Lawn Fawn June Release Recap

Hello friends! I feel like the worst blogger in the world right now. I was so sick in April and May. Around 6 weeks to be exact. I did not have Covid that I am aware of, just a lot of the same symptoms. Needless to say I didn't want to be on my computer so I just used social media to share my projects instead. I hope you are all doing well in your neck of the woods. Now onto the Lawn Fawn Release. This is the summer release which means everything is brand, brand new! I hope you all followed along on social media and on the Lawn Fawn blog. Was this a fun release or what?! All of the products will go live on the Lawn Fawn website at midnight tonight. Ocean Shell-fie is a super cut underwater stamp set. Its a great addition to your critters collection. This is a slim line card and the background was created using a wave and cloud stencil so it looked like the critters were at the ocean. Crazy Antics stamp set has images and sentiments to create a cute picnic...