My Secret Project

I emailed friends and family asking if they would make a page to put in the album as well. It is going to be a 6 in. x 6 in. album. Since this is a surprise gift, I have to work on it in secret, that means my time is limited to when Kendall is at school or sleeping. Today I finished the first page of the scrapbook. I am using a Stampin Up album, so all I need to do is slide in the pages, so I am not limited to what I can use, and makes it easier for family & friends too. This is the first time in at least 10 years I am not using a Creative Memories album, its kind of freaky but fun all at the same time. I love the creativity of scrapbooking, but I am a freak about preserving my photos, so I am very picky when it comes to "my" albums and what products I use in them. So, I feel a little liberated being able to use anything. I'm not sure if the album will hold up for the next 200 years but I'm ok with that :) Everything that I have used so far is safe, well except the brads. Brads havn't been tested, but there isn't a picture on this page for me to worry about future rust.
This is going to be fun, as long as I don't tell her. I am the type of Mom who gives gifts early because I can't stand it. Its hard for me to keep cool things from my kids >"<

Cheers and blessings - Alyssa (SBS10)
Just wrtite me the colors of your preference and a theme is you need help with one in particular. And of course your snail address.