Sending Love your Way ensemble

Today the designers from Lawn Fawn, are showing projects using the You've Got Mail stamp set. This set is for anyone who mails cards, but for those of you who have a military service member in your family, or a friend, or maybe you send cards to Operation Write Home. This set will, become a staple for you. I created this little set of cards for a daughter of one of my friends. Her Daddy, will go on his first deployment this year. My heartstrings get pulled when I see little ones not understanding why their parent is gone, it is heartbreaking. My children loved and still love to get little things in the mail when Jess is gone, for that moment they are special. I hope this will brighten her day. I am sending her, four little note cards to send her Dad, and a mailbox tin filled with bubblegum, lady gaga play sunglasses, and some ring pops, and it is all in a pretty bright pink. So girly and perfect. Head on over to the Lawn Fawn blog , to s...