Quick and simple Father's Day gift

Okay, I know what you might be thinking.  What the heck it that?  Well, I will tell you what it is.  It is awesome to sum it up in one word.  This is the gift you give a Man on Father's Day, especially if you have no idea what to give him.  He will pretty much worship you, I promise.  
Beer.  Yep, good ole fashioned beer.
It is something all men love.
Say, it is Father's Day and you don't have a beer.  What you need to do is, go to the old man's house on the corner, who is always out in his yard (cuz his wife is crazy).  Yep, him.  You know he has like a 36 pack somewhere.  Or, go to the new young couple across the street who just had a baby, you know the guy who looks super defeated when he takes out the trash.  He has beer.  What about the couple with the teenagers, you know they have some strong stuff in the house.  My point being, 99.9% of your neighbors will have this.  You might have it too.
Now that you have your beer. Get some stamps, some ink, scraps of card stock, heck even your kids scrunched up construction paper will work, some twine, ribbon and buttons.  We all have extra buttons around, just use the extra ones that came with your flannel shirt, that you keep in the bowl on your dresser.  
Randomly stamp your images, add your buttons, and layer the card stock onto more card stock.  Punch a hole at the top, run some ribbon thru it, and attach it to the beer with twine.  If you don't have twine or ribbon, fishing line will work just as good.
Shopping for men, is just about impossible.  But, give a man a few of these, and a nice meal...and you got yourself a slave my dear.
Let him drink 3-4, ask him to go mow the lawn or clean out the garage, then you can go sneak in the bathtub.  It will be the best day ever :)

In all seriousness, my son helped me make this, so I think it is the best idea ever!  He is one smart kid.

Today, will be Kimberly and Julia's last posts for Avocado Arts.  They are tremendous stampers and are both very active in the paper crafting community, so they are not going far.  I will miss interacting with them on a regular basis.  Both of them are outstanding humans...i lovey dovey them...like a lot.  Make sure to visit their blogs, and wish them farewell.  But, two new fabulous ladies are replacing them, and they are fantastic and a perfect fit!!

Materials Used:
Avocado Arts stamps
kraft cardstock
grey card stock
green, black and blue ink


AJ said…
funny! and adorable, I love the tag! it's CUTE!
snappy scrappy said…
Too cute! Lee-Ann :)
Unknown said…
That's adorable!
Emily Leiphart said…
LOL, that's hilarious and so true! I love your beer tag. ;D
Ann said…
Now this is my kind of gift! Love your fun tag!
I cannot believe it! I just designed a card yesterday with this same idea! ACK! Great minds!!!!!!!!! However I love your creation BETTER!!!!!!!! LOVE the twine and ribbons:) YOU ROCK!
The beer tag is very cute - but the story is awesome funny! Thanks for the good belly laugh!
Anonymous said…
Love the christmas tree!
Anonymous said…
Love the christmas tree
Anonymous said…
Love the christmas tree

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