Seasons Givings Year 6 Blog Hop

Hello friends! Todays blog hop, is all about giving and thanking our loyal blog readers.  Every single blog listed below is having a giveaway! How exciting!!

I have 3 giveaways! Two from myself, and one from Susan Opel!  I have two different planner giveaways, and she has a box of goodies, stamps, dies etc...if it fits is ships!

Please tell me your favorite memory of 2017, or what you are looking forward to in 2018?  Comments for my giveaway end on Saturday Jan 6th.

Giveaway #1
Travelers Notebook with 3 notebook inserts

Giveaway #2
My Happy Planner and stickers

Giveaway #3
Box full of goodies
Scrapbook Cards Today Magazine
from Susan Opel


Karenladd said…
Thanks for hosting this amazing blog hop and for inspiring me all year round. I am looking forward to the wedding of my son in early 2018, and to learning how to use my alcohol markers!!
Jean and Jan said…
Thank you for organizing this blog hop. My favorite memory of 2017 has been rediscovering my craft. I made time in my life to practise. I'm looking forward to seeing at the end 2018 where I have progressed in comparison to 2017.
Heidi J said…
2018 holds much anticipation.... We will be moving into our new retirement home and I am going to be the proud owner of a craft room. Later in the year, my daughter will be getting married, so there will be much crafting. My favorite memory of 2017 has to be gathering together and spending our last Christmas together in the home our children grew up in. We shared so many wonderful memories and made some new ones! Happy New Year.
I am looking forward to posting more of my creations and entering lots of challenges in hopes of becoming more confident in my craft! TFS!
Neva Cole said…
Thank you for spear-heading this fun crop again this year! My favorite memory crafting wise? Being published in Take Ten! Family wise traveling through Yellowstone, Mt. Rushmore and the Badlands.
cghundley said…
Amazing job with
this giveaway each
year! Fave memory
of 2017 was my husband
retiring and getting to
spend our days together!
Happy New Year.
Carla from Utah
Some Lucky Dog said…
My favorite memory of 2017 is watching our grandson (whom we are raising) enter high school and making wonderful memories of his own.
Dana M said…
Another amazing event, thanks for your hard work to coordinate. My favorite memory of 2017 was my step son's wedding. Happy 2018!
Kris in Alaska said…
I hope to buy a greenhouse in 2018 and sell flowers commercially along with my handmade cards!
Lieve said…
Thank you for organising this amazing Blog Hop, every year again !
I'm sure it will be full of inspiration -- I'm hoping to try out some new crafting techniques in 2018.
Happy New Year from Belgium !
Unknown said…
This year my husband and I celebrated our 40th wedding anniversary and my 60th birthday by going to San Diego, California for a week and staying in a Hotel right on the beach! It was wonderful!
JennyH said…
Happy New Year ! ! !
Thanks for the chance to win : )
I am looking forward to a creative 2018 and attending more markets and craft fairs to sell my cards and journals : )
Kim Ross said…
Happy New Year!! Thank you for putting together this whole shin-dig! It's been so fun hopping around and seeing all the creativity being shared. I am looking forward to more stamping in 2018 and sharing my projects online. :)
Lily said…
Happy New Year! 🎉 Such a generous blog hop, thank you! Gorgeous start of this crafty year! 💖
My fav in 2017 was our travels in Europe. In 2018 well, my big plan is to create 100 cards on 100 days project. Will be fun!
abhoneyab said…
My favorite memory of 2017 definitely had to be when my son came home from military training! Happy New Year everyone!
erika said…
My favorite memory of 2017 has been discovering cardmaking!
Karthikha said…
Wow!! That’s a great way to share kindness!! Thank you so much everyone for coming together! :) Happy New Year :)
My fav memory of 2017 is the first month my daughter surprised me by talking new words and framing sentences just by observing us talk :)
Lady Joyful said…
My favourite memory of 2017 was getting accepted onto my first DT :D Now I'm on 8 different teams xD In the coming year I am looking forward to learning more and improving myself and my card making. Thanks for the chance to win, and Happy New Year :)
Laurie said…
Happy New Year! My favorite memory of 2017 is our trip to Disney!!
Unknown said…
Wow what a generous give-away, thank you.

My favourite moment of 2017 was my 50th birthday celebration, where family and friends helped me celebrate in the 60s style. Friends from the past and present came it was a very emotional time for me as I never thought I would reach 50 years old since in Oct 2014 I was told I had 3 months to live as I have terminal secondary breast cancer.

What I want from 2018 is that this round of chemotherapy works so that I can spend more time with my family especially my 17 month old grandson, Brooklyn.

Happy 2018! :O)
CarlavdM said…
Happy New Year from me too.
I stumbled on this bloghop for the 1st time by clicking on Verve Stamps mail I got this morning.
Thank you for organizing, sofar I really am enjoying it.
2017 Memory is seeing and enjoying cards, art and mails on the since today gone for everd Dutch Cardmaking group that moved on to facebook and I'm not on facebook.
My 2018 goal is to ink up my not yet used stamps and make cards with them.
Birgit said…
Happy New Year to you and your family! My favorite memory of 2017 was visiting the great state of California for the first time to visit our son and daughter in law. What a beautiful state and very, very large. Thanks for hosting this wonderful even to share appreciation of others.
Gab said…
Thank you for organising this amazing blog hop! My best memory from 2017 was when my mum got out of hospital after being in for 3 1/2 weeks. I'm looking forward to her being healthy in 2018 and beyond
Unknown said…
Thank you for this blog hop and Happy New Year!
Isabel Z said…
Happy New Year! Thank you for inspiring me to create throughout 2017 and here's to more fun in 2018. This year I hope to find more time to create!
Miriam Prantner said…
Favorite memory from 2017 is our family vacation to SD/MT/WY. Looking forward in 2018 to attending Creativation for the first time! Thanks so much for the generous giveaways!
Patricia said…
Happy New Year! I look forward to getting back to my health routine in the New Year! Thanks always for the inspiration!
Grams716 said…
My favorite memory from 2017 is spending the holidays just relaxing and having fun with my husband. My goals for 2018 is to carve out more time for my crafting.
Nataša said…
Happy new year.
Thanks for your inspiration.
Amber Hight said…
What generous giveaways!! I miss you and your creativity, my friend!! Happy New Year <3
Debbie Rumpza said…
My favorite memory of 2017 was Valentine's Day when my sweet grand daughter, Izzy , was born! and I'm looking forward to THIS Valentine's Day because my new grand daughter, Riley, is due!!! How blessed am I with 6 grandchildren! Happy new year!
Dana said…
Thanks for the chance to win!! I am looking forward to making it through this coming year, fast!! I will have my bachelor's in a year and a half and I'm so ready for it to be here now!! lol
Tracie said…
I love this blog hop because I am finding such inspiration and new ideas. My favorite memory of 2017 is going to crops with family and friends. Always so much fun.
~amy~ said…
YOU are super amazing to coordinate this awesome hop every year. I know that it takes a lot of your time (& patience) but I for one truly appreciate all the inspiration that I receive from each and every stop....thank you so very much Latisha!

2017 was a good year and one of my favorite memories was a trip to Europe with my kids....making memories with them is something that I always cherish.
Thank you fir the chance to win and for creating this amazing hop! My favorite "memory" from 2017 for me is that I took a big step for myself and learned how to drive. (So weird, huh?) I got my first car. It's been a big step for me and I can't wait to see what 2018 holds!
Judy h said…
What a fun way to start the new year. I'm looking forward to lots of card making to replenish my stash.
Patti J said…
Thanks Latisha, for once again organizing an amazing hop! Your generous spirit is so refreshing, and I love being a part of your year six hop! Happy New Year!
Fikreta said…
my favorite memory is when we go to see farm decorated with christmas lights! it was so amazing.
im lookin forward in 2018 to more art journaling.

Happy New Year!
Rmahoneyt said…
I enjoyed a birthday concert my son put together to celebrate his birthday in December. Looking forward to creating more in 2018, and completing craft and home purge! Thank you for inspiration in 2017 and thank you for this gift opportunity! Wishing you a happy and healthy 2018!
Anonymous said…
I'm so looking forward to all the new creative opportunities out there!
Rmahoneyt said…
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Rmahoneyt said…
I enjoyed a birthday concert my son put together to celebrate his birthday in December. Looking forward to creating more in 2018, and completing craft and home purge! Thank you for inspiration in 2017 and thank you for this gift opportunity! Wishing you a happy and healthy 2018!
Di Di W said…
In 2018, I'm excited about our daughter's wedding and son's college graduation. So many changes this year!
Happy New Year! My favorite memory is of my son graduating for Jr High and walking down the isle to get his certificate. Such a fabulous moment for us.
Reconnecting with my sister after 15 years was my fav memory!

Hoping 2018 brings more family together
NatQuebec said…
My favorite memory is when my husband finaly fond a job 😊
Unknown said…
My favorite memory from 2017 is the small, intimate meaningful and beautiful wedding to my husband.
Marsha said…
One of my favorite memories of 2017 was having grandchildren stay with us during the summer. I am looking forward to our 50th wedding anniversary and a new grandchild.
Unknown said…
I’m looking forward to learning some new crafty techniques and improving old ones!
Rox-Ann said…
One of my favorite memories of 2017 was the birth of my new grandson and watching my first grandson hold his new cousin what a beautiful moment.I look forward to more family time in 2018 we these two treasures. Thanks for the chance to win some great prizes
Aimee Phillips said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bunny said…
Favorite - a new grand baby
Looking forward to better health.

Thank you for being the hostess and working so hard to create and inspire us. [Bunny]
Donna said…
Thank you for hosting this amazing blog hop! My best memory of 2017 is my 34 year old son finding the girl of his dreams and getting engaged, looking forward to the wedding in 2018! Happy New Year!
Laurie said…
I have a few favorite memories of 2017: My son got married, so that was a highlight! My daughter is in the middle of her third year of medical school, so I cherish any free time that she has that I can spend with her. Finally, I am beyond thankful for a healthy family---especially for my mom who in November experienced what the doctor said could only be explained as a "medical miracle" in healing. Thanks for the wonderful gifts you're offering up on this blog hop!!
Janet said…
One of my favorite memories of 2017 is all the love that was shown to me at my work place. We are moving and my work family threw me a going away party. They wrote post it notes with messages to me and I will treasure it forever. As for 2018, I am looking forward to creating new memories in our new home in another state. Thanks for organizing this fun blog hop! Happy New Year. :D
Oliev said…
Thanks for organizing this amazing blog hop, happy 2018!
We got a new puppy before Christmas, so I am looking forward to watch him grow:-)
Rannah Romps said…
I'm loving this blog hop!! Thanks for the chance to win! I've had a lot happen to me this past year so I look forward to a "new" year!
Cynthia Cole said…
This is such a great giveaway! I'm looking forward to making holiday cards early this year.
Christine said…
Definitely loved the Astros winning the Series!
Kelly S. said…
Thank you for organizing this hop, it's so fun! I can't think of one memory, but I know that I had a great summer with my family! Nights at the campfire on Conesus Lake, a Luke Bryan concert, and a trip to Long Beach Island in NJ top out my faves! Thanks for the chance to win!
Sabrina said…
what fun they are having!!
amazing:)! happy new year:)!
Catherine Smith said…
HAPPY NEW YEAR :), my favorite Memory of 2017 was when my daughter came to visit me here in the states, I married an American Soldier and with me being from Canada well I haven't seen my family in over 3 years, so seeing her for a week made my year, she is 28 today and I just hate being away from her. But that visit was the best for me :). Thanksfor a chance to win :)
Julie S said…
The woman behind it all! Brilliant idea and thank you for putting it together. I love my job (I'm a preschool teacher) and am looking forward to continuing to see the lightbulb moments of my little peeps.
JRHF said…
I’m looking forward to another year of loving my two little daughters!
Andrea Hastilow said…
My favourite memory of 2017 is when my youngest son passed all his exams for leaving school with such high grades that even he was amazed, he was told as a baby he would struggle at school as he has monorail hearing, well they were wrong !
In 2018 I'm looking forward to watching all my gorgeous children ( 23, 19, 16) grow & develop even further into confident, happy, healthy people x
Rachel said…
What a wonderful event! My favorite memory was moving to California and starting a job that I love!
Thank you to you for your generous spirit and kindness, Latisha! Thank you to Susan Opel, too! My favorite memory of 2017 is the moment I realized that the Soul Restoration course I was taking was actually going to transform my life forever. I can still remember that moment, and will never forget where I was, who I was with, and how it felt. Happy New Year!
Angie Wylie said…
Happy New Year! Thanks for sponsoring such a great blog hop! My favorite memory of 2017 was making that final mortgage payment! (I can finally breathe) I am looking forward to learning new crafting techniques this year.
Margaret said…
Thank you Latisha for organizing this wonderful blog hop because even if we don't win a prize we still win by seeing beautiful and inspirational creations from so many creative people and meeting new designers along the way! One of my favorite memories of 2017 was of my 18 yr old soccer player grandson. For the HS Powderpuff game, the girls dressed up as football players and guys dressed as cheerleaders. My grandson dressed as a cheerleader and it was so funny to watch these tough boys dressed in cheerleading outfits and pom moms. He was one of the ones that they lifted and threw up in the air and then caught on the way down. Of course I was snapping pictures the whole time and his facial expression the first time he was thrown in the air was hilarious! Awesome memories that I will capture in album!
Linnea S said…
I'm looking forward to all of the blank canvases of 2018!
Lynn said…
My favorite happening in 2017 was buying my "Forever Home" now that I am retired and don't wish to move [ever again! lol]. I make themed cards each month for all my children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren, so I will begin that process this week. I am always looking at new techniques to try, so expect to find something fabulous to do in 2018.
Heather said…
Thank you so much for organizing this hop; it is always soooo much fun!! So much happened in 2017, but I guess the best thing is that my dad survived a heart attach and a 5 way bypass surgery in March! So glad to still have him around with us. Thanks for the chance to win!
Thanks for organizing such an amazing giveaway extravaganza! My favorite memory from 2017 is celebrating my 10th wedding anniversary in Las Vegas in July! I can't wait to return! Have a great 2018
Take care!
Annette Gordon said…
Thanks for coming up with the idea of the blog hop, so neat to go to all the sites, and find out about some companies I never even knew existed! Such creativity. My favourite event was the birth of my 3rd child, she brings all so much joy!
Debbie Bonczek said…
Happy New Year, and thanks for the hop and the inspiration. I'm looking forward to a Panama Canal cruise with my 80-year old mother, but also the opportunity to do more crafting in 2018 as I find that work/life balance.
Foodista88 said…
2017 has been a good year, but hoping for a greater 2018 with good health! Wow, thank you for the chance to win your amazing prizes. Happy new year!
First, thank you for organizing this hop. My favorite memory from 2017 is my family trip to Japan where I get to be with my whole family who I haven't been able to hug in person for a few years. For 2018 I am hoping that we can do another family vacation and also taking my puppies on road trip (need to convince hubby to do so). Happy New Year!
RondaKay71 said…
Looking forward to attending CHA 2018 with my creative friends! Thanks for the chance to win, Happy New Year!
J said…
Thanks for the inspiration
happy New 2018
Ericka Strange said…
Happy New Year and thanks for organizing this amazing blog hop! My favorite thing from 2017 was going to Disneyland and having fun with my daughters! Looking forward to creating more memories with my family as well as crafting more!
Julie Ann said…
I am looking forward to a better 2018 than 2017.
Happy New Year! This is such a wonderful way to celebrate the New Year – Thank you!
My New Years crafty tradition is to to learn one new technique per month and to share this in my monthly ‘Build Your Stash’ class, where I encourage others to share their new ideas. I do this card making class for all the events in our lives. We have all created a beautiful ‘box’ where we store our ‘Stash’ cards so that they are easy to find when an event comes up. I love being surrounded by my friends and family and helping each of them to keep their passion for paper crafting alive in their hearts! This is how I express my creativity!
Kelley Clarke
Lori said…
Happy New Year!
My favorite memory was my daughter telling me she was pregnant, her children will be ten years apart.
And tbis year I'm looming forward to being more creative and using more of the products I own.
Becca Yahrling said…
Thanks for hosting this wonderful and generous event again this year - so fun! I have to admit, I was happy to see 2017 leave ... bad year for my family this year; we lost my Mom in October. But hubby & I have decided to move into her house (where I grew up!) and we will be closer to my brother and sister & their family so that we will get together on Friday nights for dinner. THAT makes me happy!
Nana said…
Favorite memory of 2017 is celebrating my granddaughters birthday
Jean Arizona said…
My favorite memory from 2017 is the birth of a great grand-daughter. I can't wait to help my daughter scrapbook her first year.

Thanks for the opportunity to win. Always looking for different ways to be creative.
Bunny Vance said…
Happy New Year! Great Prizes! Thank you for all your work on this hop!
Favorite thing of 2017, watching my daughter graduate with honors from high school then enter college as a junior who is now an academic senior after Fall semester! Her hard work and determination has paid off!
Astrid said…
Thank You, Latisha, for organizing this hop! Lots of great inspiration and an incentive to be more crafty. I look forward to using up more of my fabric stash this year. I will also try to do a little more colouring/ water colouring on my cards this year.
amee said…
I'm looking forward to completing more scrapbooks this year!
Unknown said…
Hearing my granddaughter learn to say Grandma.
I look forward to the surprises that 2018 brings with it.
Unknown said…
I am SOOOOO looking forward to 2018 and the birth of my first granddaughter in April. Hoping she is healthy and a happy baby!!!
aasheeta said…
Thanks for the chance to win, and for sharing your ideas! For 2018 I hope to use more of my current craft supplies instead of buying too much :-)
lritchie said…
Happy New Year and thanks for putting this amazing hop together. My favorite memory from 2017 is having spend two weeks with my son exploring this amazing Island I live on (Vancouver Island). Gave us a chance to do some fun things and reconnect. In 2018 I am looking forward to trying some new techniques as I am quite a newbie!
Amy Martin said…
Thank you for organizing this hop!! I look forward to it eveey year. 2017 wasnt very good to me. It was full of stress and losses so close to me. My favorite memory waa seeing my 91 year old Grandma even though it was because my dad passed away. But seeing her amd being able to talk and laugh with her is a memory I will never forget. Hoping for a better year in 2018. Happy New Year!!
Unknown said…
2017, March 5 to be exact, I got sober. 2018 I pray to continue on my recovery journey and make pretty things
Happy New Year! I am looking forward to a new year and a better work/life balance.
Darcy Shelstad said…
My favorite memory of this year was sitting and playing board games with the family. Everyone laughing sharing and enjoying time spent together. Thank you for hosting this blog hop. I am enjoying what I am seeing and getting a opportunity to see people I would not have otherwise learn about or find inspiration from. I also like seeing what people I have followed and what they are going to be working on in 2018, This years word for me is inspiration. Finding what inspires me.
berokke said…
My favorite memory is my daughter getting engaged. Other than that, I'm happy 2017 is over.
Not a lot of good memories for 2017. I did have surgery on my hand so I can use it. Looking forward to 2018 being a better year. My oldest grandson wants to learn to make cards and I look forward to showing him what I have learned.
Casie W said…
Thank you for organizing this wonderful blog hop! I'm looking forward to learning new things in 2018!
Arlene W. said…
Awesome job coordinating this super blog hop! I love seeing your Lawn Fawn creations. I celebrated my 20th wedding anniversary in 2017 with my husband in Kauai! All the best to you and your family in 2018!
In 2018, I’m really looking forward setting up my craft space!
[margessw (at) icloud (dot) com]
Teresa Doyle said…
Hi Latisha, this is such a fun event and it makes my heart happy that all of the designers want to give more. So very generous of them!
Thank you to YOU Latisha,for organizing such an event as I am certain it is no small task. Happy New Year to you?

Debbi JSKW said…
My favorite memory of 2017 is surprising my husband’s cousin by worshipping at her church Christmas Eve morning. They hadn’t seen each other in over 20 years. She was so happy, she cried, and hugged him, and cried some more. Yes, it delayed the service a bit, as it was a small country church and everyone knew. What a great day!
thesheree said…
One of my most favorite memories is Christmas Day here at my house. It was a wonderful day filled with gobs of laughter, flying gift paper, giggly children, fantastic food and just tons and tons of love and gratitude.
Wonderful prizes and I understand you are the one who got this whole Seasons Giving hop going. Thanks so much. Have a wonderful 2018.
Sharla said…
thanks for such a fun hop! I had two grandbabies born in 2017 and two more coming in 2018!!!
Christi Conley said…
Latisha, thank you for organizing this blog hop -you are amazing! And I would be honored to win any of those fabulous prizes! This year, 2018, I am going to learn to sew - I have a machine and no idea how to use it!
Gretchen Wilson said…
This is an awesome hop, thanks for hosting and organizing it. My favorite memory is the birth of my twin granddaughters!
Mary Holshouser said…
I'm looking forward to a trip to Mexico
in a couple weeks. I need to get in
the sun and recharge my batteries.
When I get home I want to try some new
techniques and get better at designing
my greeting cards.
thanks for putting the hop together.
Happy New Year
Cheryl I said…
Thank you for all the work to organize this blog hop. I look forward to it every year! My wish for this year is to learn how to use my copic markers better and to get organized so there is more time to create and less time to clean up!
Rubeena I. said…
happy new year!!! I am looking forward to crafting again after a year-long hiatus!
A.Rose said…
You are amazing! This took a lot of work and I for one am very grateful! Thank you!
JPScraps said…
Thank you and Happy New Year! My favorite from 2017 was my daughter's graduation!
Unknown said…
I am hoping this year will be the year that my husband and I become grandparents to a human child! (all we have a fur grandbabies :) )
My favorite memory of 2017 was when I was able to retire. I look forward to more crafting in 2018. Thanks!
Karen Sanville said…
Thanks for the awesome giveaways. I look forward to my sons wedding.
Auntie Em said…
You folks are awesome!
My fav thing of 2017 - having nieces and their family come a long distance to visit with us, not once but twice. It was so good to make wonderful memories and strengthen the family bonds.
Looking forward to getting together more in 2018 and being able to get some great pictures to scrap.
Thank you for sharing and a Very Happy New Year! :)
Tammy Paul said…
Awesome prizes, thanks for sharing and happy New Years. I look forward to having more time to be creative
Shawninaz said…
My favorite memory of last year was my daughter starting her first year of college. While we miss having her with us year round we are lucky enough to be within two hours of her college so we can visit her often. I’m just thrilled for her to start this amazing experience! Awesome giveaways, thank you!
thank you for hosting such and amazing hop! last year was a very hard year and i am looking forward to an UNeventful 2018. i have a goal to create 365 cards and am looking forward to being creative and crafty this year.

thank you for a chance to win some fabulous prizes.
lennie said…
My favorite memory of 2017 was seeing Hamilton with my daughter. In 2018 I am hoping to spend more time crafting.
Kim Faucher said…
This blog hop is something I look forward to everywhere. It’s such an amazing collection of vendors and designers sharing inspiration. Thanks for organizing it!!
Jennifer said…
Thanks for your inspiration! We are looking forward to moving back to the west coast this summer!
Megan Drane said…
Looking forward to more time with family!
2017 was a tough year but seeing my son start his Sr. year of high school has been a highlight of the year
Lynne in NI said…
I'm looking forward to my 50th birthday in 2018, and hopefully a fancy holiday to go with it!! ;)
SmilynStef said…
One of my favorite memories of 2017 was learning how to do paper marbling when I flew across the country to make art with my creative bestie ... love when we get to have in-person art camp.
Denise Bryant said…
Looking forward to a spring trip to Disneyland this year!
Happy New Year to all! Having lots of fun on the hop!
Lorie Brunner said…
My favorite memory of 2017 was being at the hospital during the birth of my granddaughter!
jillianvance said…
Thank you so much for hosting this hop! It's always so much fun. Even though 2017 was a hard year, my favorite memories are graduating high school and meeting my best friend.
Larissa Heskett said…
HAPPY NEW YEAR!! My FAVORITE Memory from 2017 would be a toss up between being Cancer Free and our Celebration Trip to Walt Disney World!! Here's to a FABULOUSLY Creative 2018!! THANKS SO MUCH for sharing and for the chance to WIN!!
HUGE HUGS!! <3 <3 <3
Happy New Year 2018!!! And thank you for having yet another year with this fabulous blog hop!!! So many super generous people!!! AM astonished!! Best memory was a trip with my hubby to get our lives back on track together. A trip is better than marriage counseling if all it is is to get the two to see each other every morning!!
Deb Selby said…
My best memory of 2017 is two new grandchildren
stampcz said…
I’m looking forward to slowing down and simplifying!
Unknown said…
Thank you for hosting this blog hop! I look forward to reviewing the various sites and enjoy the possibility of winning a prize. My most precision memories all center around my wonderful husband and two daughters. I look forward to many more cherished memories with them in 2018 and the years to come! Happy crafting to all!
Viki Banaszak said…
This is such an awesome blog hop! Thank you for hosting it and for the awesome offerings.
Jeanne Beam said…
Thanks for hosting this amazing blog hop. My best memories are time spent with my grandkids. Happy New Year..
Amy C. said…
I'm looking forward to celebrating my 20th wedding anniversary in 2018. Thank you for the generous giveaways and Happy New Year!
Amy C. said…
I'm looking forward to celebrating my 20th wedding anniversary in 2018. Thank you for the generous giveaways and Happy New Year!
Amy C. said…
I'm looking forward to celebrating my 20th wedding anniversary in 2018. Thank you for the generous giveaways and Happy New Year!
BobbisTreasure said…
This hop was a ton of work - THANK YOU! I am glad to see 2017 in the rear view mirror. Looking forward to working less, playing more, and above all spending more time with my family.
Unknown said…
Looking forward to a family wedding!
Beverly Perdue said…
My favorite memory from 2017 is the birth of my first grandchild on August 21st (eclipse day). She is such a blessing! Thanks for your inspiration and for a chance to win a great prize. Hope you have a blessed and happy new year.
Debbie said…
I'm looking forward to our second grandchild being born in 2018.
Kirsty Vittetoe said…
Thanks for sharing! My favorite memory in 2017 is that I am able to go to Paris to watch my daughter's piano competition! For 2018, I am really looking forward to cut down some pounds, LOL!
So you organized this blog hop? Wow, what a job. Well done! My favorite memory for 2017 is seeing the water from Hurricane Harvey only coming up to the beginning of my driveway. For 2018 I hope to get my birthday cards made before the birthday is past!
Beverly S. said…
I have just discovered your Season's Giving blog hop and happy I did. :) Here's to a happy and crafty fun New Year.....I'm looking forward to learning new techniques (like how to use the Silhouette Cameo my daughters surprised me with for Christmas). :)
Cynthia Baldwin said…
Thanks so much for organizing this amazing blog hop! So many great companies and designers.
2017 was one of ups and downs, especially after Harvey! (I live in NW Houston.) But two incredible things happened in the last part of the year - the Houston Astros won the World Series, and my kids' high school won the state football championship! (Texas football is BIG, y'all!) Those are memories we'll never forget - and never WANT to forget. <3
Happy 2018 to you!
Laurie said…
What a fun hop!! I am looking forward to the birth of my first grandchild. I am beyond excited! We are also planning the wedding of my youngest daughter, which is also exciting! 2018 is going to prove a monumental year!
carriep said…
Favorite happening this year was the birth of our grandson!
Sheryl said…
What an amazing blog hop! This is my first year hopping along, and just wow. My favorite memory this year was our vacation to Arizona. A bright spot in a hard year. 3 funerals, one for my mom, but reconnecting with people we hadn't seen in over 50 years was incredible.
Linda C said…
Thank you for this wonderful hop! Favorite happening this year is watching my daughters creative career take off!
CeciliaM said…
Thank you for organizing this hop! I am looking forward to a trip to Mexico with my husband to enjoy a friend's wedding!
An amazing hop you created. Thank you for your kindness that you passed onto others that they paid it forward. Bravo! I'd love to be apart of next years hop. I'm owner, designer and creater of My Kraft Kloset ( Happy New Year!
Iris said…
My favorite memory of 2017 is the birth of our 3rd grandson. For 2018, I am looking forward to watching all three little boys grow and develop.
Stef Perry said…
Thank you Latisha for organizing this amazing blog hop. While the chance for give aways is always appreciated, the unexpected and amazing inspiration has been stupendous! In 2018 I look forward to learning to use alcohol markers (I've always watercolored).
LC Lamothe said…
Every year I am amazed by the list of incredible companies and crafters on the Seasons Giving Blog Hop. Thank you for hosting such a fun event! I'm excited to learn new techniques in 2018. It's one of the things I love about card making, there's always something new to try. Happy New Year! Cheers to a fabulous 2018!
Kym Maxwell said…
I started card making in 2017 and was introduced to this amazing community. I have never in my life seen a more supportive and encouraging community!! Cannot wait to see what 2018 is gonna be like for our fabulous community.
Jean Bullock said…
Latisha, the past two years have been horrible to me and I almost gave in to giving up. But now I feel like trying again. This coming year, I plan to allow my creativity to flourish and have the best year ever. Happy New Year.
Margery C said…
Happy New Year! Thank you for the chance to win.
I like to try new techniques.Thanks for the chance to win.
My sweetest memory was to visit my childeren and grandchilderen in N Afrika.
annaka said…
My favourite memory was when we saw the sea again and we had lot of fun.Happy New Year!
Jenny said…
The most recent memory was our lovely family Christmas together.
Anne said…
I am looking forward to visiting my bff in Japan where her husband is stationed with the Navy. Saving my pennies! Can’t wait!
LauraEva said…
This is awesome---thank you for hosting this! 2018 is going to be a great year--I can feel it.
Michelle H said…
My favorite moment of 2017 was getting to see my granddaughters for the first time in over a year. What made it even more special was that all they wanted to do was get into my craft room and make things with me. My heart was full that day. Happy New Year.
Jackie S said…
One of my favorite 2017 memories is watching my daughter walk across the stage as she received her college diploma. A very proud mom moment
Cheri said…
Thank you for hosting this great Hop - I am enjoying it immensely! And thanks for the chance to win some great gifts! One of my favorite memories for 2017 was getting together with old friends.
Amanda said…
2017 was a year of change around here. But the best memory was the cruise I took with my children. In 2018 I am excited to reconnect with friends and focus on getting my work out in the world.
Diane said…
Thanks for hosting such a fantastic blog hop. My favorite memory in 2017 is finding out my son and his wife will be have a girl in 2018.
Natasha said…
Thanks for organizing such an awesome blog hop!

My favorite memory of 2017 was getting a new, larger than a closet craftroom! It really felt like I could craft again!
Andre M. said…
Happy New Year and thank you for organising this event. It's my first time participating and I'm continually awed by the generosity of the crafting community. I'm a new crafter and my favourite memory is when I shared the first cards I made.
Mags said…
My favourite thing in 2017 were my travels. In 2018 I look forward to learning to draw! Thank you for this amazing bloghop and Happy New Year!
My fav memory of 2017 was spending the month of May plus half the month of Nov. with my Mom in Florida. I'm looking forward to beginning my stamping and card making journey in 2018!
As a newbie I want to thank you for putting together this blog hop! Even if I don't win, it has provided me with so many places for inspiration or help with my new found crafting hobby.
Leslie L. said…
I feel like such a downer, I don't have a favorite memory of 2017 - between work turmoil, medical issues and a hurricane named Irma it has been a crazy year. I am looking forward to a happier, healthier 2018. Thank you for the chance to win.
Sharon said…
Thank you so much for organizing this great blog hop! I look forward to it each year!
2017 was a great year with many wonderful family events since all my family is now in KY. And I look forward to much more fun in 2018.
Hope it is a wonderful year for you!
Linda Anderson said…
For 2018 I am looking forward to making new memories with my 2 grandkids to scrapbook and to learn new techniques in card making!
Sandy S. said…
Thanks for putting this together for all of us who spend our time hopping from blog to blog getting ideas from all of you fabulous artists. I'm looking forward to 2018 being a great year for the papercrafting world!
Thank you for putting all of this together each year! It really helps me get back into crafting after the holidays and I meet so many new and wonderful people thru your hop. Thanks again for everything!
Jingle said…
I am looking forward to a big change at home for our family this year!
Louanne said…
I am looking forward to traveling and creating some new great memories in 2018!
phlower said…
My favorite memory of 2017 is spending time with my new grandson who was born in June. I helped care for him during his first two months and it was pure joy! I am looking forward to crafting some special gifts for all three of grandchildren!
Unknown said…
I'm looking forward to graduating this June 2018!
Linda T said…
Thank you for such an amazing giveaway and a chance to win. My greatest memory in 2017 was having my Oncologist tell me I was now 10 yrs cancer free after my tests, My greatest gift is having another year to create.
beachgirl0323 said…
Thank you for organizing this giveaway. My favorite memory from 2017 was our family vacation. When all the kids grow up it's hard to get them together.
Nana Griffin said…
My favorite memory for 2017 is going to the day lily patch and buying new ones.
Sue D said…
Thanks for putting together this awesome blog hop. Favorite memory of 2017 was seeing my son and his family for Christmas since they moved far away this past summer.
slrdowney at hotmail dot com
FD91354 said…
You are two young looking to have two teenage daughters :) Your hands are full and still you have time to coordinate this HUGE project.. Thank you.. it has been a fun and omgosh, so many hops! Amazing. In 2018 I am hoping to become confident with my pencil coloring that I can try out alcohol markers. I think I have a fear of them.. but we'll see how it all plays out.
judy said…
Thanks for hosting this blog hop again this year! I am looking forward to more time for creating in 2018.
Kim said…
Starting the true journey of card making. I had always dabbled in it in the past by making my Christmas cards, but loved so many things I would see on Pintrest knowing if I got a Die cutter it would open my world up. So I got my die cutter with my birthday money in January, purchased my first set of dies shortly there after and hit the ground running.
What I am looking forward to in 2018, mastering hand lettering.
Chelle said…
We were married on white sandy beach in Hawaii in 2017 and we are celebrating our daughters graduation in 2018 and headed to Disneyworld...
Heidi Rees said…
My husband and I took our four kids camping for a week to watch the total solar eclipse, they’re wonder and awe was so incredible! In 2018 I’m going back to school to get my Bachelor’s degree in Nursing!!!
Unknown said…
2017 was a tough year for my family as my great nephew passed away at 2 1/2 months old. what i wish for in 2018 is happiness for my children and love
Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
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Kilcha Goos said…
What a wonderful tradition you started!

The highlight of 2017 was my best friend getting surprised engaged and married to someone amazing that suits her perfectly! So happy for them to have found happiness and love in each other this second time around.

In 2018 I hope to get re-energized about card making, and using all of the wonderful goodies that I've collected over the past 2 decades. Somehow having SOOO MUCH awesomeness is a bit overwhelming, and I need to learn to just grab a stamp set and create! :)
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