funky chicken

Well I hope Chris likes this card. Her surgery is 8 hours long & she will be in the hospital for about a week. So coming home to snail mail, will be a nice treat. I am going to try to mail her a card everyday. Did I tell you all that the post office closest to me is in the mall! Not joking, and its bigger than the post office I had to go to in little Milton, FL. Its takes about 20 minutes, with parking and all just to get there. I am on the hunt for a better Post Office.
**story below is not card related**
Oh another quick story, the other day we were in bumper to bumper traffic on our way back from SeaWorld and 4 or 5 lanes all had to merge into one. There were signs for at least a few miles giving notice to the drivers. Well I merged over when I was supposed to, but you know how there are those cheaters who drive all the way up to the front and sneak there way in. Well this guy thought he was hot stuff. He had his fake and bake tan going on with his tips of his hair high lighted. Well I have a huge Suburban, you don't mess with me, and he kept inching into my lane. Mind you I was doing every other one rule but this guy was a big time cheater. Well he thought I was just going to let him in & he puts his hand out on his roof of his truck and flips me off in front of my kids. Oh I do not think so buddy. So I start honking and drive up next to him & I get just a few inches from his truck. So he rolls his window down, stops driving & wanted to have a discussion on why I will not let him in. So I say to him that "I don't have time to have a Dr. Phil moment in bumper to bumper traffic & discuss me "totally not lettting him in" and next time to merge when he is supposed to" The whole time my husband is just sitting in the passenger seat, looking at the guy like he is crazy. Only in CA would this happen. We laughed it off, but I still can't believe he wanted to talk about our feelings! Seriously people who does that lol.
Your card is stinkin' cute, I am sure Chris will really appreciate it! I am going to make one for her today and pop it in the mail!
Yep, that merging this can drive you mad! People are such RUDE drivers!
Those cardstock stickers on my layout came from Samm, and she's in the UK. That's why I love them so much, because I don't think I can get there here in the US! Thanks!!
Gorgeous card. Give my hugs to Chris as well please.
Michelle SBS10
as for the driver there are such rude people on the roads that dont deserve a driving licensce!!!
Hope you are well, sorry I haven't popped in :( hope you will forgive me :) xx