Sickie talk & a fun Christmas card

I hope you have great plans for the weekend.
As for me, I am knocked on my booty kind of sick.  Chills, fever, sore throat, congestion...get the idea?  I am not going to lie, I am a little freaked out.  Hubby is gone for a bit, I am sick and I have company coming next week.  I need to clean the house, finish/start my Christmas cards, finish Christmas shopping, put up the Christmas tree and complete all of my crafty deadlines.  Did I mention I am sick, and have to do this alone...bah, lol.  Isn't that the way it always is?  At least I still have my sense of humor and wits about me, or the amount of stuff I need to complete this week could really send me over the deep end.  Somehow, it will all get done, I don't know how yet, but it will.  
The plan of the day, is to clean my craft-tastrophy I have going on, and to put the Christmas tree up, along with all of our holiday items.  Plus I need to have pictures developed from the last few days, to go into my December Daily Album (most of the pictures are of us being sick lol).  I guess I should go grocery shopping too.  That means I will have to actually look okay and go outside, gasp!  Why is it, when you are sick, the sun is like cryptonite?   Holy mamma!  I was in the car pick up line yesterday, picking up my son from school (and you all know how slow those lines move).  The sun was blaring on me and I thought my head was going to explode.  So, I am a little scared to go out into it.
Right now, I am downstairs in my living room, where once the sun comes out, tends to be the darkest room in the house (unless I open the curtains & blinds).  My boy is sleeping next to me, and I think I might take some cough syrup, before I hack up a lung and wake him up.  Some tea sounds grand too.
I hope you all have a great weekend and get a lot accomplished off of your to-do list.  I am going to give it a valiant try, to get a few checked off of mine.

Here is a fun Christmas card that I don't think I have shown.
(I am pretty sure it was a reject card, but I still love it)
Some of my favorite things on this one.

Materials Used:
May Arts ribbon
MME pattern paper
kraft card stock
foam tape


Lynnette said…
Oh girl, sorr you are so sick. There's been something going around my office that sounds familiar. I hope you knock it quickly. Love your card, and be sure to wear your sunglasses when you go out because I know EXACTLY what you were talking about. Hang in there, hugs :)
I can empathize-my gall bladder is acting up-dr. keeps saying the "s" word and I am saying NO! As for what has to get done-what absolutely needs doing-will happen. Don't sweat it. Do ALL the decorations have to go up? Nope. Cards? I gave up and ordered Shutterfly. Ahh-something NEW! Surprise! Check out the blog-the tao of doing! good site! oh-and Hang in there! and BREATHE! Blessings, Sharon
Brandi said…
Wow! This is adorable!
Terre said…
Hi Latisha, sorry to hear yu are under the weather, hope you feel better before your company comes. Nice card! Try to get some rest, you know it is the best thing for you when you are feeling poorly.
opps-its the DAO of doing blog! sorry! Hope you're feeling better!
Shirl said…
Nice to hear that you are finally on the mend, Latisha!

Love how you made this typewrite a Christmas card...simply lovely!

Just dropping by to wish you a Merry Christmas and a wonderful holiday!

Hugs, Shirl

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