Inexpensive way to store papers & embellies

I really needed an easy storage solution for all of my new papers and embellishment I have been getting (buying), that I like to keep out.  So instead of having piles of stuff everywhere, this video will show you what I am doing or trying to do.  I also really like to keep my paper lines together, so the bags can contain my scraps too.  Plus I always love it when I get a kit in the mail from Studio Calico or Kenner Road and it comes in a cool ziploc storage bag.  This is not how all of my supplies are organized, just my new stuff for now.  Eventually I would like to have something like this for the rest of stuff.
Its really hard to do a video unscripted and have it not be shaky, so I apologize now for being redundant lol.  I purchased the hefty bags and basket at Target.

Hefty One Zip bags
14 3/8 in x 16 inches

Woven basket from Target
11 inches high
15 inches across
13 or 14 inches deep (back)


Tiff said…
You can't beat the price! Genius! $16 for a paper storage system, you can't beat that. I love that you can see through the bags :) Thanks for posting this!
Great idea! Thanks for sharing it. :o)
Laurel Beard said…
Great idea!!! :) You are too funny laughing at yourself!
Anonymous said…
I'm totally going to steal your idea. Love this!
Courtney Baker said…
Fabulous idea. So stealing this. ;)
Bonita Rose said…
Love it.. thks for sharing!
~kelly marie~ said…
LOVE this! You've made me want to go to a grocery. This is a big deal. haha! :)
Anonymous said…
Great idea! I was I would have seen it yesterday--I was at Target yesterday afternoon. Am definitely going to try this. It seems like a good way to transport various sets when I go to crops. Thanks so much for passing it on.
Mary Dawn said…
awesome idea,i had no idea there were zip bags this big! thank you
Anita Rex said…
Oh my gosh I do this too! Seriousy I have been doing this atey because I like to see it and if my son gets into it he can't open and it do much harm"! But I haven'T put it into the woven basket and I love that idea!
Anne Tussing said…
Love your idea.....I'm off to Target:)

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