Homecoming...some pictures.

Sorry for the little blog break.  My husband came back from a January-July deployment, and we took off to Disney World for a week with the kids.  Bethany Walter, who owns Mady Joe Photography, was there to capture all of the emotion and smiles for Jess' return.  Thank you again for all of your support, it means so much.
Here are some of my favorite pictures from our homecoming.  I literally could not chose which ones to post...
Right now I am just so happy to have my family together :)

The kids waiting in the hangar

Jacob and his sign

Kendall and her sign

helos flying over us

there they are!!

I'm starting to realize he is home.

Jacob ran as fast as he could in flip flops to get to hid daddy.

first kiss back...planning a scrapbook page for this :)


A news crew was there interviewing Jake and Jess...here they are just having a little moment
they were on the news a few times, it was kind of neat to see them on tv

Jacob waiting for the interview to be over

all together

If you are in need of a wonderful, thoughtful photographer who finds her way into your family, I cannot give enough praise to Mady Joe Photography!  Bethany captured a moment in my families life that is so special to have in photos.  


Anne-Marie said…
How joyous!!
I'm all teary lookin' at those pics....absolutely wonderful!
Loooove the first kiss...looks like a still from a movie....enjoy your time together, honey! x
Joan B said…
so beautiful. brought tears to my eyes.
Unknown said…
Latisha, these are wonderful photos! I am so glad Jake has returned safe. Enjoy your time with him, your photos brought tears to my eyes. God bless you all and I will be waiting for that first kiss lay out.

jjocarlson said…
Wow what beautiful pics! Happy for your family that your hubby is home safe and sound! Hope you enjoy your time with him and your kids!
Amy K said…
Amazing photos! Congratulations on all of you being reunited.
Thank you for your service and sacrifices.

Blessings ~
Gabriele said…
I found your blog only today and browsed a bit through it (as I really love your style :) ).
Thus I also found your post about your husband going for another deployment. I am not in the same situation, but my husband worked abroad for several years and came home only after 2 or 3 months- so I know how it is to wait for the return.

And that is the reason, why I am commenting on an older post: I want to remind you of the day, he'll be back...

Sincere greetings!

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