
Did you see the new over on 2sketches4you!?!  I'm on their summer design team!!  So super excited!


Chris said…
yippee skippeeee!!!
Amy said…
Wow, Latisha! Congratulations--to you and them. They are so lucky to have you!
Stacy Morgan said…
Whohoo! Congrats, they are gonna love ya! I like the new banner too. :0)
papertrails leaver said…
Congrats to you! Well deserved! I can't wait to see your work. :-)
Savitri said…
Congrats on making the team!! I already love your stuff!!!
claudia shadler said…

I love your cards and I'm so happy we are on the Summer DT! Your submission cards were beautiful and I bet we are going to have tons of fun this summer, it's my very first time on a DT ever! CONGRATS!!!!

Clouds :D
Anonymous said…
Yay for you girl!! Tisha that's an excellent fit!! I can't wait to see what you create!
--Hugs Becca
Anonymous said…
Yahoo Wahoo, CongraTuLations!! What fun! The "Thinking of You Today" card is so eLeganT and beauTifuL, it has been my new screen saver for a week now!!
~amy~ said…
That deserves a double:

woot woot!!!
ScrapMomOf2 said…
Hooray! An excellent addition to the site for sure!!
anja curvers said…
Congrats your work rocks I'm very excited working togehter in the summerDT.

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