team, are posting projects made with the Sweet Treat Sweetie set today...