Busy Times

I apologize for not blogging in a week but my life is really crazy right now. As most of you know my husband just finished flight school. There is a lot of pomp and circumstance that goes into a winging, most of it is just tradition. So I have to make a winging banner...which isn't done and I have at least 5 more hours to put into it until its done {needs to be hanging in my yard at the latest by Friday}. Tomorrow is his soft winging, not a problem but is takes up most of my day. Then Thursday is his winging, basically everyone gets dressed up and its a fancy graduation with top Navy/Marine officials there...lots of brass if you know what I mean. Then that night is a party...all the "wingers" get to let loose because they finally are done with flight school and everyone is moving. All of this isn't a problem, I can deal. So today my husband is stuck in another town because of winds and he couldn't fly back, so we are trying to find out where we are moving over the phone...long process, no-one seemed to be able to answer any questions. So then, we finally find out he got orders to Jacksonville...totally awesome thats where we wanted to go and its only 6 hours away. This would be such an easy move, we have never been able to move this close before. So then he calls back and tells me that his replacement air group {rag} is in San Diego. Ok I'm a little stunned, but still I can deal with moving to San Diego for 9 months and then back to Florida, because we will be in Jacksonville for about 3 1/2 years.
So he gets home about an hour ago and tells me, he thinks we might have to be in San Diego by April 3rd, but he will not know for sure until Monday!!!! Here is when I am freaking losing my beans. What this means is we can't start our move until next week but thats when we need to have movers here, because it takes about 4-5 days to drive to CA from here in sunny FL. How do I know that...because I'm crazy and drove home a few summers ago. Basically I need to set up a move and find a house by Monday or Tuesday. I'm really going to be fine after I have a few shots of whatever liquor we have in our house. If I was a smoker I think I would need a cigarette right about now. So this is why I havn't been blogging, I've been getting ready for this winging and we just had family fly in from CA today. I hope I get to blog again before Easter but if I don't I hope all of you have a great Easter and Good Friday, or at least enjoy the day off >"<>


Chris said…
gotta love the navy.....>"<
Alhambra Club said…
congratulations on your husbands graduation and "winging". You will love Jacksonville, I lived there for about 6 years so if you need any info just ask.
Alex said…
Congrats - this is a big deal (I know after spending 24 years in the Navy) so I am excited for you all!! Oh, I have been in your shoes girl - had to move with less than a month's notice and we were frantic! You will love SD though and I just moved from Jacksonville which we loved and we still have a house there. If you need any questions answered about schools and such, I would be happy to help! Hang in there girl!! *STAMPIN HUGS* Alex
ScrapMomOf2 said…
Woohoo! You've got a lot going on! Hang in there! I hope it doesn't get too crazy! Congratulations to your husband! Way to go!

P.S. Blog candy alert on my blog. I can mail it to you if you win after you're all settled! Take care and Happy Easter!!
Alyssa said…
Whoa, girl! Hang in there -- I'll say lots of extra prayers for you this weekend. What an exciting time! And excitement usually comes with challenges...but you sound like a pro and let me just say that you're handling it SO much better than I would be right now. Enjoy this exciting time, and good luck with the move/house hunting!
stampingmommy said…
WOW!! Hang in there girl!! I can't even imagine how your are dealing-Good luck with the house hunting and moving all sooo quickly! Happy Easter!
Heather (SBS 10)
Michelle said…
Hey there Latisha - know you are just FLAT OUT, but just wanted you to know that I nominated you for the "You Make My Day" Award! Thanks for the fantastic encouragement you give me via my blog & our SBS10 group - you're an inspiration to me, and wanted to tell you that! Totally understand if you are too busy to do anything about taking part in this at the mo, so just enjoy the accolade!
Michelle SBS10
p.s details on my blog if you do have 10 mins with nothing pressing to do, like finding somewhere to live, packing up your house etc! LOL
Take care.
Unknown said…
So happy you are going to be placed where you wish to be, congrats to your DH and your family!
Unknown said…
Wow, seems like the services are the same the world over! Take it easy, congrats to your husband and hope everything gets sorted ok. I know all about losing ur beans ;-)
Joy Jenkins said…
Congrats!! I hope your move goes good. Don't worry, it'll soon be over! Take time for yourself, girl!
Unknown said…
Congratulations to your husband!! Hope you find a great house.
Whitney N said…
Hey! I just stumbled upon your blog, which is awesome because my husband is winging in 7 days! I've just recently heard about the winging banner and am waiting on instructions so I can try and scramble to get it done! We're waiting on hearing where we're going next. So much anxiety! Anyway, I'm glad I found your blog. Love the pictures of the banner and the winging! My blog is http://wdusharm.blogspot.com if you're interested!

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