Tags made out of scraps

The days and weeks leading up to CHA (Craft & Hobby Association), I was really busy working on projects for different booths.  What this left me was a huge mess, and a ton of scraps.  If it is a nice card stock or a pattern paper, I try to find a use for it.  I had a small scrap of kraft paper left, and if you love kraft card stock like I do, there is no way you are getting rid of it.  Looking at the scrap paper, I could tell it was just big enough to make a few tags, but too small to make a card, so I went with the tags.

The paper was 4 1/4 x 8 inches, so all I needed to do was trim the tags to a length that I liked.  I went with 2 1/4 in width by 4 1/4 long.  Now this next part was just pure luck.  As I was trying to figure out what stamps to use (because I new I would use the MME So Sophie pattern paper), I grabbed my Cake Shoppe Too stamps from Mint Motif (sold through iheartpapers).  I took a look at the bottom layer of the largest cakes and they all fit perfectly.  I love it when things happen like that.
My children start school in 2 weeks, so I will put these tags in a basket, with other cards, gift cards and such.  My children are known to tell me with zero notice that they need a birthday card, present whatever, so it is nice to have things done and prepared for when it happens.
Materials Used:
Kraft card stock
May Arts ribbon
MME So Sophie pattern paper
hole punch


Ann said…
Super cute and a great use of scraps! It's smart to keep a stash, too...I don't have kids, but my co-workers tend to ask me for last minute crafts all the time. :)
Karen B. said…
Loving your super fast creations lately, these are awesome!
asela said…
These are so cute! What a great idea

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