Merry Christmas thoughts


I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas today.  Today brings me thoughts and feelings of gratitude.  Here are a few thoughts...

That the excitement and joy I have always had for Christmas, my children have too.

Watching my children open their presents is my favorite gift.

Listening to the Nutcracker cd makes me wish I took ballet for more than 5 lessons (I liked gymnastics better)

Watching my son go around the house searching for evidence that Santa was here.

That my children love to give to charity, just like my husband and myself.

That we are not affected by the economy, can pay our bills, have a home and can provide food for our children.

That I get to eat some of my favorite food today.

That the real 12 days of Christmas is starting today.

That my children think their best present this year, is their Papa visiting them.

My husband is home, and we get to make new memories.

Thankful for all of the wonderful online friendships I have formed through blogging.

Today I am healthy.

I wish all of you a very Merry Christmas!!!


Leslie Miller said…
Just dropping by to say Merry Christmas, Latisha! It sounds like you're having a wonderful time!
Deb said…
Love to you, my friend, half-way through these 12 days of Christmas! You're my 2009 blessing!

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